Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2005-01-25 10:57
Read it here, note the elements of her story in the article.
What's your opinion, MANN readers?
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2005-01-25 10:53
Luek writes "A male basketball couch was awarded almost $5 million on a false molestation charge. He may get even more if punitive damages are awarded later this month!
This guy did not rollover and just tried to forget it or get mad.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2005-01-24 09:34
Contact Ray Billingsley (the comic strip artist) and King Features Syndicate (which distributes the comic strip) and tell them the following:
- The Curtis comic strip which ran on January 18, 2005 represents mean-spirited and highly inappropriate humor.
- The comic strip reinforces a societal double-standard which warns, "There is no excuse for domestic violence" when the victim is female; but then says, "But it's perfectly fine for a wife to injure and maim her husband."
- Mr. Billingsley's comic strip is extremely offensive to the hundreds of thousands of men who suffer from domestic violence each year.
Click "Read more..." for background and contact information.
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2005-01-23 07:49
... for teenage boys, that is. Read it here.
ARVADA, Colorado (AP) -- A 40-year-old woman held sex and drug parties with teenage boys, telling police she wanted to be a "cool mom," authorities say.
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2005-01-23 07:40
Anonymous User writes "Here is an excellent article regarding boy's lagging behind girls in education. Please e-mail the author and thank her for reporting on this important issue."
Ed. Note: Fascinating, this piece, when Harvard's president is knuckling to the feminists (see here). He too can be reached by e-mail, at . While writing to thank the author of the article on boys' education, why not also let Summers know about its existence as well?
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2005-01-23 03:55
This story is billed as a modern-day Romeo and Juliet tale. But as I recall and as the article points out, Juliet committed suicide upon learning that Romeo had done so out of despair, thinking she was dead. This story's Juliet did not. Also, Romeo and Juliet were both a lot younger and had feuding families to deal with. No mention of that here.
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2005-01-23 03:31
I can only ask myself, would this recent outcry against two male cartoon characters holding hands have arisen if the characters were female? I doubt it.
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2005-01-23 03:29
SacredNaCl writes "According to IOL
South Africa News, this woman was so bold as to attack the man screaming she would file a charge of rape while holding a soiled condom unless he immediately gave her money. Worse, the police were in on the deal and had delt with her 3 times earlier that week, but not had arrested her, and on top of it, tried to extort money from him themselves."
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2005-01-23 03:28
bandersnatch writes "From the BBC, Women are brighter than men, according to the Labour chairman of the Commons education committee. Huddersfield MP Barry Sheerman said there was a "danger" of being obsessed about how boys were doing at school. His comments followed a committee discussion about whether girls or boys found it easier to learn to read.
"My own personal view is that women are brighter than men," the MP said, adding that women now earned on average more than men as middle managers. He said: "We should celebrate this, shouldn't we? The brightest kids are coming through and they happen to be women."
And of course, there's been no calls for him to step down or apologize."
Ed. note: This story was published previously on MANN, but re-publishing it seems appropriate given the recent Harvard flap. The contrast in response is striking, yes?
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2005-01-23 03:25
Ric writes "Australia's Sydney Morning Herald, serves up this opinion piece: "If more men were supported in lowering their expectations of themselves to be clever in more practical ways, they might also be more valued by women."
The article suggests boys should be taken away from professional education in schools and taught vocational skills like sanding floors and fixing fences. This worthwhile employment will benefit women and cause them to value us again.
Not to forget "Women don't start wars" and "women are more agreeable socially". She forgot "women write self-delusional crap".
I have set up a protest page here
Please make them regret printing this crap.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2005-01-22 05:15
A lot to think about from this essay. An excerpt:
James Bricknell, who was captured by the Delaware in the early 1800s and lived among them for several years before returning to his family, wrote in 1842: "The Delawares are the best people to train up children I ever was with… Their leisure hours are, in a great measure, spent in training up their children to observe what they believe to be right… They certainly follow what they are taught to believe right more closely, and I might say more honestly, in general, than we Christians… I know I am influenced to good, even at this day, more from what I learned among them, than what I learned among people of my own color."
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2005-01-22 05:11
Clancy writes "NEWS FLASH!!!
NOW Says Harvard President Lawrence Summers Should Resign.
Will Pressure Harvard to Promote Women Regardless of Ability.
Boy, I never saw THIS coming. If you read the article please take note that Lawrence Summers has issued no less than 3 apologies. I would rather he issued 3 middle fingers in rapid succession. Affirmative action? Who needs it. Let us promote women REGARDLESS of ability without any due process or pretense. Why the hell not. I can't see behind the scenes but I'm guessing that every man at Harvard is rolling over into the fetal position right about now. It's A-OK to say that girls are smarter and that our boy's decline in education is, well... "NO WORRIES, MATE!". Has NOW ever considered the male propensity for ACTION when words fail? Especially when they constantly are being handed the short end of the stick."
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2005-01-21 21:53
Anonymous User writes "In one town, police are seeking a DNA sample from every man. The purpose is to hopefully solve a 2002 murder of a woman writer. (Semen was found on the murder victim.) Providing the samples is voluntary, but information is being recorded about those who do not cooperate. The article says that wide sweeps for DNA have not been effective with respect to solving previous crimes. The ACLU has criticized the "DNA dragnet" as well."
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2005-01-21 21:52
bharati writes "DNA acquits and yet prosecution wants to continue and army wants to court marshall. Need I say more?"
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2005-01-21 21:50
AngryMan writes ""Between 1971 and 1998, the suicide rate for women in England and Wales almost halved, while in the same period the rate for men almost doubled." Research suggests more intelligent young men are less likely to take their own lives, perhaps because they have better prospects. Story here."
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