Washington Post DV Series Draws More Criticism

Anonymous User writes "Again from Slate's Jack Shafer, this time an article entitled, Body Count: Doing the Math on the Washington Post's momicide series."

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"Wars happen because men like fighting"

AngryMan writes "On Christmas Day 1914, exactly ninety years ago, British and German soldiers in WW1 called a ceasefire and got together to sing carols, exchange gifts, and play football. In some places on the front line, the peace lasted for weeks. Meanwhile back in London, feminists were giving out white feathers to men not in uniform. See 'Christmas Truce' by Malcolm Brown and Shirley Seaton.

Links here and

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Open Letter to Washington Post from NCFM-DC

I received the following (click "Read More..." for the text) from the NCFM-DC chapter. It seems they are not impressed by the Post's recent DV articles. No surprise there! Please read and e-mail the Post in support of the sentiments expressed.

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Washington Post DV Series Draws Criticisms

Predictably, the Washington Post's recent series on maternal murders has drawn criticism. Click "Read more..." for excerpts and links.

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Footballer loses job - for jilting his bride

Tirryb writes "The BBC reports that a Malaysian footballer has been sacked after he jilted his bride at the altar, for 'bringing the game into disrepute'. He did it by text which is a pretty heartless act - but if the roles were reversed you can bet she'd have kept her job, without a doubt..."

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Insulting story on MSNBC.com

Leslie Burns-Dell'Acqua writes "This article on MSNBC.com repeatedly refers to a men's lounge section in a London department store as a "men's nursery." Mind you, the store doesn't do this--just the writer (and, by extension, MSNBC.com)."

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CS Monitor Covers F4J and Growing Father's Rights

Roy writes "The Christian Science Monitor prominently covers the British Fathers for Justice phenomenon and growing social support for father's rights in piece titled "Divorced British dads push courts for more access to children: Former cabinet secretary's push to see his child highlights a growing father's rights movement."

An excerpt - "There is a presumption that a father has to prove himself... We are constantly up against this accusation that a father doesn't deserve his children. Mothers never get that even if they are hopeless."

Full article -

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Woman uses Rohypnol to rob men

AngryMan writes "London: A woman has been convicted of using the 'date-rape drug' Rohypnol to render men unconscious before robbing them. Are we going to start calling it the 'date-rob' drug? Is the media going to start a hysterical campaign warning men against 'date-robbery'? Don't hold your breath..."

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Resisting VAWA: Excellent Analysis by Trudy Schuett

Roy writes "Trudy Schuett of desertlightjournal blog has posted two excellent essays examining the Washington Post's current campaign in support of reauthorizing funding for VAWA (Violence Against Women Act). She exposes the dangerous, fraudulent, sexist lies that underlie VAWA's assault against men, women, and families.


Why YOU Should Fight VAWA

(2) Washington Post Series -- Part Two

"Rape Hysteria" Takes a New Turn"

An excerpt:

"All it takes for a woman to begin turning the wheels of VAWA in her aid is an accusation. No proof or demonstration of need is ever required by women’s shelters, because it is presumed that no woman would ever misrepresent or lie about being abused. An accused man has no recourse in defending himself, guilty or not. Generally, an Order of Protection is arranged for ex parte, that is, separate from the accused. Some locales even allow for application for the orders to be made online. Often an accused abuser has no knowledge of the order, and finds himself informed of it only after he’s violated it by going home. In one extreme case I’m aware of, the accused was hauled out of his bed by police and arrested. His wife had not bothered to even tell him about his violation, or of the order itself. They’d had dinner and spent the evening as usual, and this man had no hint of what was in store for him after he fell asleep.""

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From India: Only Men Arrested in eBay Porn Mess

bandersnatch writes "From the Guardian:

'The trouble started a few days after the teenager made the recording, when someone tried to sell a video clip of him and his 16-year-old girlfriend on the Indian online auction site Baazee.com. The firm is a subsidiary of the US auction giant eBay.

'On Friday detectives arrested Baazee.com's chief executive, Avnish Bajaj, a US citizen and Harvard graduate. On Saturday a court bundled him off to jail for a week.

'Yesterday the police arrested the 17-year-old boy as well.'

Not surprisingly, the girl has not been arrested."

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Father charged with abducting his own children

CJ writes "Story here. A Father is held in jail with a $100,000 bail set for 'abducting' his own children from state social workers - while his wife, who is divorcing him and has accused him of abuse is under treated for depression and other mental illnesses. An Amber alert was activated so the entire police force in his state was notified of this event.
The article paints this man as a monster, likely he was just fighting for his right as a parent. The tone of this article (in typical feminist fashion) makes this man look like a monster and depicts the social service programs as a solution. Since when is an Amber Alert supposed to be used on fathers?"

Click "Read more..." for excerpts.

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'Tis the season for false accusers....

AngryMan writes "A civil servant has been acquitted of rape after a 14-month ordeal. The accuser said she was too ill to continue the trial. One thing to notice about the case is the lack of anonymity for the accused man - his name, photograph and place of work are openly published, but his accuser is described as 'a woman'. This anonymity gives shelter to serial false accusers. Story here. Check out the 'See also' links on the right for the history of the case."

Luek writes "

The Innocense Project has used DNA to vindicate another innocent man accused of rape. He had served 17 wasted years of a 75 year sentence.

The article states that whe *MAY* be eligible to receive a measley $25,000 from the state for each year he was incarcerated.

It is time to review the rape laws in this country and impliment effective safeguards that will prevent state atrocities like this one happening again! No more of this "he said, she said" and her word rules garbage."

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Washington Post Launches Pro-VAWA Campaign - Tuesday

The last of a three-part series on Domestic Violence which utterly ignores male victims by the Washington Post concluded Tuesday, Dec. 21 with, as predicted, more of the same. Please click "Read more..." for a review and a response, as well as actionable contact information for the Post.

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Slate's response to Washinton Post DV articles

Anonymous User writes "Jack Shafer, who is editor-at-large for Slate magazine, writes a decent analysis of pregnancy murder statistics in response to the Washington Post's sexist policies. As you all know, the Post has been arguing for the VAWA act, without arguing for changes that would provide adequate and comparable services to male victims of domestic violence. The Post is creating news at a time where there would otherwise be none, designed to coincide with politicians' push to re-fund VAWA. The Post continues to neglect the problem of female-on-male DV."

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Wesley Snipes sues NYC over DNA order

bandersnatch writes "From CNN, Action film star Wesley Snipes sued the city Monday, charging that it had no jurisdiction to seek his DNA in a paternity suit filed in Indiana by a woman he said was crack-addicted and mentally ill. Always nice to see a man who can fight back, does against these dingbats."

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