1990s UK Child Abuse Witch Hunt

AngryMan writes "Britain has been in the grip of a child-abuse witch-hunt since the mid-1980s. As a result, innocent men have gone to prison and many children have been removed from their families unnecessarily. This article traces the history of the sorry affair, and notes that feminists have played a significant role in stirring up the hysteria. Also see the excellent site of writer Richard Webster."

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More failure at the UK Child Support Agency

AngryMan writes "The UK government agency responsible for seizing fathers' income, the Child Support Agency, continues to be a national embarrassment. Story here"

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"Mother" starves sons to death

This story made it to the front page of cnn.com, but only as an off-link. Well, sometimes, it does happen that these kinds of stories are not totally buried on page G67. Note she had a history of child abuse and neglect but that wasn't enough to get her custody of these children called into question; apprently it isn't a priority to save the lives of children, particularly when they are male and when the abuser is their "mother".

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29 year old woman "has affair with" 8-year-old boy

Steven Brown writes "A 29 year old woman called Tammy Imre has 'sex' with an eight year old boy!

What's the betting she doesn't get sent to prison? I'm sure she'll be declared 'insane' and given three months in a hospital. If the sexes were reversed of course, the man would be facing life behind bars."

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Radio Program on Equal Pay

AngryMan writes "The BBC radio show Woman's Hour is both a national institution and a feminist mouthpiece. Here is a recent item they covered "Gateshead Council is giving a pay-out to female employees but not to the men who work alongside them". You need RealPlayer to listen."

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Government Women's Health website

SJones writes "The U.S. government is spending a large amount of our tax dollars for the Women's Health network, while spending nothing for men's health. They have set up a website, http://www.4woman.gov/, which includes not only information about women's health issues, but also the usual disproven female supremacist propaganda about violence against women, and suprisingly a link to minor information about men's health.

Click "Read More" for more information...

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Female sexual abuse more common than thought.

Dave K writes "From the Herald Sun via MND: here

It seems that adult women abusing young men may... JUST MAY... be more of a problem than previously thought. In fact, I'll bet a dollar that it just may be more prevelant (due to it's virtually OPEN acceptance in society) than the reverse (which will get you jail time).

I know I was propositioned by an older woman when I was Well under 18. I distinctly recall thinking she was ANCIENT... 30 or maybe 35! I know friends who's first experiences were with "older" women. To be honest I didn't think anything of it at the time, but how many young men get pulled into those sorts of relationships... I'll go out on a short limb and say "A LOT".

So lets encourage the study of this sort of behavior, lets point out all the Mary Kay's out there. Our young men need as much if not MORE (slower development remember?) protection from predatory women as young women need from predatory men."

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UK Anti-Male Paedophile Witch-Hunt Continues

AngryMan writes "A new report claims that the conviction rate for child sex abuse is too low. Particularly worrying is the call for "better handling of "soft" information - such as anecdotal evidence of past wrongdoings". Are more men going to be jailed on the basis of gossip? As usual, no mention of women offenders, no mention of false accusations.

Story here"

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Swedes Post Photos of Men Violating Women's integrity

Roy writes "A news item posted on the iFeminist site reports that a Swedish newspaper plans to publish the names and photos of men "convicted of violating the integrity of women."

Apparently women are born with this "integrity chromosome..."

It's hard to believe that American feminists have overlooked this lucrative scam to further criminalize maleness.

(Brief article here) -

Swedish newspaper to name men guilty of violence against women

STOCKHOLM : A Swedish newspaper announced on Saturday it would break with press custom and in future publish the names and photographs of men found guilty of violence against women.

Norrlaendska Socialdemokraten, the leading newspaper of the northern region of Norrbotten, made the announcement after a local man killed his ex-wife, a mother of three, with an axe.

"We will in future publish the names of men convicted of violating the integrity of women (the legal definition in Sweden of any form of violence or threat against women), together with photographs if we have these," wrote editor Lennart Haakansson.

He said there were men who "committed systematic, serious and repeated violence and acts of repression against women, worthy of the worst mafiosi."

"Very often they use violence against women they have just met," the editor continued.

He said his newpsaper's action, rare in the Swedish press in such cases, was in the public interest.

"We consider it important to let our women readers know the identities of individuals to avoid." – AFP

Full Story"

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FL Police's Second Tazer Use Incident

This time, they used a tazer on a 12-YO girl who was believed to be drunk, skipping class, and fleeing police. According to the article, that use of the tazer was apparently wrong-- but not the other one wherein they used it on a 6-YO boy who apparently could not be stopped from self-injury any other way.

No 2x-standards here... nope...

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Anti-boy Toys "R" Us commercial

mens_issues writes "Toys "R" Us has an anti-boy commercial on TV showing two boys exiting their bedroom at the same time. They get stuck in the door and are apparently too stupid to figure out how to solve the problem. Their sister condescendingly says "Maybe next year boys," while reading a Toys "R" Us catalog. She goes into her bedroom and closes the door, which has a sign saying "Girls Rule, Boys Drool."

Contact these jerks here or call 1-888-869-7932. The Toys "R" Us corporate Web site is at http://www.toysrusinc.com."

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Respectyourman.org - Australian web site

The operator of http://www.respectyourman.org/ contacted MANN administrators to let us know of his site. Please take a minute to visit it. There's some good stuff there.

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Police Use Tazer on 6-YO Boy

I wonder if the police would have done the same thing had a 6-YO girl been behaving this way? I can only imagine what sort of effects this will have on him, as clearly he is already very disturbed by something going on in his life and/or mind. I wonder if the officers will even get into any serious trouble for what they did? Now contrast the concern for his well-being as compared to the concern for this girl's, both appearing as links on CNN's home page as of this writing. Would these stories be written the same way had the sexes been reversed? You bet they would not have.

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Yeah, She's the Victim Here

The_Beedle writes "This woman intentionally causes a collision and then babbles at the Police that she was trying to hurt her boyfriend, yet the press is calling it 'Road Rage'. What does a woman have to do before it's labelled Domestic Violence?"

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U.S. Won't Let Men Flee Fallujah

Dave K writes "

After arguing that the US wouldn't do this (in a thread below)... I have to admit this is exactly what they're doing.

Looks like their belief is that it's better to force male refugees back into the city to prevent any combatants to escape than to incarcerate them. Obviously they don't want combatants in jail... they want them dead, and are willing to risk the lives of (an admittedly low percentage of) innocent Iraqi males still in the city to do it.

It's a sad thing, right or wrong."

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