Falsely-accused Man Denied Right to Sue

Anonymous User writes "M is for Malevolent reports on a case from the Rapid City Journal where a young man's life was worth far less than the testimony of a few young girls who needed an excuse for truancy. The alibis of the young man from his job and those who were with him that day didn't matter, and neither did the evidence. What mattered was that he was male, and the girls picked his picture out of a police book of photos. He spent 86 days in jail, was severely beaten by other prisoners, lost his job, his home, and his car. Just for being a man."

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Lynndie England Goes Down

The five men on Lynndie England's jury didn't buy her defense that love made her sexually torment male prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

So goes the continuing saga of the modern, American pinup girl. (We used to have the likes of Rita Hayworth. Sigh.)

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None Dare Call It Treason

Here's yet another piece on the collapse of male education. The point should not be missed that the phenomenon, of males fleeing from the academy, is taking place throughout the developed world, where family breakdown, extreme population aging, and impending catastrophic rates of population collapse are the other dominant characteristics of social evolution. Together, these circumstances threaten to ravage advanced societies.

In her superb "The War Against Boys," Chistina Hoff Sommers carefully analyzed the causes of society's growing failure to properly educate boys. Imbued with feminism, the academy has become a bastion of misandry. Unfortunately, with politicians living in fear for their careers in face of feminist wrath, and with mainstream media steeped in feminism, it remains unlikely that anything more than superficial corrections will be applied to solve this problem.

We are losing a significant proportion of another generation of boys, and, partly because of this, our populations will collapse at an unsustainable rate. At the very least, we should inform boys that, when the misery sets in and they want to hold a culpable person responsible, they should look for a feminist.

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RADAR Alert: Mr. Biden, We’re Not Done with You Yet!

Senator Joseph Biden has long been the prime mover behind the Violence Against Women Act. He organized the first hearings in the early 1990s. He wrote the legislation and sponsored the bills. He did the arm-twisting. At the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings in July, Joseph Biden admitted, "this law is my baby."

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Sex, Father Both Optional

MANN received a submission from Evil White Male Oppressor pointing out this story entitled "Women bypass sex in favour of 'instant pregnancies'" from the BBC website. Side-linked from it was this one entitled "Doctors may disregard 'need for a father' when deciding on IVF". From that story I followed this one entitled "Ban on sex selection could be lifted".

See a pattern forming here?

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Misandry alive and well at new web site

bandersnatch writes "From Don't Date Him Girl:

Each day, thousands of women around the world are cheated on by their boyfriends, fiancés and husbands. A man’s infidelity causes the destruction of thousands of marriages, engagements and relationships every year. What’s a woman to do? Hire expensive private detectives? Pay for costly background checks? Now, women have a new cost-effective weapon in the war on cheating men! Founded by women with women in mind, www.DontDateHimGirl.com is a free service that allows sisters to share their experiences with cheating men by posting pictures and other information about them in an easy-to-use, searchable database. Using www.DontDateHimGirl.com is easy. To warn other women about a cheating man by posting his picture and profile into the database, simply log on and follow the instructions for posting. To find out about a suspected cheater, log on, type the cheater’s name into the database and watch as the website searches through hundreds of pictures and profiles to find a match!

-- So we're all cheaters? Lovely. Not to mention if a man ends an relationship with a vindictive woman -- she could easily post his pictures on this site and slander his character with impunity. And no one would doubt her word because um, "thousands of women around the world are cheated on by their boyfriends, fiancés and husbands"."

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Pakistan's Musharraf in Hot Water for Comment

johnnyp writes "From this story:

"This week, Musharraf returned from a U.S. visit marred by controversy over his reportedly telling The Washington Post that many Pakistanis see rape allegations as a way for women to make money and get visas to leave the country. He later denied saying that, but the newspaper said the recorded interview proved he was correctly quoted.""

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The Patriarchy Isn't Falling (Allegedly)

Anonymous User writes "That's what we always like to see. Good, healthy, unbiased reporting in USA Today. Kim Gandy's view on why women are still disadvantaged.

*That was sarcasm up there, I know she's from NOW, just amazes me that they get so much publishing space in a nat'l newspaper*"

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Reaping the Absurdity One Sows

TLE writes "Is this what the radical feminists want? Boys are now permitted on girls' high school teams, just like girls can join boys' teams. Of course, the coach won't actually let them play against opposing teams! Can't beat up on the girls! Maybe this is how this type of absurdity will end. There are no rules about the numbers of boys on girls teams, so the whole girls' team could be made up of boys! But probably, it will get fixed in a PC way, that is, making rules to protect girls from defeat by boys, but not the reverse."

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Volvo Convicted of Gender Discrimination

bandersnatch writes "From AutoBlog -- "Volvo’s Sweden division has been convicted by the Sweden Labor Court of gender discrimination and ordered to pay the equivalent of $5,200 to a woman who was denied a job at a plant because she was too short to work on an assembly line. How their legal department missed that one, we have no clue. Evidently the gap between denying someone a job for being too short to denying someone a job because she’s a woman was bridged by calling it ”indirect gender discrimination.” According to the plant’s hiring policy, employees must be between 5'5" and 6'5" to work on the assembly line, and the court ruled that since this excluded more women than men, it was gender discrimination." Remember Volvo is the company that created the world's first concept female car. Poor Volvo -- they had to learn the hard way, give the feminists an inch and they will take a mile."

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Amnesty finally responds, but still ignores the truth of DV

On August 17, RADAR sent a five-page letter (.pdf file) to Amnesty International – USA about its Stop Violence Against Women Campaign, complaining that the campaign violates the basic human and civil rights of men.

When Amnesty didn’t bother to respond, RADAR put out an Alert on September 19, requesting people to contact AI. The folks at AI obviously got an earful, because three days later – that’s warp speed for an organization like Amnesty – AI head Bill Schulz answered. His letter is shown below.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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"Spiked Drink" -- or Not

Tirryb writes "This study by the Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in Perth, Australia
has shown that drink spiking is not as common as was at first thought.

Women apparently often report to hospital claiming that their drinks have been spiked, "the scenario of an offender slipping a sedative into another person's drink, presumably to stupefy them in order to take advantage of them". Most of the study participants were women under the age of 25...

But what the study found was that in the vast majority of cases, they had either taken recreational drugs themselves or had not realised how drunk they were - no spiking ocurred...!

Sounds like this is another scaremongering uncovered to me..."

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Pfc. England Blames Boyfriend for Prison Abuse

Kyo writes "Private First Class Lynndie England, accused of torturing Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib, is attempting to shift the blame to her boyfriend by claiming that her acts were all in an effort to please him! Story at Yahoo."

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Amber Frey: Perpetrator of Paternity Fraud

Anonymous User writes Story here:

"Frey's attorney, Gloria Allred, said Wednesday that her client never intended to deceive [Anthony] Flores.

"Amber, in good faith, always believed that Mr. Flores was her child's father," Allred said."

NEWS FLASH, Ms. Allred: It is impossible to name the wrong man as the father in good faith."

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Boy Genteel Published on DV

Boy Genteel writes "I responded to a column on domestic abuse that ran a little more than a week ago, and my response was published yesterday (Sept. 20)"

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