Warren Farrell among Scheduled Speakers for July's Men's Equality Congress

Thomas writes "The dates of this July's Second National Men's Equality Congress in Washington D.C. are fast approaching. This year promises to be even more successful and enjoyable than last year, with a number of well-known MRAs giving talks.

As you can see on the congress' website, http://www.trueequality.com, Warren Farrell will be speaking as well as Glenn Sacks, Carnell Smith, Stephen Baskerville, Jack Kammer, Dave Burroughs, and others including MANN's founder, Scott Garman.

To keep up on the news, join the email list at:
http://www.trueequality.com/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi? f=list&l=testo.

I (this is Thomas writing) will do my best to help people save money by finding roommates for their stays at the Washington Court Hotel,
http://www.washingtoncourthotel.com. If you are interested in sharing a room, you can contact me at mensrights01ATyahoo.com. Remember to change the "AT" in mensrights01ATyahoo.com to the "@" symbol.

I will also function as self-appointed Secretary of the Department of
Entertainment for the afternoon and night before the congress opens. If you expect to be in DC the night before the congress begins (that night would be Thursday, July 14) and you would like to meet to traipse around the Smithsonian for a few hours that afternoon or to gather for drinks that evening, contact me at mensrights01ATyahoo.com. Again, remember to change the "AT" in mensrights01ATyahoo.com to the "@" symbol."

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Want Lifetime Job Security? Wear a Dress to Work!

Anonymous writes: "There's a bill being introduced before Congress -- the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2005 -- that seeks to provide civil rights protections for persons of any and all actual and/or perceived genders. Confused? N.O.W. "Applauds Groundbreaking Effort to Pass Gender-Inclusive Legislation." At -- http://www.now.org/press/05-05/05-25-b.html

(No heterosexual males are invited to apply. They are not sufficiently conflicted or oppressed about their sexuality.)"

Click "Read more..." for more.

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"Men's rights" Covered in Wikipedia

Nice to see this. Thanks to any and all who made it happen!

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Women and Children (main) victims of war??

Indiana Jones writes "Feminists have long argued that women and children are the (main) victims of war. True, some of them might have been raped or beaten. However, nothing beats a complete gendercide, where a specfic gender is entirely wiped out.

In 1995, the Srebrenica massacre was the worst civilian massacre in europe since WWII. What's worst, it is a massacre of MEN AND BOYS. Men and boys were seperated from women and children, and they were systematically killed one by one while the women and children were hauled off to safety by the Dutch troops.

More proofs of these gendercide against men have emerged as video tapes. Link: http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=8 18874&CMP=OTC-RSSFeeds0312"

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"Multiculturalists" Take Over Schools

Anonymous writes "An illuminating article linked from Angry Harry’s site exposes how the leftist multiculturalist movement has captured college teacher education programs in 37 states, by requiring that students be judged on their "dispositions" --- code for Political Correctness. New standards incorporate the concept of dispositions, which seek to sort out teachers who are likeliest to be successful. Dispositions "are guided by beliefs and attitudes related to values such as caring, fairness, honesty, responsibility, and social justice." Students at CUNY have been punished for deviating from the views of their feminist-leftist professors. Links at --

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Men, Depression, and Genetics

While searching on other matters (I wanted to know linguistic roots of the word "sanguine"), I came across this document (.pdf format). [For those of us who prefer to avoid opening .pdf documents, the HTML version of it can be had here].

The author is very careful to point out he is only identifying correlational factors, not necessarily causative factors, in his report. Nonetheless, there is still good food for thought here on several fronts and fodder for exploration.

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Runaway Bride Sentenced to Probation and Counseling

SacredNaCl writes "Runaway
Bride - Jennifer Wilbanks, sentenced to probation & a fine.

Just as predicted, not a day of time, and the usual psychological
counseling bit. Disparate justice really ticks me off, especially when
it includes a false rape allegation as well, you can listen to the full tape
of her call to her husband

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Monster.com blog on housework division

gilligan writes "Monster.com has added this item to their blogs.

Once again, it's the usual biased tripe about how long-suffering women have to endure the terrible burden of endless hours of housework, while their husbands (when they can pry them off the couch and get them to do some sort of work) are barely able to wash a dish, let alone take care of kids, do the laundry, etc. I know it's not a news story, but it bothered me to see yet another instance of socially-sponsored misandry."

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Three Boys Could Get Life for High School Sex

CJ writes "Here is a story of three boys (age 16 at the time of the alleged "rape") and a girl who performed oral sex on them who was 15. Statutory rape charges were filed yesterday against these three boys and at the minimum they would have to register as sex offenders; at the maximum, they would be sentenced to life in prison. The article indicates fellow classmates are upset at the charges, and the article blames the culture's "obsession" with sex, and never mentions the impact of feminist "0% tolerance" laws in place against male sexually. The paper published the pictures of these boys (who have not been proven guilty yet) and it is Globe policy not to name victims of alleged sexual abuse without their consent. This is equality? "

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SAFE posts recommendations for VAWA 2005

Jade Rubick writes "Stop Abuse For Everyone has posted a set of Recommendations for the Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act 2005. SAFE calls for gender-inclusive language in the bill, so that people can receive services regardless of what type of person they are."

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RADAR Alert: NPR Article Diverts Listener's Attention Away From Majority of Victims

Considering that the majority of those victimized by violent crime are men, why does National Public Radio turn a story about the Federal Crime Victim's Fund into a story about battered women?

Men are 3.4 times as likely to be murdered than women according to the U.S. Dept. of Justice. And although rates for all types of violent crime have dropped significantly in the last decade, men continue to be 38.4% more likely to be victims of violent crime than are women (see http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/glance/tables/vsxtab.htm).

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Chivalry & Cultural Sensitivity Part of Women in Combat

Anonymous User writes "Excellent Memorial Day piece in The Christian Science Monitor on-line examines the complex debate about US women soldiers in combat roles in Iraq. Reservations about women being expected to function as killers, concerns about accepting violence against women if it’s inflicted by the enemy, and female's physical limitations are part of the stew. Female Army reservists are being excluded from the ongoing Iraqui army and police training effort due to cultural sensitivities on gender roles.

Full piece here -- http://www.csmonitor.com/2005/0526/p01s03-usmi.html"

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NYC feminasty busybodies pass law requiring 2 female bathrooms

SJones writes "In New York City, the feminist city government unanimously passed a law requiring all new buildings to have 2 women's bathrooms for every 1 men's bathroom. The blatant discrimination is explained away with the usual bullcrap about how equality really discriminates against women and thus must be redefined. The disgusting article is here."

The unanimous support for this bill perfectly demonstrates the quintessence of feminism and bureaucracy combined. - Hombre

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Husband annoying? Put him in a box

Tirryb writes "News.com.au reports that Japanese company Yamaha has come up with a novel solution to keep Japanese women happy.

Apparently husbands can be very annoying with the noise and mess they make, so Yahama have developed a big sound-proof box called 'MyRoom' that can be installed in the home and decked out with mini tables etc for the husband to 'spend his time in without annoying the wife'. Apparently Japanese wive's are mortified about losing their tranquility (i.e. living at home while their husbands kill themselves working hard) when hubby retires. The solution, of course, is to shove him in a box so you can carry on being a couch potato.

Of course the media is treating this as a hilarious story, men treated like pets or little kids to be locked away.

Yamaha has already heard from me on how they've lost my business for good - anyone else want to tell them what men think of this, the Yamaha corporation of America can be contacted on infostation@yamaha.com. This article was originally written by The Times of London, Leo Lewis. The Times online editor can be contacted at online.editor@timesonline.co.uk."

I wonder how many fair women, who are grateful to their husbands for working their whole lives to pay for their homes, will object to their sacrifices being demeaned like this? - Hombre

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SC Paternity Fraud Victims Sought

Anonymous User writes "I am searching for men who have been victimized by paternity fraud in South Carolina. Please resond to soboski@bellsouth.net."

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