False Rape Accusation was Revenge

AngryMan writes "A woman whose anonymmity is protected falsely accused teacher Giles Rush of rape after a date. He left immediately after sex and she wanted to teach him a lesson. Story here, but check out this commentary by Victoria Coren in the highbrow London Observer - apparently Mr Rush got just what he deserved. Even dating is becoming increasingly dangerous..."

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The Price of the Fatherless Family

AngryMan writes "Remember Germaine Greer praising divorce?

After 30 years of socially re-engineering the family,
this excellent site shows the truly horrible results.
"The weight of evidence indicates that the traditional family based upon a married father and mother is still the best environment for raising children"

All fathers need to read this."

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Woman dissolves husband in acid bath over child custody

AngryMan writes "I think this happened in 2003, but I just came across it. Those child custody battles can get very messy..."

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Women excluded from DV pledge

TLE writes "In Austin, the annual pledge against domestic violence took place with great fanfare outside the Capitol steps, and you guessed it - only MEN were called upon to make the pledge. The local shelter (which claims to accept male victims as well as female) called SafePlace can be reached here for anyone wishing to ask them why women are not called upon to promise not to commit violence against men and children. And why not also have women promise not to provoke violent responses from men by throwing and breaking things, or lying about sexual assault? I suspect they accept male DV victims (in theory) to get around legal funding problems, while never admitting that women also commit DV."

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UNH Student Evicted From Dorm for Posting Flyer That Insulted Women

UNH continues its administrative assault on men. A male sophomore student, Timothy Garneau, posted a flyer in his dorm hall suggesting that female students could lose the "freshman fifteen" by taking the stairs instead of the elevator if they only live a few floors up. The offensive (and admittedly tasteless) flyer was removed within two hours and the student promptly found guilty of violating policies on affirmative action, harassment and disorderly conduct. He was evicted from his dorm and now lives out of his car. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education is defending him.

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Article on Domestic Violence

AngryMan writes "This article from the 'lectric law library' debunks many of the myths about DV, and contains many useful facts and figures."

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Female Sexual Harrassment Predator FAILS!

Luek writes " Bill O'Reilly, the top ranked Fox News commentator as we all know was hit by a sexual harassment lawsuit by one of his female co workers. He countersued on the complaint that the female accuser and her ambulance chasing male lawyer were just working a corporate shakedown scheme to get $60 million dollars to drop the suit.

The news is that both complaints have been dropped with the female predator admitting that no harassment took place.

But before this resolution it was widely reported that Bill O'Reilly would be forever damaged by this accusation whether or not he prevailed against the accuser. Just the mere fact that a man has been charged with the dire act of sexual harassment is enough to ruin a vibrant career.

However, since the accusation, Mr. O'Reilly's show's ratings, which where in the top percentile before the slander, have skyrocketed an amazing 30%!!!

Maybe this is a sign that the majority of the public is becoming wise to the sexual harassment gambit played by golddigging females to advance their careers?"

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Female Men's Rights Activist Is Number One

Canadian Senator Ann Cools has been voted the top woman in the Toronto Sun's 10 Top Women poll. She's a men's rights activist.

Senator Cools received nearly 50% of the votes, mostly from men. Are men's rights activists starting to gain serious attention? You'd better believe it!

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Woman attacks co-worker over promotion

AngryMan writes "A woman cut the brake cables on her male co-worker's car, because he got the promotion she wanted. The judge gave her 4 years. Story here"

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Sexist Volkswagen

Anonymous User writes "In Australia Volkswagen advertised the Golf in TV ads that objectified men. Women driving the cars were using the rear vision mirrors to ogle men's crotches. The punch line of the ad revolved around objects viewed in the mirror may appear larger.

What I found totally offensive is the fact that the Australian Advertising Standards Bureau found the ad acceptable yet if any ad reversed the roles and had men ogling women, the ad would never have aired."

Anyone verify and got contact links? Let's get some activism going.

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Rape? RAPE!?

frank h writes "Why, I think this article is a first! Or at least, a first in recent memory: a news organization actually using the term 'rape' in association with a woman "having sex" with her students. Check it out."

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UK Gov. Promotes Workplace Myths

AngryMan writes "The UK government has bought into the feminist mythology about the workplace. This BBC article tells how Secretary Patricia Hewitt will announce a new drive to help women who want to work in 'male dominated sectors', such as IT and science, at a Downing Street conference on Tuesday."

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Shhh! Don't Tell Anyone

The_Beedle writes "Chuck Shepard's News of the Weird continues to be the prime source for men's rights news, this time with the lead story that a court in California has refused the LA child support agency its request that a reversal of paternity be kept secret, with the intention of preventing other falsely named fathers from finding out precedent has been set for DNA evidence to be used to clear them. The media that originally published this story was the Reverend Moon's own Washington Times. Nothing like seeing the principles of an open and honest society at work."

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Pro-Male NH State Rep Needs Your Help

NH State Representative David Bickford is seeking re-election this fall and is taking out newspaper ads for his campaign. I can attest to Rep. Bickford's motivation and values to improve the state of men's and father's rights. He is probably the most consistently pro-male lawmaker in the country. Rep. Bickford has been the most important sposnor of father friendly-legislation in the state, and has a strong strategic sense of how to succeed in his work. He is tirelessly helping to make steady progress in NH, and by example, for the rest of the country. Rep. Bickford helped establish the first state Commission on the Status of Men in the country, and he needs your financial help to continue his work. Please Read More below to view a list of his recent activity and information on where to send donations to.

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Some election time humor for you

Given some conversations I have heard, this one comes to mind....

Once upon a time, living in a cotton field, was a rather large community of boll weevils. There happened to be in one weevil family two brothers. The first was rather lazy and spent a lot of time hanging out drinking beer and smoking. He got little or no exercise except for jumping to conclusions, watched TV a lot and generally didn't lift a finger all day. Predictably, he didn't do a lick of work. Why his parents put up with him is anyone's guess since he lived with them well into adulthood. Now, the second brother was studious, industrious, and thrifty, always looking for ways to better himself. He got lots of exercise, worked hard, saved money, went to college, and otherwise made his parents proud as punch, opening no fewer than three new businesses, writing 4 books, and did a successful break-out marathon on the book-signing and talk-show circuit. He had his sites set on the governor's mansion and he was only 28 years old (in weevil years)! He positively shown bright from among the weevil peoples.

So naturally the first of the two brothers was known among the insects of the field as the lesser of two weevils.


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