Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2005-04-20 06:43
Keep your eye on this story. We'll have to see if she's charged even with something like negligence.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2005-04-20 06:17
Arthur Sulzberger Jr., owner and publisher of the New York Times, is one of the most influential persons in the international media. In 1992 Mr. Sulzberger announced his plan to revamp the newspaper’s editorial focus so it would no longer reflect a “predominantly white, straight male vision of events.”
Soon, we were reading articles and columns by Anna Quindlen, Natalie Angier, and later Maureen Dowd that were demeaning, derogatory, and hostile to men. That hostility was reflected in one-sided articles about domestic violence that consistently ignored male victims.
Click "Read more..." for more.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2005-04-20 06:09
Esta Soler, founder and president of the Family Violence Prevention Fund, one of the world's leading domestic violence organizations, attacked Glenn Sacks' recent San Francisco Chronicle column Domestic violence a two-way street. Soler labelled Sacks' column a "shameful example of cherry-picking and distorting data to confuse readers" (scroll down to see her letter).
As Sacks noted in a recent broadcast of His Side, "Liberal newspapers are feminist turf and they don't like when it's invaded."
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2005-04-20 06:06
CJ writes "Here is a disgusting display of police brutality. This man is clearly guilty of his crime but LOOK at the beating this man took while in custody. His face is so severely beaten the police made him wear a mask to court. Although this isn't a feminist inspired attack on men's civil rights like most articles here, it illustrates the fact the the U.S. has become a police state. The police and the legal system (as driven by polorized agrendas from the left and right) is out of control. Civil liberties erode as martial law takes over out land."
Ed note: This is indeed a men's issue. While having no sympathy for the suspect as such, do you think the suspect would have been beaten like that had he been a she?
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2005-04-19 06:48
On April 6 the New York Times published the article, Sweden Boldly Exposes a Secret Side of Women's Lives. That article included this description of domestic abusers by Gudrun Schyman: “It’s every man and in every class of society.”
The article did not provide a shred of evidence to support that slanderous statement, nor did reporter Lizette Alvarez challenge or dispute the comment.
Click "Read more..." for more.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2005-04-19 02:20
Anonymous User writes "Glenn Sacks' newest column "Do Women Really Want a Male Birth Control Pill?" (Newsday, 4/11/05) discusses the transfer of power that will occur when the male pill is marketed. Read the column here."
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2005-04-19 02:12
When it comes to committing domestic violence, women are fully the equal of men. Scores of research studies in the United States and elsewhere show that women are just as likely as men to engage in partner aggression. And fully 38% of persons who suffer injuries from domestic violence are male. [See]
But the New York Times consistently portrays the domestic violence issue as men who beat up their wives and girlfriends. That depiction is scurrilous and false.
Click "Read more..." for more.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2005-04-18 04:03
zozo writes "Professor Catharine MacKinnon recently spoke at Stanford, equating violence against women with the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the US. “The number of people who died at [the terrorists’] hands is the same as the number of women who die at men’s hands-every year,” she said. “A kind of war is being fought, but there is no name for this war in which men are the aggressors and women the victims.”
Does this sort of rhetoric really help gender equity?"
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2005-04-18 04:00
Anonymous User writes "I'm afraid this could be filed under "Yet Another Story About The Double Standard Against Males", or "If it were the other way around, there'd be protests in the streets".
This highly graphic online game encourages girls to throw rocks at boys. It makes light of it. Makes it fun. Rewards you with a graphic depiction of the boy getting hurt.
Where will it end?"
Ed. note: Looks like David & Goliath just can't seem to get the message can they? Click the "Contact" link on their home page for their contact information.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2005-04-16 20:27
Where to begin with this story? I don't want to believe such things happen but I know they do.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2005-04-16 20:18
Mangesh writes "This report is from Zimbabwe, Africa. The title is 'Cases of Women Abusing Men Rise'."
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2005-04-16 20:14
Clancy writes "From the Glenn Sacks His Side newsletter:
His Side Wiretapped!
On Sunday's show I interviewed Eric Washington, a highly decorated New Jersey officer who has founded the Police Officer Solidarity Commission.
Click "Read more..." for more.
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2005-04-15 02:09
Marc Angelucci of NCFM-LA passed this link along to MANN administrators. It's a great piece by Vox Day regarding marriage today and the importance of remaining single for men, notably written for the religiously traditional and non-traditional reader alike. Enjoy it!
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2005-04-13 06:23
Eeva writes "The Canadian Women's Foundation has issued a press release claiming that "Every minute a woman in Canada is abused. That is why Canadian Women's Foundation, Hudson's Bay Company (Hbc) and Rogers are asking Canadians not to wait another minute."
Click "Read more..." for contact information.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2005-04-12 05:58
Lee writes "From A Feminist Blog comes word that Andrea Dworkin died Saturday morning."
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