Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2005-10-24 20:25
Anonymous User writes "
Notice that women now account for 25% of arrests but only 7% of inmates in jails?"
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2005-10-24 01:40
Normally I don't initiate the post of links to widely-syndicated mainstream columnists myself, but this one from our old pal Ellen Goodman warrants an exception. If you can find an argument of some kind in here or some sense of what she is trying to get at, please, post it and clue me in!
You can't deny though that she is an entertaining writer, from a style perspective anyway, depite the lines (or circles) of argument she does (or doesn't) draw...
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2005-10-24 00:43
bandersnatch writes "From The Sun Sentinel:
"Danica Patrick didn't hold back words or apparently one of her fists after she got tangled up with Jaques Lazier late in Sunday's Toyota Indy 400 at the California Speedway. "The first person I saw after the accident was Jaques, and that wasn't a good thing," said Patrick, who blamed Lazier for the Turn 4 mishap that knocked both from the race with 15 laps remaining. "I confronted him. I told him how I felt. I was mad at him." But sometime during the ride to the infield-care center in the back of an IRL safety-team vehicle, Patrick evidently took it up a notch. The Press-Telegram learned that the 23-year-old IRL rookie sensation struck Lazier in the face. The driver of the SUV had to stop briefly to tend to the situation, which reverted back to verbal sparring as they circled the track."
Check out Google News for more journalists defending Danica for assaulting a man... I mean fair and balanced news stories."
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2005-10-23 01:53
Wonder what the feminist establishment will do with this?
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2005-10-22 00:15
bandersnatch writes "From The Globe and Mail:
Legendary adman Neil French is leaving one of the premier jobs in advertising after telling a Toronto audience that family duties usually prevent women from succeeding in the business. Mr. French confirmed yesterday that he has quit as worldwide creative director of WPP Group PLC, the world's second-largest marketing company where he oversaw famous agency networks including Ogilvy & Mather, JWT, Young & Rubicam and Grey Worldwide."
Click "Read more..." for the rest.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2005-10-22 00:09
zerostress writes "I have always wished that women would stop making movies about how they are poor victims of men and do a movie about, let's say, what a man can feel after spending 20 years in jail for a rape he did not commit.
It seems that my prayers have been answered. This movie, After Innocence seems to be very interesting. I will not judge a movie by its website but this is something I am definitely going to see. Another thing I can't wait to see is also the reaction of the feminists."
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2005-10-22 00:07
Rand T. writes ""Feminist Initiative is in disarray with the loss of several founding members who abruptly departed over the radical direction the party was taking" ... "Support for feminism took another hit this summer with the airing of a Swedish television documentary ... which showed militant feminism to be widespread, reaching into official circles: Ireen von Wachenfeldt, the chairman of Roks, Sweden's largest women's shelter organization, for one, was shown asserting that "men are animals."
Full article here"
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2005-10-21 06:15
crescentluna writes "North Country is a movie about female coal miners in Minnesota fighting "male coworker brutality" through a class action lawsuit. Starring Charlize Theron, who is quoted here as saying "This case was only settled seven years ago, and you go, 'How dare you sit back as a young female and think the feminist movement happened in the '60s, some bras were burned and now everything is fine'?"
It is also a plug for, a website with a section on starting your own anti-harassment campaign at school and how to raise caring men."
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2005-10-21 06:13
Anonymous User writes "I know these stories are common now, but this one is a good example of the brazen nature of some of these women. She admits kissing the boy, then claims instead he sexually assaulted her, then her solicitors decide they can no longer represent her after she gave evidence in the trial. She has now been found guilty and was criticised by the judge for letting the case get "so far" because she refused to plead guilty. She evidently felt she could do what she liked and get let off because she's a woman and can't possibly be to blame. Ironically, it will probably work out that way. The judge(female) has already told her she won't be imprisoned."
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2005-10-21 05:36
Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2005-10-19 04:35
Anonymous User writes:
"'Good Morning America' Celebrates Divorce in the United States
ABC’s Andrea Canning on Sunday's “Good Morning America” did a report on Divorce Parties. That’s right, married women having a party to celebrate their divorces. In fact, Canning in her report referred to the party as “Part celebration, part exorcism.”
At this party, they play games like throwing the wedding ring into the toilet, as well as with voodoo doll figurines of the former husband.
Of particular note, the report made no mention of ex-husbands having such parties. Quite the contrary, the only person in this piece who wasn't celebrating was a divorced man: "I don't find anything about divorce to be funny at all. I find the whole experience rather tragic."
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2005-10-18 17:42
Beginning this coming Thursday, PBS stations around the country are planning to air a film entitled "Breaking the Silence, Children's Stories". This film denigrates divorcing fathers with it's bald-faced assertion that in "75% of cases in which fathers contest custody, fathers have history of being batterers".
Click "Read more..." for more
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2005-10-18 14:57
A surprise from MSN: What a Happy Marriage Really Looks Like
I truly believe -- and I know I can get a lot of backing from my fellow husbands on this -- that women worry way too much about The Relationship, worry that even the smallest problem is the first step on the road to divorce court. I would be the last one to deny that there are a certain number of marital stress points. But many of them -- certainly the five detailed below -- are not worth one moment of lost sleep.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2005-10-18 06:48
Well it's nice to see a UN report that isn't all about women. But it comes at such a terrible price. Read about it here.
From the article:
"Stereotypes of men's behaviour in Russia include excess alcohol consumption, drug addiction and smoking as stress reduction measures and ways of demonstrating manhood. Growth of suicides among men is an extreme form of reaction to growing socio-economic pressure and inability to perform the traditional role of breadwinner," the statement said.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2005-10-18 06:42
Way to go, Marc!
"Men are victims, too"
As an attorney who works with male victims of domestic violence, I was very offended by your article, “Safety and services under one roof” (August). Every example of domestic violence in the article was male-on-female, and the article was prefaced with a drawing of “the difference between the family’s old life and their new life after Dad is gone.” Male victims are stigmatized and ignored enough as it is without having to read articles like yours.
Click "Read more..." for the rest
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