Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2005-06-22 19:42
Submitted by Hombre on Wed, 2005-06-22 02:09
Yesterday, Father's Rights Activist and longtime participator in the Anti-Peonage movement Perry Manley was killed by police during an incident in which he brought an unusable hand grenade into the downtown Seattle federal courthouse. The hand grenade had been drilled out making it harmless, and Perry had his living will on him at the time he was killed. He also had some court papers on him at the time, but police have so far chosen not to tell us what they were. Story here.
Exactly what Perry had intended this protest to mean is unknown, although this article suggests that he was denied access to his children, had $14,000 in child support taken from him after his children were adults, and recently discovered that he was not allowed to attend his daughter's wedding. My condolences to Perry's friends and family.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2005-06-21 21:00
The Violence Against Women Act was re-introduced in the Senate and House last week. The number of the Senate bill is S. 1197, and the number of the House bill is H.R. 2876.
Since VAWA was first enacted in 1994, its discriminatory effects have kept innumerable victims of domestic violence from receiving help. Their offense – being male.
Click "Read more..." for more.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2005-06-21 20:59
Indiana Jones writes "I'm glad that it actually received formal, offical grant from NIH with a statement saying that the male part of the population has been ignored for too long. Story here."
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2005-06-21 20:55
kavius writes "A follow up to an earlier story. The six year-old boy who saved a girl from drowning did die. Last posted, he was in critical condition."
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2005-06-20 22:02
Raymond Cuttill writes "Fathers 4 Justice have spilt. Sadly men's/father's organisations often do that. I suppose it's a forlorn hope that they can get together again. Partly it is to do with the agreement between F4J and CAFCASS, effectively a truce. CAFCASS, which is a court service that recommends child custody arrangements, has to improve in 3 months and F4J will not target them for protests. If nothing changes, then the protests begin again. Some have split over this new softer policy. The Real F4J press release is on Men's Hour Blog, and more about the cancelled protest and CAFCASS on F4J News"
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2005-06-20 21:58
Ottawa Men's Centre writes "Ottawa Men's Centre
A dedicated support group whose primary goal is to stem the trend of suicide by fathers. We provide divorce resources, impartial attorney referrals and support for men or fathers who are victims of false allegations, parental alienation and or gender bias.
Call 1-613-797-3237"
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2005-06-20 21:52
Anonymous User writes "I am giving you a link to Kathleen Parker's latest article not strictly because it's father's day, but because Kathleen is perpetuating a hateful stereotype about the nearest man, and is doing it in a indirect attract and repel way. She's done this before, as evidenced by this previous article I will try to explain below."
Click "Read more..." for more.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2005-06-20 21:49
bandersnatch writes "From Seattle PI:
Most of the missing adults tracked by the FBI are men. More than one-in-five of those abducted or kidnapped are black. But you might not get that impression from the news media, and some journalism watchdogs are now taking the industry to task for what they see as a disproportionate emphasis on cases in which white girls and women - overwhelmingly upper-middle class and attractive - disappear.
"To be blunt, blond white chicks who go missing get covered and poor, black, Hispanic or other people of color who go missing do not get covered," said Tom Rosenstiel, director of the Washington-based Project for Excellence in Journalism. "You're more likely to get coverage if you're attractive than if you're not."
-- In my opinion, this is one of the more obvious signs that feminism has pretty much been composed of white women only concerned about their pocketbook and their reproductive freedom -- if you happen to of color or worse, male, too bad, you're SOL."
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2005-06-20 21:46
What will the excuse be this time, "job-related stress"? Read it here.
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2005-06-19 21:00
Can't wait to read comments on this one.
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2005-06-19 01:18
Five months ago RADAR set out to do what some considered the impossible: to convince the mainstream media to report the domestic violence issue in a balanced and objective manner.
Beginning January 16, we started to issue weekly Alerts that targeted newspapers, radio, and television. We went after the big fish, like the New York Times, and some of the small fry, like the Everett (WA) Herald.
Click "Read more..." for more.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2005-06-18 22:06
Tumescent writes "I guess this article is written to be funny, and I guess maybe it is to the extent that apparently this guy has a hard time staying awake, but its pretty typical to how the media reacts to a lot of women against men domestic violence. It's framed in a "man bites dog" context. Two puncture holes to the arm and scratches from previous attacks, but its nothing to worry about, "I assumed he went back to sleep, har...har...har....""
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Submitted by Thomas on Sat, 2005-06-18 01:34
Kathleen Parker has offered this commentary on recent news items about French men.
First, I'd like to say that, in part because I've visited France about a dozen times, I know a number of French men who are as heteronormative (Like that word? I couldn't resist.) as any American man. Her article, though, does carry some insight and a forecast regarding those dark clouds on the horizon. The following contains a few excerpts and my own commentary. If this seems long, please pardon the rantings of a married male. (A tip o' the hat to Tom Ellis.)
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2005-06-17 23:54
Anonymous User writes "Do you think maybe Jeb's already courting the feminazi vote for his anticipated 2008 Presidential bid?
From the Miami Herald today --
"One day after an exhaustive autopsy sought to end much of the controversy over Terri Schiavo's life, and eventual death, Gov. Jeb Bush said he plans to ask prosecutors to investigate whether her husband took too long to call for help on the night she collapsed in 1990.
A lawyer for Michael Schiavo called the governor's comments ''disgusting'' and said there was no delay in the husband's call for help."
Full article
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