Washington Post Launches Pro-VAWA Campaign - Monday

Following on its opening story of yesterday, the Washington Post continues promulgating half-truths and half-picture reporting on DV in an effort to support re-funding VAWA. Click "Read more..." for the details.

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DLJ Launches anti-VAWA Campaign

Trudy W Schuett writes "We've activated our resources and were prepared when the WaPo story hit!

To launch the campaign, there's an essay entitled Why YOU Should Fight VAWA here.

Click "Read more..." for more from Trudy

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Woman Murders Woman and Steals Unborn Baby

Many of you have seen different reports about this story in the news recently, but to not mention it would be ignoring the proverbial 800-lb. gorilla. It is just too unspeakably horrible to contemplate and maybe that is why no one posted it on MANN... until now. Anway, I am at a loss for commentary, except to say, just imagine how this story would have read if the perp had been male.

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More about the Italian father shelter

Linucs writes "I found a good translation of the news item about the italian father shelter in Bolzano.

'Divorced and separated men who have been _forced_ to give up their houses and empty their pockets for child support can apply for one of the five rooms with private bath in the communal home which could soon be copied across Italy.'"

Click "Read more..." for more from the submitter.

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A Sense of Helplessness

Anonymous User writes "An article of interest appeared at MSNBC today concerning the recent increase in killings of new, expectant mothers. The article quoted Pat Brown, a criminal profiler based in Minneapolis. She said:

'For some men, the situation boils down to one set of unadorned facts: if the woman doesn't want the baby, she can get an abortion. If the guy doesn't want it, he can't do a damn thing about it. He is stuck with a child for the rest of his life, and he's stuck with that woman for the rest of his life. If she goes away the problem goes away.'"

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Washington Post Launches Pro-VAWA Campaign - Sunday

A follow-up report on the Washington Post's pro-VAWA series, with links and actions to take. Please click "Read more..." for more.

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Washington Post Launches Pro-VAWA Campaign

A reader in the DC area who is involved in men's rights work has sent me the following item. This is definitely an activism item for us MANN regulars and for anyone else interested in stopping legislated bigotry and institutionalized judicial inequality.

Please click "Read more..." for the details and, as they say, "follow the directions!"

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Women Like Women More than Men Like Men

Anonymous User writes "

This new research shows that when adults' automatic attitudes are measured, they have more positive feelings about women as a group.

"Even though men are often perceived to be at the top, especially in the corporate world, new gender research shows that men are not generally the preferred gender. This new research shows that when adults' automatic attitudes are measured, they have more positive feelings about women as a group.""

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Mensnewsdaily.com hacked

Dittohd writes "What happened to the Mensnewsdaily.com website?

Did they close it down? Were they hacked into and brought down by the feminazis?

Just in case things get back to normal between now and when you see this post, this is what I found this afternoon when trying to bring up the site. Everything was centered on an all black background:

Rebellious Fingers Brazilian Defacements Crew!


Ackstr0n_X - D3m0n_suspect - failed - FDL

irc.gigachat.com.br on #rf | Email: rf@iname.com

"Pra quem vive na guerra a paz nunca existiu"

"Racionais MC's"

"Negro Drama"


Ed note: Wow, looks like the site was hacked by some individual or a group calling themseleves "Rebellious Fingers Brazilian Defacements Crew". I hope they will have the site back up soon.

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How to live longer

AngryMan writes "Men are more likely than women to die of heart disease. Changing your diet could increase your life span by more than 6 years.

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Blunkett custody fight ends in resignation

AngryMan writes "Home Secretary David Blunkett has lost his career as a result of his battle for access to the child he believes is his. He went to court to get parental rights, the child's mother responded by making allegations of corruption, and he was forced to resign.

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Contact Information for NPR's "End of Men" Author

As a follow-up to this story on MANN, contact information for the NPR correspondent who wrote and aired it, Joe Palca, is as follows:

Joe Palca


635 Massachusetts Ave.

Washington, DC 20008



Feel free to share your thoughts on the tone or content of his report with him.

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Global warming spells the end of woman!!!

Clancy writes "Great news, men. The faster the glaciers melt, the sooner feminism will die since there will be no more women to support it. They'll all be dead. And, as simple as it was to kill the Martians in H.G. Wells 'War of the worlds', as the oceans rise from melting ice, millions of women will flounder to their death because "...often women don't know how to swim, so in a flood situation that can lead to a higher instance of death or injury,..."

Could it be that simple? Discourage all women from taking swimming lessons???? Beleive it, or not!

How in the name of God's Green Earth can EVERYTHING that happens either naturally, or un-naturally, ALWAYS be detrimental to WOMEN????? Take heart O ye men of the world for we are immortal. We ALL know how to swim!!! BWAAAA HAAAAA HAAAAAA!!!!!"

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Mom Beats Student on Camera

Perhaps MANN should also add another category called "violent women", simply because there seems to be so much of it even despite the underreporting of it. Apparently she didn't bother to show up for sentencing in the matter either. Story and video here.

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Male Birth Control

Anonymous User writes "A global sex survey reports: "More than half of men globally (59%) would be willing to take the male contraceptive pill - but less than half of women would trust a man to take it responsibly."

What the survey apparently does not ask, is what percentage of men trust a woman to take their birth control responsibly. I know I don't. Mayhaps, if there are two people having sex, neither of whom wish to become parents, both of them should be using birth control?

Why trust anyone, when it comes to such grave decisions, especially if one does not have to."

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