Sunday PARADE mentions "Paternal Discrepancy"

Anonymous User writes "The Sept. 18 issue of PARADE (found in many Sunday newspapers) mentions that "the average rate of 'paternal discrepancy' (i.e., paternity FRAUD) in the Western world is about 4%". PARADE also states that 'paternal discrepancy' is highest with young mothers, because they are more likely to have multiple sexual partners."

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MRAs in India Face a Backlash

bharati writes "First they laugh at us, then they ignore us and when they cannot Ignore us they fight with us and that is when we win.
Our modest success has provoked our openents into realising that no longer are we ignorable and hence the backlash has started and when there is a backlash we know we are winning."

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Unexpected Essay in Post on Lewd Conduct by Young Women

Wasn't expecting the Post to publish such an essay, especially as it openly declares that young women are as *gasp* responsible for their lewd behavior as young men!

But as much as the author writes a strong, brave essay, I do beg to differ on this matter: young women are entirely responsible for their own behavior, lewd or not, as are young men for their own.

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RADAR ALERT: Amnesty International Spits on the Human Rights of Men

On August 17, RADAR sent a letter of complaint to William F. Schulz, Executive Director of Amnesty International. The five-page letter alleges that Amnesty's "Stop Violence Against Women Campaign" is factually erroneous and promotes the passage of laws such as VAWA that directly violate the human rights of men.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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BBC News: Stereotypes in advertising

Anonymous User writes "BBC News has an article about stereotypes in advertising, many of which portray women as heroes but men as idiots. Writer John Camm, who is interviewed in this article, finds the stereotypes "irritating"."

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A Novelist Wakes Up

Neil Steyskal writes "If you read fiction and have been frustrated by the way feminist stereotypes dominate novels these days, get Robert K. Tannenbaum's new novel, Fury. In the past Tannenbaum wrote several stories about abused women, but someone seems to have educated him about the other side of the story. This new novel revolves around false charges of rape."

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Rape case thrown out - judge criticises prosecution

Anonymous User writes "Finally, a judge refuses to be politically correct and just beleive the woman despite the lack of evidence. The judge also said the prosecutor may have to pay the costs of bringing the matter to court. Story here."

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Activists Sought For Roe V. Wade... for MEN

Kingsley G. Morse Jr. writes "The U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion in the
famous case "Roe v. Wade".

Now the National Center for Men is preparing a
similar case.... for men.

Men should also have a limited time to permanently
accept, or decline, the rights and
responsibilities of parenthood.

No one knows how the case will turn out, but it
has already attracted a plaintiff, funds, a TV
network and lawyers.

To donate money, or help send out press releases,

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Turning Liars into Victims

Anonymous User writes "MisforMalevolent discovers the power of language, as NJ converts women who lie to get men thrown out of their homes into 'victims'. Link here."

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Women as Abusers... are you surprised?

Anonymous User writes "As if this is a surprise...women constituting a large percentage of sexual abusers in Norway. Story

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Farrell Article on Wage Gap Myth

Warren Farrell recently had the following article, on the wage gap myth, published in the New York Times and the International Herald Tribune.

Note that, given the exposure, this is a good time to buy his "Why Men Earn More: The Startling Truth Behind the Pay Gap - and What Women Can Do About It." Even if you already own the book, consider buying it for a man or woman who's heading off to college. A surge in sales will help his standing on Amazon, if you buy it there.

See "Read More" for a copy of the article.

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Men's Rights Movement Gaining Respectability

We still have a long road ahead of us, but there's little doubt that the MRM is gaining respectability. As this article points out, we're no longer being simply ignored and cast as whining idiots, at least not to the extent that we were just a few years ago.

Congratulations to all for a fine job done so far. Let's keep up the pressure!

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Daughter admits lying about rape, father released

radikal writes "Interesting story about the words of a child, bad marriages, visitation rights, polygraph machines, juries n' judges, and good ol' fashioned lazy thinking!"

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Internet and offline world gets active with Indian dowry laws

bharati writes "The victims of misuse of dowry acts and laws have started getting voice, at least on the Internet. Here are some important sites, but there are many more:

Earlier when you do a search did a search of the Internet it took two months to find some organisation who would help you when you were falsely accused. Now it takes a search on 'dowry misuse' or '498a' miuse to find a telephone helpline in the nearest city. For a 'net-savvy person it takes 5 minutes to find a helpline. As Mohan said, he was surprised to receive guidance which gave him a far better view of the situation and actionables then any lawyer gave him, and it happened in just 15 minutes, and so he knows now it is no longer a lonely battle. In a space of 4 months of activity, NGOs have opened in four cities: Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi and Jaipur."

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How Many VAWA Bills Are We Fighting?

Roy writes "Can anyone with Congressional process expertise explain why there appear to be four active bills reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act in the House and Senate? House bills HR 3171, HR 2876, HR 3402, and Senate bill S. 1197 all seek to renew VAWA. On Sept. 8th, S. 1197 was reported out of the Judiciary Committee "with an amendement in the nature of a substitute favorably." I believe that means a full Senate vote is upcoming soon. Look 'em all up on"

Ed. note: RADAR folks, please respond to this inquiry. -- Matt

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