Men's Equality Congress: Day Two Complete

The second and final day of the Second National Men's Equality Congress in Washington, DC crossed the line with a strong finish! Thanks to everyone who attended, spoke, or facilitated break-out sessions. The final tally is TBD, but I can confidently report that at least 70 people attended the Congress. Look for pictures shortly.

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New MensactivismWiki Released

You may have noticed a new link in the Navigation box in the upper-left of It is to a new section of MANN, which is called the MensactivismWiki. If you don't know what a wiki is, check it out and start reading some of the documentation. I realize the docs are very sparse right now but I will impove them significantly over the next week. I am announcing this at the second annual Men's Equality Conference, so it's being released now even if it's still a bit rough around the edges. If you have worked with wikis before, this one is dedicated to the men's rights community to collaborate and share knowledge related to pro-male activism. Feel free to start adding content to it in that spirit!

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Men's Equality Congress: Day One a Success!

Many thanks to all who attended Day One of the Second National Men's Equality Congress in Washington, D.C. The lobby portion of the day was very productive, and included a "fact-blitz" on the Senate Justiciary Committee members regarding the upcoming VAWA re-authorization bill. Our Supreme Court protest was energized and well-attended despite the foul weather, with tourists from Britain and other parts of America spontaneously joining in with us. Pictures will be coming soon, so stay tuned! Tomorrow's gonna be great!

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Rapist chooses castration over life in jail

Anonymous User writes "A man who admitted raping two young girls in the US has agreed to be castrated to avoid serving a life prison sentence.


Keith Raymond Fremin, 42, accepted a 25-year sentence without parole for molesting the two sisters, who were 11 and 13 at the time of the attacks in 1999.

Judge Donald Fendlason, in the Louisiana court, said he would revoke the lighter sentence if Fremin does not undergo the surgery by August 18.

The victims, now 17 and 19, were in court yesterday and agreed to the plea deal."

Ed note: I debated with myself about posting this but then thought about the "what if" situation had the confessed rapist been female and the victims boys. Would the judge have 1) sentenced her to life in jail and 2) offered an ovariectomy to the woman in exchange for imposing a lesser sentence?

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Washington Times Prints Letters Refuting False Paternal Custody Claims

Marc A. writes "The Washington times just printed two letters from men's rights activists responding to the false claims of feminists in an article on fathers' custody. One letter refutes the feminist myth that when fathers request physical and legal custody they get it 70% of the time, which comes from a distortion of a study that does not say this at all and in fact shows otherwise."

Click "Read more..." for more.

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RADAR ALERT: July 19 Hearings Not Yet Finalized, Call Sen. Specter's Office Today

The list of persons who will be speaking at the July 19, 2005 Senate hearing on VAWA is still in limbo. We have an important opportunity to assure the truth is heard next Tuesday.

The staffer who is arranging the hearings is Mr. Brett Tolman in Senator Specter's office.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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First Lady Wants a Female Judge

You know, I am not too impressed when a high-profile political figure openly and publicly declares that an indelible characteristic should be consideration for appointment of a person to a high (or any) office. Oh yes, well, since she is referring to a person's sex and it's a "pro-woman" comment, I guess it must be all right then...

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T-minus-Three Days to Men's Equality Congress

Well just in case you hadn't seen the previous postings, we are three days away from the Second National Men's Equality Congress in Washington, D.C. If you are all set to attend, see you soon! Otherwise, hey, there's still time to make plans.

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Mother Charged in Children-in-Trunk Case

So, they actually charged her? Good to see it. Of course if she had been a he, there would have been no delay in the charges, would there have been?

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RADAR ALERT: VAWA 4 All: This is the Week to Deliver

This week the VAWA4All Campaign has good news and bad news to share.

The good news is, our people in Washington are meeting with some key elected officials who are extremely supportive of our cause. That's very encouraging.

The bad news is, these elected officials say they have not seen or heard anything that resembles an outpouring of mass discontent with the current version of VAWA.

That worries us, because next week on July 19th, the Senate Judiciary Committee will be holding hearings on VAWA. As things stand right now, the VAWA bill will sail through the hearings without even a peep of concern.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Second National Men's Equality Congress-- Less Than a Week Away

The Second National Men's Equality Congress is less than a week away! So if you haven't registered yet, please do so. See you soon!

P.S. I mean it this time, really! :-)

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Letter re sex bias in dating/marriage printed in Washington Post

Marc A. writes "On July 4, the Washington Post printed this letter from NCFM member Jerry B. about inequities in dating and marriage, which the editor titled, 'Gender Bias Cuts Both ways'."

Click "Read more..." to read the letter.

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Josef Cannon Narrowly Avoids Death/Injury in Recent London Attacks

Some of you may recognize the name Josef Cannon associated with California's Synclair-Cannon Law to help prevent child abduction. It seems Mr. Cannon also narrowly escaped death or serious injury yesterday (search for "Brosnan" to get to the relevant entry) in London's subway system.

More links to relevant information:

Click "Read more..." to see the relevant entry from the page.

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Circumcised - 70% less Chance of Contracting HIV!

Dittohd writes "Several of the guys posting here have used this website in the past to rail against circumcision. Wow! They, along with the radio personality, Dr. Dean Edell, are sure not going to be happy to see this!

Special quote from the article: It was deemed unethical to continue the trial after an early peek at data showed that the uncircumcised men were so much more likely to become infected."

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High profile Swedish feminist resigns post amid controversy

Ray writes "Wow! If this is a valid reason for a shelter official to resign (...assigning a characteristic to everybody of a certain gender) , then very soon they'll all be un-womaned, and not just in Sweden:

"After a period of intense criticism and scrutiny, Ireen von Wachenfeldt, chairwoman of women's shelter organisation ROKS, has resigned.

Von Wachenfeldt is a high profile and influential radical feminist, who found herself at the centre of a media storm recently following her appearance in the SVT documentary 'Könskriget' (Battle of the Sexes). In the programme, she appeared to state that "men are animals". But she claimed the comments was taken out of context.'"

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