Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2005-05-27 18:53
Tom writes "Warren Farrell is to be on 20/20 tonight Friday May 27th at 10:00 pm eastern time. It looks likely that the show will validate his views and put Hillary Clinton and Martha Burk in a position of looking silly and supporting half truths and misinformation. This could be a huge event for our cause. It would mark the first time a major television network has openly and plainly shown that a feminist inspired myth is just that, a myth with the intent of whipping women into a victim frenzy.
Let's hope 20/20 has the fortitude to tell the truth."
Click "Read more..." for more.
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2005-05-27 18:47
The Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journal, the biggest legal newspapers in California, just printed the following op ed which informs the legal community about the Blumhorst decision's denial of civil rights testers standing to sue and how this dealt a blow to male DV victims but is not the end of it.
Click "Read more..." for the rest of Marc's post and the op-ed.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2005-05-26 22:19
Roy writes "A new TV documentary on domestic violence in Sweden has sparked controversy over a comment by the president of Sweden's version of N.O.W. During a filmed interview, she rejected the idea that the Swedish government should fund "rehabilitation shelters" for men who batter their partners, referring to men as "animals," and stated that there is a worldwide "gender civil war."
Of course, there was no acknowledgement whatsoever of battered men.
"Controversy continues here surrounding ROKS, the National Organization for Women’s Shelters, one of Sweden’s largest non-government organizations to help the victims of domestic violence. In a television documentary broadcast Sunday night the group’s president opposed rehabilitation centers for men who abuse their partners, with the comment that all 'men are animals'".
Full article here."
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2005-05-26 22:10
federico writes "Here is an article about parental rights for same-sex couple in the San Francisco Chronicle.
Besides the fact that I'm not sure that this is a great idea one thing really attracted my attention:
altough in the all article it's seems all about "same-sex cases" (gay and lesbian) the title on the front page states "Lesbian Parenthood Debated". Now I think that this is a typo (or maybe more a lapsus) that tells a lot about what we already know, that of course for gay couples there will never be any right to parenthood. In fact all the examples in the article are lesbian couples."
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2005-05-25 20:18
Let's see if they stick! Story here.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2005-05-25 20:17
Anonymous User writes "In a few more days Memorial Day will be upon us, and here is information you'll seldom, if ever, find in any college women's studies, gender studies, or even "His"tory class. "Historically, it is men who almost exclusively make up the millions who’ve been “asked” to die for their country, and in that group of millions is a select group of men seldom mentioned. Sadly, that group of Americans (all male) from a recent time in our history, were asked to make the supreme sacrifice for their country (and did so) without having ever been granted the sacred right of voting in their own country (America).'"
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2005-05-25 20:14
AngryMan writes "In the recent UK election, Blair's Labour Party lost its safest seat in Wales because they tried to rig the election by allowing only women candidates. The local politician, Peter Law, stood as an independent and won. A victory for democracy and a slap in the face for the feminists. Now they are getting their revenge. Twenty people - anyone who supported Law's campaign - are being expelled from the Labour Party. Maybe it should rename itself the 'Communist Party'."
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2005-05-25 20:12
GuyOutHere writes "In this news story from Australia, "Exhausted Mothers Walk Out On Families", we learn that "modern mothers are resorting to a Kramer vs Kramer-style escape from their families to strike a better balance between personal freedom and the demands of children." Read the entire article. Not a word, of course, about how men have had to deal with work/family balance for ages!"
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2005-05-23 06:34
Luek writes "Here is a bit of good news.
The women who falsely accused University of Colorado football players of raping them are ordered to pay the university's legal defense fees.
They will not of course serve any prison time for their crime of false rape allegations but this is a start."
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2005-05-22 07:43
Anonymous User writes "As Mary Kay Letourneau marries her former child victim, the BBC reports it as a happy ending, in a story which is largely sympathetic to her, although it does use the word 'rape'."
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2005-05-22 07:40
Roy writes "The National Organization for Women (NOW) is cranking up its propaganda engines in anticipation of the bill about to go to Congress to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). One of the proposed additions to VAWA is expanded funding for anti-violence education programs for minor-age children. A Press Release on NOW's web site emphasizes abuse young women experience from boys and men; however, it also mentions girl-on-girl violence and harassment, and even includes a story about a girl who was targeted by other girls."
Click "Read more..." for more.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2005-05-21 01:13
Sure, divorce is expensive-- financially, emotionally, etc. But the actual wedding itself has gotten outrageously priced. Who do you imagine is doing most of the paying for it, too? I certainly can imagine!
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2005-05-21 00:54
cnewbyuk writes "As a man I been made more aware about Breast cancer than Prostate cancer. As a Black man I'm actually a high-risk group (I have never been told this before). Not enough men know about this illness. I hope this link proves to be informative to you all:
The Prostate Cancer Charity
By the time you have finished checking out this website, you all should be avid Soya bean fans!! ;-)"
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2005-05-21 00:52
AngryMan writes "This BBC item asks "Are video games only for men?". The article is covering the launch of new game consoles by the three big manufacturers, but, bizarrely - though unsurprisingly - turns it into a 'gender issue'.
"...the Entertainment Software Association says makers have failed to come up with mass market products the helps (sic) encourage women to play "
WTF? If you want to play, play, if you don't, don't. If you have an idea for a new game you'd like to see, promote it. What is the problem? The article asks "What do you think? Are too many games aimed at young men?" The page provides a place to post your own comments."
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2005-05-21 00:50
Anonymous User writes "Story here:
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Women in the military would be barred from serving in direct ground combat roles, under a House bill that sets Defense Department policy and spending plans for the upcoming budget year.
The House Armed Services Committee approved the overall measure early Thursday on a 61-1 vote. The same committee in the Senate passed a different version last week. The House and Senate are to vote on their respective bills next week."
Click "Read more..." for the rest of the excerpt.
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