Sperm donor to pay child support

Steve P writes "Sperm donor to pay child support

From correspondents in Stockholm, Sweden

October 13, 2005

A SWEDISH man who donated his sperm to a lesbian couple must pay child support for the three children he fathered, Sweden's Supreme Court ruled today.

The man, now 39, donated his sperm to the couple in the early 1990s. Three sons were born during the years 1992-1996, according to Swedish news agency TT which reported the ruling.

The man told the court that he and the women had agreed that he would play no role in the boys' child rearing and that the two women would be their parents.

Nonetheless, the man signed a document confirming that he was the biological father of the children.

Shortly after he signed the document, the two women separated and the biological mother demanded that the man pay child support.

The man took the case to court, but lost in the district and appeals courts.

The Supreme Court upheld those rulings today, saying that as the biological father he is required to pay for the children's upbringing."

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Crticism against women is ALWAYS sexism

Evil White Male Oppressor writes "Hey everybody, now anyone can play the sexism card! Lack of experience? Never! Cronyism? Pishaw! It MUST be sexism!"

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Enticement of Male Hate - "'All Men Are Bastards' Knife Block"

Gang-banged writes "Frankly, this just leaves me speachless. Check it out GUYS!!"

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Article: Abuse against men ignored

johnnyp writes "Abuse against men ignored

researcher: Just as likely as women to be battered
Karen Kleiss

The Edmonton Journal

Sunday, October 09, 2005

EDMONTON -- Husbands and boyfriends are abused by their partners far more often than most Canadians realize, yet there is virtually no support for battered men, attendees of a two-day conference heard Saturday."

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Article Retracted


MANN received good information that the article regarding the adoptive mother who wanted a sex change operation for her son was, as many of you suspected, incorrect. All I can say is: Sorry! It was posted and defended in good faith (hey, even major media sources print bad stories from time to time). So, the story has been removed from MANN and sorry again for accidentally publicizing what appears now to be a false story.

-- Matt

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UK divorce laws - read it and weep

Anonymous User writes "Fantastic article here on the heavily female biased divorce laws in the UK. Some of the stories will make you gasp in amazement. The print edition of the Sunday Times chose to illustrate this story with a picture of a power dressed woman sneering imperiously at a crestfallen man. At least it accurately captures the mood of your average female divorcee!


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RADAR Alert: D.V. Providers Who Violate The Law Must Not Be Granted A Monopoly

The House and the Senate have now passed bills to reauthorize VAWA for another 5 years. Both versions of the reauthorization bill acknowledge that male victims of DV need help too, however the language needs to be strengthened.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Great MRA Letter Prints in Star Bulletin

Marc A. writes "http://starbulletin.com/print/?fr=/2005/10/08/edit orial/commentary.html

'Ignoring the fact that gender inequities hurt boys has promoted the idea of girls as "underdogs" while suggesting that boys are somehow privileged.'"

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Another 'abused woman' gets away with killing her husband

Anonymous User writes "This woman stabs her husband because he is verbally abusive. She is severely and harshly punished with a community rehabilitation order. The judge and prosecutor fall over themselves to avoid blaming her.

Next time your wife nags or yells at you, try stabbing her. The judge will understand and be appropriately sympathetic."

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Woman Gets 20 Years for Killing Son

Anonymous User writes "Woman gets 20 years for killing her son. Story here."

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Men and Success - Post-Divorce

Anonymous User writes "MIsForMalevolent struggles with why a divorced man in the system would ever choose to try and better himself or improve his income. He seems to indicate faith as an answer, but he may be discounting plain old subborness (whoops, tenacity)."

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Honor Killings' Victims Not Always Female

frank h writes "Just so you know, "honour killing" is not just for women. Check this out:

A UNIVERSITY student was murdered to 'vindicate a family’s honour' after he fell in love with their daughter and made her pregnant, a court was told yesterday."

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VAWA Passed the Senate Today!

Roy writes "According to the National Network to End Domestic Violence, VAWA (S. 1197) was passed in the Senate today, "by unanimous consent."

Copy from NNEDV's always-lovely Allison...

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Not the Father? Really?

frank h writes "Country singer Chris Cagle has had a little bit of disappointing news of late. It seems he is not the father of the baby him and his "girlfriend" were expecting.

OBTW, this morning (10-5-2005), Diane Sawyer had a piece where a non-father was interviewed, along with his (female) lawyer. It seems his ex-wife duped him, and by G-d, the lawyer actually used the term "paternity fraud." I was shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you."

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Pictures of MRAs at Work

This at standyourground.com. Hooray to those who get the message out!

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