More scary civil liberty violations at hand in MA

CJ writes "This is very important information to understand. Restraining orders which are handled out in MA in almost every divorce case in MA, makes the "victim" of "abuse" (read woman) eligible for police protection, police transportation, free social services, simplified filing forms, free and unlimited access to the courts, immunity from perjury, a comprehensive recital and listing of her "rights" under Chapter 209A, the children from her relationship with the accused, and the property and salary of the accused, among other perks."

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Zero-sum Gender War: Sweden's Feminist Initiative

Roy writes "The two-month old Feminist Initiative (F.I., a new political party in Sweden), has published its "manifesto," which proclaims - "gender politics have hitherto been based on a view of equality as a non-zero sum game, meaning that women's conditions can improve without affecting those of men. F.I. builds its politics upon an analysis, which makes it clear that women's subordination results from the privileging of men. Therefore, men must agree to relinquish their privileges... F.I formulates a politics, which in every area and aspect of life poses a challenge to patriarchy. We anticipate a large degree of resistance, but expect an even larger and stronger feminist desire for change."

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How Can We Coach Little Girls Into Women...


I was walking through the park today on my way to pick up my car from the mechanic. It’s about a mile, and the mechanic is in a rather “industrial” part of town so I dressed in blue jeans and a denim shirt so I would be less likely to get mugged. I walked by the new gymnasium the City of Los Angeles is building and noticed that somebody had torched the place, since the last time I was in the park about a week ago. As I got to the jogging track I noticed hundreds of elementary school kids playing soccer on the big field, while their parents looked on. One Mom gave me a rather disapproving glance as I walked by. I guess I wasn’t properly attired to be walking on the jogging track in her book, or maybe she’s just learned from the gender feminist influence in our society to look at all men as potential rapists and child molesters."

Click "Read more..." for the rest.

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Woman Jailed For 12 Months For False Rape Claim

Luek writes "From misandric Britain of all places!

A wife and mother who reported being raped by two men to coverup her one night stand was sentenced to a year in prison.

Very encouraging since it did happen in Britain. Usually, the drill there is to order probation and mental counseling."

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RADAR Alert: North Carolina Program Shortchanges Abusive Women

The Winston-Salem Journal recently reported on a domestic violence mentoring program for boys. If it's a good thing to teach boys that violence against women is unacceptable, one would think it should also be a good thing to teach girls that violence against men is unacceptable. Surely something is needed to counter the images Hollywood bombards us with showing women self-righteously hitting men, sometimes for a slight insult, sometimes for no reason at all.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Cult of Power

Dittohd writes "Martha Burk's book has garnered four 5-star reviews on so far. Look under "Product Details". Ugh!! I just bought the book used and plan to give it a proper review as soon as I finish it. For anyone here who feels so inclined to also add their two cents in the form of a proper review, I suggest buying the book used so as to not put any additional money into this feminazi's pocketbook or raise her number-sold rating. Here are two possibilities: and Your local public library is also always a possibility. If you do review the book, please keep it calm, reasoned, and factual so others don't quickly write you off as a wacko from the other side.

By the way, I just purchased Tom Ellis' book, "Rantings of a Single Male" and started reading and really enjoying it last night. Got Warren Farrell's latest book, "Why Men Earn More" along with it and it looks really top notch, including important information to anyone looking to start or change their career and not quite sure where the money is."

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Ending pregnancy is legal...only if you are a girl

thrudd writes "I am pro-life, but the double standard here is disgusting. "A 19-year-old East Texas man faces a life prison sentence for causing his teenage girlfriend to miscarry twins, even though she wanted to end the pregnancy....Erica Basoria acknowledged asking Flores to help end her pregnancy. But the 17-year-old can't be prosecuted because of her legal right to abortion."

I am against abortion, but I find it hard to see the REAL difference in terms of the law between the boyfriend and Planned Parenthood. At worst, he should have been charged with assault."

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Newsweek article on Marriage

Comments? The article is here.

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Title IX Challenge Rejected Without Comment

Without a word, the Supreme Court declined to hear the latest challenge to Title IX.

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Missing TX Student Discovered Working at a Sam's Club

I wonder if she will have to pay for the time and money spent looking for her? Story here.

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Warren Farrell among Scheduled Speakers for July's Men's Equality Congress

Thomas writes "The dates of this July's Second National Men's Equality Congress in Washington D.C. are fast approaching. This year promises to be even more successful and enjoyable than last year, with a number of well-known MRAs giving talks.

As you can see on the congress' website,, Warren Farrell will be speaking as well as Glenn Sacks, Carnell Smith, Stephen Baskerville, Jack Kammer, Dave Burroughs, and others including MANN's founder, Scott Garman.

To keep up on the news, join the email list at: f=list&l=testo.

I (this is Thomas writing) will do my best to help people save money by finding roommates for their stays at the Washington Court Hotel, If you are interested in sharing a room, you can contact me at Remember to change the "AT" in to the "@" symbol.

I will also function as self-appointed Secretary of the Department of
Entertainment for the afternoon and night before the congress opens. If you expect to be in DC the night before the congress begins (that night would be Thursday, July 14) and you would like to meet to traipse around the Smithsonian for a few hours that afternoon or to gather for drinks that evening, contact me at Again, remember to change the "AT" in to the "@" symbol."

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Want Lifetime Job Security? Wear a Dress to Work!

Anonymous writes: "There's a bill being introduced before Congress -- the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2005 -- that seeks to provide civil rights protections for persons of any and all actual and/or perceived genders. Confused? N.O.W. "Applauds Groundbreaking Effort to Pass Gender-Inclusive Legislation." At --

(No heterosexual males are invited to apply. They are not sufficiently conflicted or oppressed about their sexuality.)"

Click "Read more..." for more.

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"Men's rights" Covered in Wikipedia

Nice to see this. Thanks to any and all who made it happen!

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Women and Children (main) victims of war??

Indiana Jones writes "Feminists have long argued that women and children are the (main) victims of war. True, some of them might have been raped or beaten. However, nothing beats a complete gendercide, where a specfic gender is entirely wiped out.

In 1995, the Srebrenica massacre was the worst civilian massacre in europe since WWII. What's worst, it is a massacre of MEN AND BOYS. Men and boys were seperated from women and children, and they were systematically killed one by one while the women and children were hauled off to safety by the Dutch troops.

More proofs of these gendercide against men have emerged as video tapes. Link: 18874&CMP=OTC-RSSFeeds0312"

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"Multiculturalists" Take Over Schools

Anonymous writes "An illuminating article linked from Angry Harry’s site exposes how the leftist multiculturalist movement has captured college teacher education programs in 37 states, by requiring that students be judged on their "dispositions" --- code for Political Correctness. New standards incorporate the concept of dispositions, which seek to sort out teachers who are likeliest to be successful. Dispositions "are guided by beliefs and attitudes related to values such as caring, fairness, honesty, responsibility, and social justice." Students at CUNY have been punished for deviating from the views of their feminist-leftist professors. Links at --

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