Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2005-02-20 03:39
MSN has come out with this story. You know, I can't keep up with them. Today women are just fine without love, the next day, without love they are miserable (and the blame is usually placed on men).
Sadly I am quite sure there are people out there who actually take MSN's babblings seriously.
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2005-02-20 03:36
Ray writes "Here's a study presented at the 2nd International Conference on Women, Heart Disease and Stroke - Marital stress kills . "Elaine D. Eaker worked with colleagues from Boston University to analyze marital discord and its effects on heart disease and overall mortality." "While the men who kept quiet during a conflict did not suffer harmful health effects, the women did, she found." Whoa Nellie! Could this story be just one more example of advocacy research, propagandized through our feminist controlled news media??? If this story is true, then this fact strikes me as even more amazing - MEN HAVE A 70% GREATER RISK OF DYING OF HEART DISEASE THAN WOMEN . What's going on at the American Heart Association? Is the American Heart Association now spending the money donated to it on an agenda driven by gender feminist ideology, instead of spending that money on an "as needs dictate" basis?"
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2005-02-20 03:28
Ray writes "Here is a intriguing episode of "animal sexuality" that borders on the bizzare, Women Allege Monkey Business Caring for Gorilla
. I know at times we primates have all been treated like a monkey's uncle, but can a gorilla really use sign language to say, "Koko's your daddy???" Keep abreast with all the news that's fit to report, and some that isn't, or you too could wind up on the short end of the long arm of sexual harassment law. Once again the poor, lonely male, who was already behind bars this time, was just hoping for a little bonding with the opposite sex, albeit cross speices. I suspect diversity training will take on an all new meaing for Zoo administrators across America after this episode, and Koko will need to be re-educated in the politically correct use of sign language."
Ed. note: Koko is in fact a female gorilla (see this page). The person being sued, Dr. Patterson, is also female.
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2005-02-20 03:26
Locksley2k writes "This NY Times article exposes the counterproductive measures of punishing indigent men who are unable to pay court ordered child support."
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2005-02-19 06:23
The ignorance leading to this attack is truly astonishing. I don't know what else to say.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2005-02-19 06:19
Ahh, MSN at it again with this. Were the sexes/roles reversed, who doubts that in that case a female partner to the famous one would not be touted as "empowered" or something else. Instead, in this case, he is called "controlling".
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2005-02-19 06:17
CJ writes "Story here.
'Two young women charged with the fatal stabbing of a 19-year-old woman were denied bail a second time. They stabbed the victim several times in the throat and stomach with broken beer bottles and steak knives. The confrontation apparently stemmed from an argument over a boyfriend. In MA, judges routinely deny men bail on simple charges alone if related to DV - it is rare for women to get denied bail unless the case is extreme like this one.'"
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2005-02-18 09:06
Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2005-02-18 09:06
Anonymous User writes "The presidents of MIT, Princeton, and Stanford have written an opinion column about "women in math, engineering, and science." What about all those female math and science teachers and all those nursing science majors? Well, the column is really about women holding elite research positions in math, engineering, and science at places like MIT, Princeton, and Stanford. Few women hold those positions. And this is a HUGE problem, or so these university presidents argue. If you have any young children, see if even they can spot the emptiness of the university presidents' "reasoning". Then teach your children to fight against real, major injustices."
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2005-02-18 02:49
Tumescent writes "The latest Newsweek cover is The Myth of the Perfect Mother.
What does this story have to do with men? To me it highlights that in many ways, women have more choices than men. The choice to have children, the choice to work or stay at home, the choice to work part time or full time, the choice to go back to school or not. Men with children rarely have these sorts of options. Ultimately, the article highlights that women who "choose" to have it all rarely end up obtaining their unrealistic dreams. Meanwhile, the men in these women's lives are left to go to work to bring home the bacon that allow these women to eventually "find themselves". Something about the article really bothered me. Being a mother, holding a job, and being a wife is hard----but women need to stop bitching about it."
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2005-02-18 02:44
AngryMan writes "For once the BBC website has something useful for men, a page of information about prostate cancer. Link here"
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2005-02-18 02:38
Marc Angelucci writes: Steven Svoboda works closely with them, and we can consider this another RADAR success. Scroll down to "Domestic Abuse."
Click "Read more..." for the letter text.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2005-02-17 04:34
Gordon Hillesland writes "An Oregon State Representative is requesting two bills be written for this session of the legislature. One will put due process into the issuance of a restraining order. The other bill will prohibit the awarding of real or personal property to a person who has no financial interest in the property. Would anyone who is interested in writing letters or testifying before the committee, after the bills are written, especially Oregonians, please contact me. Thank you."
Ed note: Author can be reached at
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2005-02-17 04:32
Acksiom writes "The website for Richard Herring's stage show 'Talking Cock' has a questionnaire page, which praiseworthily addresses circumcision, or less euphemistically, routine and ritual male genital amputation.
Go to , "Questionnaire" link at top left.
There's also a questionnaire for women, about which my female intactivist contact who sent me the link said:
"One of the questions on mine was if I ever wished I had a penis or envied men for having a penis...I brought circ up too, and said no...I was happy with my genitals and my sexuality and capacity for pleasure...and I was darn glad to live in a country where my genital integrity was protected, and nobody could cut anything off of me for social, cultural or religious reasons...and that men deserved the same respect and protection."
Let's tell him how we feel too -- it's incredibly rare for anyone to ask about how feel about having been sexually mutilated, and that asking should be encouraged with responses."
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2005-02-17 04:29
Ray Blumhorst writes "A man who had his leg knocked out from under him in an act of domestic violence committed by a woman, doesn't have "standing" to sue for shelter services for men.
"What a strange (and cruel) irony in the use of that word (standing) from the English language," says Ray Blumhorst."
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