GOP Asks for Grassroots Participation in 2004

this is not equality writes "The GOP is asking for individual input for the party platform in 2004. This year, for the first time, suggestions given online may be included in the final document.

Anyone can logon to the web site (here) and participate in the platform process.

We need to tell the Republicans that Men's Issues are important. If we don't make an effort, we can only blame ourselves.

Please help form the GOP platform in 2004. Visit the website and tell them that we are fed up."

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SAFE New Hampshire loses domestic violence office

jadeforrest writes "The New Hampshire Chapter of Stop Abuse For Everyone (VIP/SAFE-NH) has had to close its office due to lack of funds. This is not affecting the services offered there, but it underscores the need to support truly gender-neutral domestic violence services:


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DIsney Employee Found Not Guilty of Molestation

radikal writes "A Walt Disney World worker who portrayed the character Tigger was found not guilty Wednesday of touching the breast of a 13-year-old girl while posing for a photo at the Magic Kingdom. Read more here..."

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False accusations (India)

Indianmale writes "Sangyabalya is a men's rights group in India. They have recently launched their website. It's

This is an article from Amnesty International. This says that the growing concern in India reg false accusations by women is `much ado about nothing'. Read it here"

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MA Supreme Court allows online sex registry

CJ writes "The same state supreme court (MA) that ruled that the unique institution of heterosexual marriage violated the rights of gays/lesbians, and also denies the natural parental rights of fathers to be involved in their own children’s lives with custodial privileges - today ruled that the right for widespread public access of level three sex offender information on the internet including pictures, names and addresses is “an 'apt fit' to contemporary life.” This was a unanimous decision (7-0) with the understanding that this ruling violated the liberty and privacy rights of a person accused and found guilty of a Level 3 sex crime (and who also served their sentence). It was also noted and accepted that by publishing this information could lead to harassment or even vigilantism. Rulings like this open the doors for the further dilution of liberty and privacy rights of citizens as precedent has been set, and socio-political interest groups have been empowered by this decision. For issues relating to gender, father rights and male citizenship and liberty, this is a milestone ruling as it will likely start trickling down into lower courts. This is not an argument to protect criminals, but rather a statement concerning "what next?" An apt quote: "In Germany the Nazis first came for the Communists and I didn't object because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't object because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't object because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't object because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me." Article


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Mary Kay Letourneau Update

Anonymous User writes "Mary Kay, the teacher who had sex (or as the Post calls it "forbidden love affair") with her 12-year old male student is about to be released from jail. In this article by the New York Post, they speak of her letters that she has recently written to her victim. In these crazy and sometimes angry letters she brags about: having sex with a 23 year old prison guard,flirting with a lesbian, and she tells of how "People pay big money for my autograph now" article here"

And in related news Thundercloud writes "Just to show that the whole fad of female pedophiles is not only on the rise but has gained acceptance in western culture, I submit to you the up coming TV show "DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES", When this show airs this fall we will be treated to yet another relationship between an older woman and an under aged teenage boy. I am not sure how old the woman is supposed to be. I think she is in her late 30s, and the boy is supposed to be 16. Although the actor portraying the boy is 18 or 19. Which, of course, isn't the issue. The issue is FEMALE PEDOPHILIA and STATUTORY RAPE! and the fact that it is being celebrated, again and again in the mainstream media.
You can bet your a$$ that if there was a trend going on where men were RAPING underage girls,it would NOT be celebrated, pushed and submitted for approval by the "entertainment" industry. No it would be completely CONDEMNED by all.
this thing has gotten out of hand! We MUST start holding FEMALE pedophiles to the same standard that we hold male pedophiles! We must tell female pedophiles that we will NOT tolerate this!"

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Sacks, NOW Clash over Bryant Ruling

Anon User writes "Columnist and talk show host Glenn Sacks debated two leaders of the National Organization for Women on the recent rape-shield ruling in the Kobe Bryant trial in the San Francisco Chronicle. See:

and over here

The Chronicle has a web-based vote on the Bryant decision
at this link"

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Feminized Men are more successful in work?

apetr writes "Metrosexuals or feminized men, apparently are finding more success in the executive world because they are possesing traits normally associated by women. Slowly we are being turned into women and girls, boys are being drugged in school for dare I say "being boys" and now, if you are a man who behaves more like a women, you will be more successful! How wonderful it must be to be a women, it is not masculinity but femininity, see they don't have to change, we do, to become better human beings. Here is the article."

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Misandric Kleenex Commercial

mens_issues writes "A Kleenex commercial shows a young man walking along the side of a muddy dirt road. An attractive young woman speeds by in a sports car, which splashes him with muddy water. She stops, and he looks at her like she’s a goddess. Without a word she throws a box of Kleenex at his chest and speeds off.

Contact Kleenex at here (Note: I had to turn off my pop-up blocker to get the site to work).


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Medical profession losing stature

thatold55 writes "In an interesting article, Britain's Professor Carol Black suggests that as the medical field becomes ever more dominated by women, the profession runs the risk of suffering the same loss of stature as in the field of education."

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Discrimination against men by Los Angeles County

Ray Blumhorst writes "This news story Budget woes, jail crowding let many female inmates out early
, points out that, "Male inmates serve anywhere from 10 percent to 100 percent of their sentences, depending on the seriousness of their offense..." and one legal expert points out that this policy will be difficult to challenge, "Legal experts said it would be difficult to challenge the sheriff's policy on the grounds that it discriminates against men.

"It's not a cut-and-dried equal- protection violation,' said Carrie Hempel, a clinical professor of law at USC. "The standard for equal protection for prisoners is much lower than for someone who's not incarcerated.'"

That's right, criminals lose constitutional rights when they are sentenced, and here I thought they were losing their rights just for having been born male. What do you think?"

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A Different Perspective on Polygamy

A.J. writes "This article is about young men and boys that are thrown out of the nation's largest polygamous community. Most opponents of polygamy characterize it as slavery for women and power for men but conveniently ignore the near equal birth rates for males and females. What happens to all the “excess” males? Many are simply banished for alleged “sins”. A quote from the article: “The worst sin, though - the one for which most are banned - is simply becoming a mature young man in a society where older married men are seeking younger brides.”"

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Sit down before you read this article

apetr writes "The title says it all, A Men-ual ROBIN BAKAY'S GUIDE TO MEN. She is some kind of sports caster. I've already emailed and told her she is a female chauvanist pig. Enjoy it here."

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MSN: Vatican paper criticizes radical feminism

The Vatican's letter is reported here. I would be curious to read it myself though I suspect it may not go quite far enough in that it probably does not explicitly condemn feminism as the hate movement it is. It's been my experience that large religious institutions fear women in many ways and so despite many such groups' restrictions on females being admitted into such things as the religious orders (which I personally think is wrong for them to do), they tend to pander to them in other ways, such as promulgating the myth of feminine moral supriority and fostering mother-obsession and denigration of the father while at the same time paying lip-service to "family values". Well, anyway...

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Misandric Leanin' Tree card

mens_issues writes "Leanin' Tree greeting card spotted today:

Men have often been compared to dogs, pigs and jackasses.

But I just don’t think that’s fair.

Why pick on dogs, pigs and jackasses?

(The card had a picture on the front of three men that looked like each animal. Har har har.)

Leanin' Tree

Note: I couldn't find this on the website, but I did find another one (Top 20 reasons why chocolate is better than men):



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