RADAR Alert: Shock and Awe Week 4: House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime

Last Tuesday, July 19th, the Senate Judiciary Committee held "hearings" on the bill to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act which left them no better informed about the truth of VAWA. A transcript of the testimony can be seen at http://judiciary.senate.gov/hearing.cfm?id=1570.

Now we turn our focus to the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime. This week we're asking you to contact members of that committee to inform them of the facts on VAWA.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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"Internet Tools..." Conference Audio Available for Download

The talk I gave at the 2005 Men's Equality Conference in Washington, D.C. last weekend is now available for download. The breakout session was titled "Internet Tools for Promoting Collaboration and Activism," and you can download the mp3 audio of it (9.3 MB) as well as the PDF slides (350 kb) to follow along with (except for the live demo part). My talk didn't exactly set the world on fire but I wanted to make it available in case others might find it useful. Enjoy!

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John Irving plumbs pain of sexual abuse in new book

zerostress writes " This article in the Canada.com
talk about the latest book by John Irving ( of The World According to Garp fame ) , Until I Find You. In this book, Irving, himself a victim of sexual abuse by an older female family friend, approach the subject of
of sexual abuse and its repercussion on the life of a man."

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A new book by John Irving

zerostress writes " This article in the Globe and Mail
talk about the latest book by John Irving
( of The World According to Garp fame ) , Until I Find You. In this book, Irving, himself a victim of sexual abuse by an older female family friend, approach the subject of
of sexual abuse and its repercussion on the life of a man. Warning : contains spoilers, heeds author's advice."

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Alabama state house passes mandatory castration bill

Anonymous user writes "The Alabama state House passed a bill yesterday that would require mandatory castration of persons convicted of violent sex crimes against children under 12 years old.

The associated press story is available here."

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Tell Congress to Amend or Reject VAWA!

Ray writes "Here's an online site that has a canned letter opposing the VAWA.
Tell Congress to Amend or Reject VAWA!

You can send the message by email or Western Union for $8.95. It's fairly easy to fill out and automatically provides your elected Reps from the address you enter. If you haven't sent something yet, or even if you have, here is an opportunity to voice your opposition to this horrible man-destroying law. The process starts with you entering your zip code."

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RADAR Alert: Fresh Ammo for Shock and Awe

Pressure continues to mount to reform VAWA, a law that discriminates against men and shreds their civil liberties.

In recent weeks a number of Op-Ed columns have targeted VAWA. On Tuesday, well-known writer Phyllis Schlafly published a bell-ringer column that called VAWA an example of "anti-marriage and anti-male ideology" and called for persons to "stop the act from spending any more taxpayers' money to promote family dissolution and fatherless children."

Her full column is reprinted below.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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VAWA Hearing 7.19.05 Testimony Transcripts on Web

Roy writes "The Senate Judiciary Committee has published most of the transcripts from those who testified at yesterday's VAWA hearing. It is the usual litany of feminist misinformation, hysteria, and misandrist screed, with no mention of male DV victims that I could find on a first read. Testifying were the heads of the National Sherriff's Association, Director of the Office on Violence Against Women, Director of the National Network to End Domestic Violence, and actress Salma Hayek, among others."

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Cellphone data may yield child support

Anonymous User writes "Virginia has issued subpoenas to cellphone companies seeking delinquent parents."

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Sacks Criticizes VAWA Restraining Order Policies

Anonymous user writes "Men's and fathers' issues columnist Glenn Sacks criticizes VAWA-related restraining order policies in his new column "VAWA Renewal Provides Opportunity to Stop Destruction of Innocent Cops’ Careers" (Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, 7/19/05). The column describes the way police officers often have their careers destroyed by baseless accusations of domestic violence.

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Teenage girl hangs 5 Year Old boy

AngryMan writes "A 5 year old boy narrowly escaped death when a teenage girl hanged him from a tree with a length of string, and then tried to incriminate 4 other children for it."

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RADAR Alert: Shock and Awe Week 3: Now on to the House!

Two weeks ago RADAR launched its Shock and Awe campaign. We asked people to contact members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and request they invite a male DV victim and other qualified experts to testify at the July 19 Committee hearings.

And it truly was Shock and Awe. Thousands of persons made phone calls and sent faxes. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO RESPONDED. And we know from inside sources that they really heard us.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Men's Equality Congress: Day Two Complete

The second and final day of the Second National Men's Equality Congress in Washington, DC crossed the line with a strong finish! Thanks to everyone who attended, spoke, or facilitated break-out sessions. The final tally is TBD, but I can confidently report that at least 70 people attended the Congress. Look for pictures shortly.

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New MensactivismWiki Released

You may have noticed a new link in the Navigation box in the upper-left of Mensactivism.org. It is to a new section of MANN, which is called the MensactivismWiki. If you don't know what a wiki is, check it out and start reading some of the documentation. I realize the docs are very sparse right now but I will impove them significantly over the next week. I am announcing this at the second annual Men's Equality Conference, so it's being released now even if it's still a bit rough around the edges. If you have worked with wikis before, this one is dedicated to the men's rights community to collaborate and share knowledge related to pro-male activism. Feel free to start adding content to it in that spirit!

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Men's Equality Congress: Day One a Success!

Many thanks to all who attended Day One of the Second National Men's Equality Congress in Washington, D.C. The lobby portion of the day was very productive, and included a "fact-blitz" on the Senate Justiciary Committee members regarding the upcoming VAWA re-authorization bill. Our Supreme Court protest was energized and well-attended despite the foul weather, with tourists from Britain and other parts of America spontaneously joining in with us. Pictures will be coming soon, so stay tuned! Tomorrow's gonna be great!

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