Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2004-10-23 18:03
mens_issues writes "I got rather annoyed when reading about how John Kerry felt he had to deprecate men in order to pander to the women's voting bloc. He predictably throws in the old canard about the "wage gap" as well. I'm voting for Badnarik for President anyway (and Libertarian for the U. S. Congressional races as well). The CNN article is here (originally in Reuters):
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Submitted by Thomas on Sat, 2004-10-23 04:39
The Washington Times reports here on another step by the Pentagon to move women closer to direct combat roles.
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Submitted by Adam on Fri, 2004-10-22 22:13
AngryMan writes "This article is an unusual ray of optimism, showing what can be done to improve boys' educational performance. In short: stop treating them like girls."
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Submitted by Adam on Fri, 2004-10-22 18:11
Steven Brown writes "A truly terrifying turn of events here. All pregnant women in Britain, will in future be asked if their husbands (or boyfriends I guess) are beating them! Words fail me...
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Submitted by Adam on Fri, 2004-10-22 01:48
robrob writes "A female prison officer has successfully argued that it is sexual discrimination against her that she has to strip-search male inmates. Of course, female inmates enjoy the privilege of only being strip searched by female officers. She, the employment tribunal and the BBC seem oblivious to the double standard. Men can be strip-searched by men or women, women can be strip-searched by women only. The female officers that strip-search the men are discriminated against. Mind it here."
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Submitted by Adam on Thu, 2004-10-21 20:47
AngryMan writes "Russia has 2-years compulsory military service for all men (none for women!) However, the army is crippled by a culture of bullying which causes widespread misery, has led to suicides, and reduces combat effectiveness. I wonder if other armies are so different. This is another issue to consider when talking about the draft. Article here"
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Submitted by Adam on Thu, 2004-10-21 18:45
AngryMan writes "Live Aid organiser Bob Geldof speaks out in defence of marriage, the traditional family, and father's rights. Interestingly this article is on the Women's page! After all, where else should a story about parenting go? Here is a much better commentary by journalist Melanie Phillips."
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Submitted by Adam on Wed, 2004-10-20 18:30
amperro writes "This article speaks for itself.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2004-10-18 04:02
Submitted by Adam on Mon, 2004-10-18 02:16
Ray writes "Here is an upcoming TV show here Series: The Most Extreme, Episode: Battle of the Sexes,
"It's all about who's in control and the males and females of the animal kingdom will use size, speed, strength, and brains to come out on top. Find out which gender will rule the roost in this epic battle of the sexes."
Oct 19, 2004 @12:00 AM on The Animal Planet. Other times and date are listed too so check your local listings.
IMHO, Gender can be a modern social construction to the degree that homo sapiens have the ability to intelligently manipulate their role in their environment and still survive as a speices.
Beyond that I see gender purely as a construction of nature/evolution with the intent of survival of the species as the ultimate goal of the "constructed genders."
Given how gender is being legislated by lawmakers like Sheila Kuehl, and others, to suit gender feminist ideology here , this episode of the The Most Extreme looked interesting."
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Submitted by Thomas on Sun, 2004-10-17 22:15
Cathy Young has published this brief analysis of the case for joint parental custody after divorce. She's presented some references, though not specific citations, and debunked the feminist distortion of the 1989 Gender Bias Study of the Massachusetts SJC.
This good read was published in the Boston Globe.
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Submitted by Thomas on Sun, 2004-10-17 21:03
Pradeep Ramanathan writes
Lords & Ladies,
Recently, someone on the Mensactivism site enquired as to what was the difference between provisional chapters of NCFM and regular chapters. Also, there was some question as to how to start a chapter. As Vice President of NCFM, it is my responsibility (among other things) to assist with chapter development. The following is a brief excerpt from a 12 page pamphlet that Tom Williamson and I wrote years ago to assist with chapter development. I have not included comments on how to go from provisional to official since that takes place over a year after establishing the chapter. Hope this helps.
Please see "Read More" for details.
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2004-10-17 02:24
Ed writes "Columnist Suzanne Fields has just unleashed another attack on men, "A Long Way from Kabul, Baby," which recently ran in the Washington Times. How's this for enlightened political commentary:
'Many Afghan men fear that the presidential election marks the loosening of their traditional power and control over their women, and we can rejoice that they're probably right. Warlords and tribal elders are particularly threatened.'
You can view the whole article here.
Here's the e-mail for Letters to the Editor:
And while you're at it, here is Fields’ e-mail:"
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Submitted by Adam on Fri, 2004-10-15 21:38
frank h writes "I submit this article from WND because I'd like the perspective of this group. I rememebr reading excerpts from Kinsey's research when I was a kid hunting for some titillation in my mother's Good Housekeeping magazines. I really don't recall having much judgement on the value of the research, but I do recall his work being the justification for a lot of talk on sexual liberation. Here's the thing: the person attacking him is a woman named Dr. Judith Reisman. She wrote a white paper here In PDF Format, that appears, on a cursory inspection, to attack men as exclusive perpetrators of sex misbehavior.
More recent examination of sexual misbehavior now includes women as perpetrators, and it appears to me that Dr. Reisman still lives in the world where all evil comes from men, and so my analysis of her response to the Kinsey movie is that it is decidedly baised against men, and therefore specious."
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Submitted by Adam on Fri, 2004-10-15 18:36
Aquix writes "The National School Board Association, here, suggest specific dress code restrictions on boys only. Girls should be allowed to wear pants and dresses, but boys should not be given the choice of the two.
While many may agree, it's yet another example where girls get a choice and boys are excluded."
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