Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2005-06-04 23:49
While searching on other matters (I wanted to know linguistic roots of the word "sanguine"), I came across this document (.pdf format). [For those of us who prefer to avoid opening .pdf documents, the HTML version of it can be had here].
The author is very careful to point out he is only identifying correlational factors, not necessarily causative factors, in his report. Nonetheless, there is still good food for thought here on several fronts and fodder for exploration.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2005-06-04 21:07
Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2005-06-02 08:11
gilligan writes " has added this item to their blogs.
Once again, it's the usual biased tripe about how long-suffering women have to endure the terrible burden of endless hours of housework, while their husbands (when they can pry them off the couch and get them to do some sort of work) are barely able to wash a dish, let alone take care of kids, do the laundry, etc. I know it's not a news story, but it bothered me to see yet another instance of socially-sponsored misandry."
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2005-06-02 08:06
CJ writes "Here is a story of three boys (age 16 at the time of the alleged "rape") and a girl who performed oral sex on them who was 15. Statutory rape charges were filed yesterday against these three boys and at the minimum they would have to register as sex offenders; at the maximum, they would be sentenced to life in prison. The article indicates fellow classmates are upset at the charges, and the article blames the culture's "obsession" with sex, and never mentions the impact of feminist "0% tolerance" laws in place against male sexually. The paper published the pictures of these boys (who have not been proven guilty yet) and it is Globe policy not to name victims of alleged sexual abuse without their consent. This is equality? "
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2005-06-02 08:01
Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2005-05-31 08:11
Submitted by Hombre on Mon, 2005-05-30 22:22
Anonymous User writes "Excellent Memorial Day piece in The Christian Science Monitor on-line examines the complex debate about US women soldiers in combat roles in Iraq. Reservations about women being expected to function as killers, concerns about accepting violence against women if it’s inflicted by the enemy, and female's physical limitations are part of the stew. Female Army reservists are being excluded from the ongoing Iraqui army and police training effort due to cultural sensitivities on gender roles.
Full piece here --"
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Submitted by Hombre on Mon, 2005-05-30 22:19
SJones writes "In New York City, the feminist city government unanimously passed a law requiring all new buildings to have 2 women's bathrooms for every 1 men's bathroom. The blatant discrimination is explained away with the usual bullcrap about how equality really discriminates against women and thus must be redefined. The disgusting article is here."
The unanimous support for this bill perfectly demonstrates the quintessence of feminism and bureaucracy combined. - Hombre
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Submitted by Hombre on Mon, 2005-05-30 22:00
Tirryb writes " reports that Japanese company Yamaha has come up with a novel solution to keep Japanese women happy.
Apparently husbands can be very annoying with the noise and mess they make, so Yahama have developed a big sound-proof box called 'MyRoom' that can be installed in the home and decked out with mini tables etc for the husband to 'spend his time in without annoying the wife'. Apparently Japanese wive's are mortified about losing their tranquility (i.e. living at home while their husbands kill themselves working hard) when hubby retires. The solution, of course, is to shove him in a box so you can carry on being a couch potato.
Of course the media is treating this as a hilarious story, men treated like pets or little kids to be locked away.
Yamaha has already heard from me on how they've lost my business for good - anyone else want to tell them what men think of this, the Yamaha corporation of America can be contacted on This article was originally written by The Times of London, Leo Lewis. The Times online editor can be contacted at"
I wonder how many fair women, who are grateful to their husbands for working their whole lives to pay for their homes, will object to their sacrifices being demeaned like this? - Hombre
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2005-05-30 21:07
Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2005-05-29 20:41
Read it here. Excerpt:
The crisis undermining masculinity has now reached alarming proportions. Under the aegis of the masculine mystique, masculinity has become the "shadow" gender. This is especially apparent in the general view that many men and women have of male sexuality. Masculine sexuality has become routinely associated with promiscuity, rape, and violence. Phallic penetration is most often analogized to the destructive penetration of guns (bullets) and missiles. The concept of generative penetration, the phallus as seed bearer, similar to the creative penetration of planting seeds in the soil or communicating a penetrating idea, is almost never associated with masculine power in our culture but was commonplace in virtually all prior cultures.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2005-05-28 23:04
Dittohd writes "From Australia: Do you find it really strange that a judge would deny a woman use of her dead husband's sperm because he hadn't given permission prior to death? I suspect the deal killer must have been that the courts would have no one to hit up for child support."
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2005-05-28 22:59
Luek writes "Here are two news stories about how Australians view victims of judicial tyranny.
The first is about how a 27 yo Australian female who got busted in Indonesia for smuggling in drugs and was sentenced to 20 years. It seems the whole nation of Australia is all aflutter and outraged about this gross miscarriage of justice against a woman. She even has a rich male financial backer supporting her case.
The other is about a misandric Domestic Violence law in the state of Tasmania. Here a judge criticizes the law in denying bail to a man accused of DV after having spent 5 weeks awaiting the bail hearing as being unfair and not in the best tradition of Western jurisprudence where innocence is presumed until proven guilty. Of course this story is buried in the back pages and evidently the citizenry of Tasmania and the rest of the nation don't seem to give a damn."
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2005-05-27 18:53
Tom writes "Warren Farrell is to be on 20/20 tonight Friday May 27th at 10:00 pm eastern time. It looks likely that the show will validate his views and put Hillary Clinton and Martha Burk in a position of looking silly and supporting half truths and misinformation. This could be a huge event for our cause. It would mark the first time a major television network has openly and plainly shown that a feminist inspired myth is just that, a myth with the intent of whipping women into a victim frenzy.
Let's hope 20/20 has the fortitude to tell the truth."
Click "Read more..." for more.
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2005-05-27 18:47
The Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journal, the biggest legal newspapers in California, just printed the following op ed which informs the legal community about the Blumhorst decision's denial of civil rights testers standing to sue and how this dealt a blow to male DV victims but is not the end of it.
Click "Read more..." for the rest of Marc's post and the op-ed.
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