Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2005-05-17 22:12
Ray writes "The National Coalition of Free Men, Los Angeles and concerned citizens participated in a protest outside a "Domestic Violence Industry Gala" held in San Diego last weekend. We protested the Women's Industries' abuse of men. Ironically, while the "rich and famous" of the Domestic Violence Industry feasted on delicacies inside, an apparently abused, homeless man (with his kids in tow), approached the group. It seems the well dressed, well fed in that group would do nothing (no hotel voucher) to get a man experiencing domestic violence a room for he and his kids for the night. We took up a collection and got him a room. How appropriate that many of us wore T-shirts saying Shame on the Domestic Violence Movement for Lying. There were many things those well dressed, well fed "discriminators against men" should be ashamed of as our protest signs indicate."
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2005-05-17 04:17
One can only wonder what the Washington Times had in mind when they published their May 11 article Protecting the Children. The article ignores the predominance of women among perpetrators of child abuse and leaves the very strong impression that most cases of child abuse are perpetrated by men.
Click "Read more..." for more.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2005-05-17 03:58
What's a sentence or two worth? To some, $50 million. Read it here.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2005-05-17 03:44
Tirryb writes " reports that a study of 10,000 children from birth age up has shown that girls outperform boys almost from day 1, learning to walk and talk earlier. Quote: "Boys lead girls in every measure of disengagement and psychological disorder from attention deficit syndromes to at-risk social behaviour. The latest neuro-imaging research has identified gender differences in brain maturation, with boys slower to develop impulse control and executive planning skills.
Although boys and girls are parented in a similar fashion, levels of hostile parenting were higher for boys than girls."
So given this evidence, what does the (female) federal Minister for Family and Community Affairs say? "I have consistently said that children are better off in a household where both parents have a job," she said...."
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2005-05-17 03:40
AngryMan writes "In British high schools, 'girls are up to 115 per cent more likely to achieve an A or B grade than boys.' Boys problems at school are still not being effectively addressed. Not surprising when one school principal 'David Haywood believes this is to do with the intrinsic ability of boys rather than the school's educational ethos.' Article here."
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2005-05-16 19:13
It is not good news that British female alcohol consuption is skyrocketing, outpacing any other group in Britain. What is also bad is that in an effort to reduce it, the UK gov't is using scare tactics with men as the target pariah group to try to discourage it. Not to put too fine a point on it, but it is reminiscent of the anti-Semitic posters used by the Third Reich to get the Germans to fear and hate Jews, isn't it?
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2005-05-16 19:03
Ray writes "Taron James is member of the National Coalition of Free Men, L.A., and a veteran of the 1st gulf war. For a long, long time he's been fighting an act of paternity fraud commited against him. "After more than a decade of legal battles the court ruled he wasn't the father, but his child support judgement has yet to be reversed." XETV, Fox 6, San Diego has a story on his struggles here , Scroll down the page of listed videos to the one titled "Paternity Fraud" and click on the link to the video. In the video there are also shots of NCFMLA's protest at the "Deadbeat Dad's Courthouse," comments by Marc Angelucci, NCFMLA President and Taron's attorney, and near the end is a shot of "the truck" with a 4' X 8' sign in the bed saying PATERNITY FRAUD IS DEADBEAT GOVERNMENT."
Ed. Note: Requires use of IE for the in-line video player to work. Also this post is time-sensitive since the video may be bumped by new stories at any time.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2005-05-14 02:05
bandersnatch writes "From This is London, Scotland Yard today revealed it has been unable to trace all but two of 300 black boys aged four to seven reported missing from school in a three-month period. Child welfare experts say the number highlights the scale of the trade in children brought to Britain as domestic servants and covers for benefit fraud. Detectives asked each London local education authority to give them details of black boys aged four to seven reported missing from school between July and September 2001. It emerged 300 had vanished, 299 from Africa and one from the Caribbean. *gasp* You mean it's only not young girls being trafficked? Imagine that!"
Ed.: Also this is covered here.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2005-05-14 02:00
Kyo writes "Japan's "women-only train car" fad is covered by the Wall Street Journal here, with allusions to other women-only venues such as sports clubs, hotels, and even internet cafes. The journalist is surprisingly even-handed, presenting valid reasons why the trains discriminate against men along with a quote from a male-train-rider activist group."
Click "Read more..." for more.
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2005-05-13 06:44
Anonymous User writes "
This MSN article says it's unlikely a male birth control pill will be developed. They don't say why.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2005-05-12 19:34
Indiana Jones writes "Wow.... [In Italy] Men must pay damages to women if they don't offer them sex.
Now, if its the other way forcing their wife into sex, he would lose everything in court."
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2005-05-12 19:23
AngryMan writes "This article from the BBC covers a new report into international forced labour. I'm sure we're all opposed to slavery of every kind, but the article concentrates solely on prostitution. If you download the report (PDF on the right), turn to page 12 and look at the pie chart, the report identifies 3 categories of forced labour: economic, military and sexual. Of these 3, sexual is the least significant. It's interesting that most forced workers and soldiers are male, but these get ignored. The BBC concentrates solely on women. The article turns this report into another attack on male sexuality. The implication is that all prostitutes are slaves. Thanks once again BBC."
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2005-05-12 01:30
Dittohd writes "In Tennessee, the maximum sentence for statutory rape is only two years? Would this maximum sentence be the same if the gender roles were reversed in this situation? Is this situation getting to feel like an epidemic to you? I wonder if this is really new or just women being afforded a taste of equal responsibility along with those so-called equal rights."
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2005-05-10 08:12
mens_issues writes "Please consider sending a donation to Jan Brown at the Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men so that she can present the case for male victims of DV at the 9th International Family Violence Research Conference in New Hampshire. Karen Clay (of Stop the Violence) would also like to attend.
Click "Read More..." to see Jan's message.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2005-05-10 08:09
CJ writes "Not finding actual issues of violence or assault to deal with, this university's Womyn's Center has worked with campus police to develop a stalking policy, has just published an informational brochure for students on stalking. Here is a fine example of Marxist feminist paranoia propaganda at work; every incoming freshman is lectured about stalking issues, and simple “looks” now constitute stalking behavior, and students are held accountable for actions that may or may not be stalking behavior,and as we all now know, allegation alone is sufficient evidence to ruins one's life path."
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