Islam Feminists Urge Gender Jihad

This from the BBC. Closes with:

Organisers say they want more collaboration with western feminists but say non-Muslim feminists need to challenge their anti-Islamic stereotypes.

I'd buy tickets to watch the proceedings of the first conference between Muslim and western feminists, just for the sheer entertainment value if nothing else!

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Marriage Like the Perfect Storm?

Anonymous User writes "MIsForMalevolent compares marriage to a perfect storm, one where skill, care and intelligence count for little, because it is all about how women are tempted by the overwhelming power given them by the family court system. He also points out how men discount the misfortune of other men, assuming that those who went before were somehow at fault."

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Dealing with Posters You Don't Like


It's no secret to MANN regulars that there has recently been a "troll-flame" war going on between an anonymous poster and some of our regular members. I would like to point out that people who "troll", bearing in mind that "troll" is a judgment and not a strictly-defined word, do so specifically in order to be provacative and get a reply. One who posts merely controversial comments is not a "troll" as long as he or she does so in sincerity; it's a matter of intent on the part of the poster. Nonetheless if you find someone whose posts for whatever reason consistently annoy you and you want them to stop/go away, the best thing to do in general is ignore them. Eventually, troll or not, they will go away, since shouting into a black hole is no one's idea of a good time.

So in the name of keeping the site focused and topical, please consider how and why you respond to posts you believe are meant to be provacative. Remember that there is this thing, the "right to remain silent"-- in some cases, staying quiet in the face of commentary/speculation is the best thing to do, for any number of reasons.

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Men's Breast Cancer

SpikeRants writes "Finally, they're getting into the topic of MEN having breast cancer. Now, if only they'll do a "Susan G. Komen Walk for the Cure" type fundraiser for prostate cancer, we'll be good."

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Rise in Sydneys Domestic Violence

Anonymous User writes "Wow! A story that not only acknowledges that men are victioms of domestic violence but also mentions that there are cases where male victims than of DV outnumber female victims!

So much for the "Violence against women, Australia Says No!" campaign..."

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Woman gets 20 years for killing defacto husband

Anonymous User writes "Finally an "I killed him in self-defence" story that the judge didn't buy!"

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First Female Designated "Sexually Dangerous"

Evil White Male Oppressor writes "The “sexually dangerous” designation assures that Wheeler will get the counseling she needs... WHEW, I WAS WORRIED THERE FOR A SECOND!"

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Wife jailed for plotting to kill husband

AngryMan writes "A British woman has been jailed for trying to hire a hitman to kill her husband. The saddest part of the story is that her husband forgives her and wants her back. Story here"

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Alleged assault on Tonya Harding

Christopher Nolan has been arrested after allegedly assaulting former figure skater, Tonya Harding. Though Nolan stated that Harding attacked him, and Harding lied to the police, apparently only Nolan was arrested.

Note that the article states that Harding's husband hired a hit man for the January 6, 1994, attack on champion figure skater, Nancy Kerrigan, but no mention is made of any criminal activity by Harding in the case. (She later plead guilty to hampering the investigation into the attack.) More details on the attack on Kerrigan can be found here. In addition, as noted here, the U.S. Figure Skating Association later concluded, using civil standards (preponderance of evidence) not criminal standards, that Harding "had prior knowledge and was involved prior to the incident." In addition, Jeff Gillooly, Harding's husband at the time of the Kerrigan attack, and Shawn Eckardt, who arranged it, both testified that "Harding had prior knowledge of the attack on Kerrigan and procured information that helped them carry it out."

But, once again, only the man, Christopher Nolan, was arrested in the recent fracas.

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Request for contact information

Marc A. writes "Does anyone know this student in Utah who printed this men's rights letter to the editor of his campus newspaper?

Marc A."

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Domestic violence shelters for pets in MA

CJ writes "The domestic violence hysteria clans expand their networks in MA: Noah's Arkis - a domestic violence service for pets! It will be housed in the newly opened Family Justice Center in MA. The DV organizers will recruit and train potential foster owners, particularly on the sensitive and secretive nature of their roles. Animals won't be walked near areas where they originally lived, for fear that the abusive men will see them. Classes in foster care will be held at the Family Justice Center, at the MSPCA, and at the Animal Rescue League. What the article fails to mention is that men are removed from their homes for up to a year without due process and are arrested and often incarcerated without evidence when any type of allegation of DV is made. Naturally, this article got front page coverage."

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Boys abandon the box office

Anonymous User writes "With all the misandry in todays movies - is it any wonder that boys are turning their backs on Hollywood?"

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A Couple Good Ones

Every once in a while, it's good to lighten up with a little humor.

First, from The Onion, astronomers discovered a new galaxy.

Then there's this insight from Fred Reed.


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Nationwide Comic Strip Promotes Warren Farrell Book

dschmidt writes "A bit late on this, I know, but just wanted to point out the 10/16/2005 comic strip "Mallard Fillmore" mentions Warren Farrell's recent book and even seems sympathetic to what it has to say! If your paper carries this strip, I'd suggest writing them in support of keeping it. (Hint: Read it as sarcasm/humor)

We all know how few in the media are so openly supportive of men's issues."

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RADAR Alert: Despite Urgent Requests, PBS Releases "Breaking the Silence"

Last week RADAR requested that PBS delay the release of Breaking the Silence: Children's Stories until it could be revised to reflect basic journalistic standards of accuracy and fairness. Ignoring the thousands of e-mails, phone calls, and letters, PBS went ahead and released the program anyway.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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