NOW calls for Summers Resignation

Clancy writes "NEWS FLASH!!!

NOW Says Harvard President Lawrence Summers Should Resign.
Will Pressure Harvard to Promote Women Regardless of Ability.

Boy, I never saw THIS coming. If you read the article please take note that Lawrence Summers has issued no less than 3 apologies. I would rather he issued 3 middle fingers in rapid succession. Affirmative action? Who needs it. Let us promote women REGARDLESS of ability without any due process or pretense. Why the hell not. I can't see behind the scenes but I'm guessing that every man at Harvard is rolling over into the fetal position right about now. It's A-OK to say that girls are smarter and that our boy's decline in education is, well... "NO WORRIES, MATE!". Has NOW ever considered the male propensity for ACTION when words fail? Especially when they constantly are being handed the short end of the stick."

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Collecting a DNA sample from every man in town

Anonymous User writes "In one town, police are seeking a DNA sample from every man. The purpose is to hopefully solve a 2002 murder of a woman writer. (Semen was found on the murder victim.) Providing the samples is voluntary, but information is being recorded about those who do not cooperate. The article says that wide sweeps for DNA have not been effective with respect to solving previous crimes. The ACLU has criticized the "DNA dragnet" as well."

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DNA Acquits but court still wants a trial

bharati writes "DNA acquits and yet prosecution wants to continue and army wants to court marshall. Need I say more?"

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Intellect related to sucide risk

AngryMan writes ""Between 1971 and 1998, the suicide rate for women in England and Wales almost halved, while in the same period the rate for men almost doubled." Research suggests more intelligent young men are less likely to take their own lives, perhaps because they have better prospects. Story here."

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Blake Murder Motivation: Avoid Paternity

Read it here.

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Laura Bush Comes Out Swinging for Boys

Anonymous User writes "Read about Laura Bush's expose for her second-term agenda. She comes out swinging for ... *Gasp*... Boys' education! Read all about it in Maggie Gallagher's new column. USA Today also covers her here.

Bless her little heart. Apparently, someone in Washington is listening. Hopefully, some of the messages from Christina Hoff Sommers' War Against Boys have made it to the top!
If you like, email the White House to convey your personal experiences. In the words of Glenn Sacks, as always, be polite and be *positive* (e.g. congratulate her on her bravery; don't engage in rabid anti-feminist rants.)

Direct the email to "First Lady Laura Bush" in the subject heading. Email addresses include and"

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BBC's subtle media bias..?

Tirryb writes "The bbc reports here what at first glance looks like a balanced article on divorce, and how partners use family court as a means of revenge. The stories of one man and one woman are presented, with little else. It could be me being too sensitive, but look a little closer and it no longer seems quite so balanced. The woman's story appears first (of course). She eloquently puts her story, an unreasonable and combative husband who refuses to agree to anything and demands everything, a judge who 'hated her on site' and made unfair decisions. Poor thing. Then the mans story, and he almost immediately admits to voilence and abandonment. Just seems to present another picture of women as victims, and men as whinging trouble-makers..."

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Two college women arraigned on rape charges

CJ writes "NORTHAMPTON, Mass. -- Two women, including a Smith College student, pleaded innocent to charges they raped and handcuffed another female student and slashed her with knives.


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NH child support study and more information...

Posted on behalf of Marc S....

Here is a list of the pending bills associated with the prospective implementation of the report's recommendations and the appropriation for appointment of an economist to develop guidelines. [Ed.: See this MANN item.] Please try to get the word out on these bills which bills need grassroots support. Thanks for your work there, and many thanks to Rep. David Bickford and the other courageous individuals who contributed to the pursuit of this issue in New Hampshire.

If we can all get together and work behind the New Hamsphire effort to rectify the ugly reality of child support laws/guidelines endured by so many of us then perhaps we can save the next generations of would-be alienated and disenfranchised single parents (sadly, too often Fathers) from the same overwhelming grief. This is truly a major step (potentially) toward the reestablishment of marriage and the family as a viable and worthy American institution.


Click "Read more..." for details.

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Harvard U. President Under Fire for Comments

bandersnatch writes "From Local6, The president of Harvard University prompted criticism for suggesting that innate differences between the sexes could help explain why fewer women succeed in science and math careers. "It's possible I made some reference to innate differences," he said. He said people "would prefer to believe" that the differences in performance between the sexes are due to social factors, "but these are things that need to be studied."
He also cited as an example one of his daughters, who as a child was given two trucks in an effort at gender-neutral upbringing. Yet he said she named them "daddy truck" and "baby truck," as if they were dolls. As usual, the feminists are fuming."

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F4J campaign showing results

AngryMan writes "Blair's government has announced plans to allow equal child access by both parents, and to punish parents who refuse access. It doesn't go far enough, but it is something. Despite what the government pretends, this would never have happened without F4J. The only concern is that it might turn out to be a sop to take the momentum out of F4J without really changing anything.

The BBC page also allows you to post your own comments."

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RADAR ALERT: Washington Post: 'In no way does our coverage of this issue stereotype or vilify men...

Contact the Washington Post and tell them the following:

  1. The Washington Post series on Maternal Homicide sensationalizes and distorts an important social problem.
  2. By failing to place the issue in proper context, the series serves to stereotype and malign men.
  3. Mr. Downie’s letter, which does not respond to any of the requested actions, insults the basic notion of media accountability.

Click "Read more..." for backround and contact information.

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Salvation Army converted to feminism?

SJones writes "The Memphis Tennessee Salvation Army has joined the swelling ranks of feminist non-profits that claim to assist families, but create their own definition to excluse fathers altogether. I sent them money and received a letter of thanks say, "on behalf of .. all the other women and children we serve, we once again say thank you." No mention of serving men at all. When I worked for AutoZone's corporate office in Memphis the Salvation Army convinced the company to donate money for a women-only shelter in which pre-existing space for homeless men was switched to a female-only building. When I asked about this they claimed there are far more homeless women than men. I checked on this claim and found it to be completely false.

I emailed the Salvation Army a reply to their letter saying, in effect, since you quietly discriminate against males while claiming to be a Christian ministry I will never again offer any assistance of any kind to you. Spread the word. Anyone who wants to give to their local Salvation Army needs to check it out first. I checked their main homepage and found only a women's ministry, but no men's ministry. There was a policy statement saying that females are the cornerstones of family and society, with no mention of males having any value at all. I emailed their main office asking for an explanation and warning that I am going to spread the word to men's rights groups about them. So everyone spread the word. And then bombard them with letters or phone calls."

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Rohypnol robber jailed

AngryMan writes "The woman who used the date rob drug to render her male victims unconscious has been locked up for five years. Story here."

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Watershed NH study on Child Support

Marc writes "This report honestly looks to be a major milestone. It is highly critical of current NH child support guidelines and how they unfairly treat the non-custodial parent. Included are specific recommendations on possible resolutions as well. It looks like New Hampshire has now become the first state to conduct a comprehensive legislative review of child support issues and how the non-custodial parent's rights are abused. Please do whatever you can to spread the word about this and help facilitate the grassroots effort that will keep the pressure on the New Hampshire legislature as the necessary and long overdue legislation to resolve this massive problem is being evaluated."

Click "Read more..." for more.

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