More on Koko the Gorilla: Third Woman Sues

I would laugh but it's so pathetic I can't. A third woman is suing Koko's caretakers over their request that she expose her breasts to the gorilla. Bear in mind, ALL the particpants here in this flap are female. [First post on MANN about this topic is here.]

Eventually though, I am sure someone will find a man to sue.

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The Emperor's Clothes: How the UN Hides the Truth on Domestic Violence

Here's the RADAR report -- please review it so you can respond to the myths that the media will be reporting from the UN's conference on the Status of Women over the next two weeks.

Click "Read more..." for the report.

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UNtruth at the UN Women’s Unit

This coming Monday, the United Nations will convene a controversial meeting sponsored by the UN Commission on the Status of Women. The meeting, to be held in New York City, will review the 10-year progress in implementing the recommendations of the Beijing Women’s Conference, which was held in 1995.

The Beijing Women’s Conference issued the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, a sensationalized document that serves as a sort of Manifesto for women’s rights activists around the world.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Google video search

A good resource for searching TV shows for instances of various kinds of words/phrases is here: I hope it will be of some use to M/R activists.

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Men Don't Take a Wage Hit?

Tumescent writes "An associated press story is here
and probably in a newspaper near you! The article seems innocuous enough. It simply states the fact that women take a salary hit when they leave the workforce for family reasons. Well duh, ANYONE would probably take a salary hit if they took a year or more off from their career. That would probably include both women and men, not just women. Of course the research study was limited to studying women, not men. This way, the results could be viewed as being discriminatory toward women and they can be seen as the victim once again."

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Man Can Sue Over Surprise Pregnancy

bandersnatch writes "From My Way, An appeals court said a man can press a claim for emotional distress after learning a former lover had used his sperm to have a baby. But he can't claim theft, the ruling said, because the sperm was hers to keep.
The ruling Wednesday by the Illinois Appellate Court sends Dr. Richard O. Phillips' distress case back to trial court.
Phillips accuses Dr. Sharon Irons of a "calculated, profound personal betrayal" after their affair six years ago, saying she secretly kept semen after they had oral sex, then used it to get pregnant.
He said he didn't find out about the child for nearly two years, when Irons filed a paternity lawsuit. DNA tests confirmed Phillips was the father, the court papers state.
Phillips was ordered to pay about $800 a month in child support, said Irons' attorney, Enrico Mirabelli. Scary stuff for men. Is there any surprise some men prefer masturbation or the open arms of a prostitute?"


Anonymous User writes "A married woman in suburban Chicago impregnants herself with semen she kept from her lover and gains child support. A court ruled that he at least had standing to sue.

You have to read it to believe it."

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Testicle-ripper gets only 2.5 years in jail

Rob writes "We often hear about sentencing disparities. Here is a woman who ripped off an ex lover's testicle after she offered him sex and he refused her. Her female lawyer mitigates this act by saying "She did not use a weapon, only her rather small hands." She was jailed for 2.5 years.

A man who "offered" sex to an unwilling female and then sliced off her breast in rage at her refusal would be considered the worst kind of sex maniac. He would certainly be looking at 10 years in jail here in the UK."

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Florida boy accused of assault with rubber band

Clancy writes "13-year-old suspended 10 days after confrontation with teacher.

I guess he didn't have a conceal/carry license. Yes, folks, rubber bands are deadly and they can hurt you really, really bad. Looks like hard time for this hoodlum. Alcatraz is reopening, I hear."

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More on Harvard

From Anne Applebaum in the Washington Post, this commentary.

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Schwarzenegger Remarks on Women Anger Many

Ray writes "False accusations have long been the forte of California gender feminists, but is California's "Governator" burying his foot in his mouth so deeply, that he is hurting the efforts of men's rights activists in California? During Governor Schwarzenegger's campaign he was alleged by some to have groped certain females, and now some women are accusing him of "bullying women" Schwarzenegger Remarks on Women Anger Many . This men's rights activist can only wonder what legislation biased against males , he will sign next to try to appease the growing hostility of women's groups in California."

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India: Three-YO Jailed in False Dowry Harassment Case

bharati writes "A three-year-old girl is jailed in a false dowry harassment case. This link is from Save Indian Families.

There is also travel advisory warning in USA regarding the misuse of Dowry Act. False acccusation have reached such a huge proportion that even the United States government has been forced to recognise it in a travel advisory here (search on "dowry" to find the relevant text).

Lisa Tsering exposes the dowry fraud in this article here and the history of the travel advisory here."

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RADAR ALERT: Why Is It So Hard For The Rocky Mountain News To Talk About Male Victims?

The Rocky Mountain News in Denver, Colorado just ran a column by Dora-Lee Larson titled, “Why is it so Hard to Call it Like it Is? Domestic Violence is a Crime.” Larson is the executive director of the Denver Domestic Violence Coordinating Council. Larson’s column was printed in response to a series of articles on "Battered Justice" that ran in the Rocky Mountain News February 5-9.

Click "Read more..." for more

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Men, Women, and Family Issues

Tumescent writes "This is commentary piece from a professional newspaper writer in Portland, OR. She expresses a fairly common attitude and opinion many women hold these days..."

Click "Read more..." for more commentary from the story submitter.

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Girl: Killed sister over burger / Where's Dad?

ArtflDgr writes "The article can be found here

The article details in short with a 12 year old "tiny terror" that has been charged with killing her sister in a fight over a hamburger.
the detectives note that it must be "devastating to the mother"
Of course there is no mention of dad, and it seems to me that all the children are getting more and more seriously violent at earlier and earlier ages. as the article mentions...."It's a true tragedy""

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Dead? That's no excuse not to pay child support.

bandersnatch writes "From Omaha Channel, The state of Nebraska is trying to collect child support from a dead man. This is not child support he owed when he was still alive, but instead, the debt accumulated after he died. The government had intercepted $1,867 of her tax refund to pay her husband's child support. Harriman protested some more, but got nowhere.
Much to Harriman's surprise, that is the law. Nebraska statute 43-513.01 states: "A judgment for child support shall not abate upon the death of the judgment debtor." In other words, a dead man can still owe child support."

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