UN Election Chief Fired for Sexual Harassment

Well I didn't think this was possible-- a female sexual harrasser, and a sort of queen harasser at that! Wait, it must be a conspiracy to get rid of her... yeah, that's it. I mean, women can't sexually harass anyone, can they? It's just not possible... or is it?

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Woman Gets Three Years For False Accusation

RandomMan writes "Finally, a bit of justice. It appears that a woman has received a relatively harsh prison sentence for perjury for falsely accusing her ex of rape to "get back at him". Story here. Of course another woman had to come forward to get the man out of 8 months of wrongful detention, but progress is progress."

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Nokia Capitalizes on Misandry

MANN admins received a note from a reader who corresponded with Nokia customer service over a TV ad they are airing that features a Nokia user gloating merrily over how she uses her phone to exorcise ex-boyfriends from her life. Needless to say, the same kind of ad is unlikely ever to appear with the sexes revesed. So far Nokia hasn't acknowledged the capitalization off of misandry that this ad represents. In fact, it appears as if this ad or a tale very much like it is prominenetly featured on Nokia's website, here, as "Jill's story"-- have a look.

Alas this is just one of many instances of ads made by companies that seek to make appeals to misandry (either directly or indirectly) in an effort to sell products and services. And, I know many of us here who visit MANN are sick to death of it. So I encourage MANN readers to write pointed, respectful, but honest faxes and emails (communication.corp@nokia.com) regarding Nokia's attempt to capitalize off of anti-male sentiment in society. Also mentioning how you feel about purchasing their products and services will assuredly help - big corporations think with their wallets since profit seems to be all they are concerned with. Their contact page is found here.

Click "Read more..." for the reader's letter, response, and counter-response. And, stay tuned for updates!

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Twisted Statistics Against Fathers

Dittohd writes "
is very interesting because the people whose statistical findings were twisted in a PBS program called "Breaking the Silence," detail how their research was totally twisted. The progress of the Glenn Sacks campaign against the "Breaking the Silence" PBS showing can be found on his website). "Breaking the Silence" gave the impression that only men abuse children and all men who try to get custody of their children in divorce proceedings are child abusers.

In this article, the research organization gives their actual research findings which everyone here should find heartening."

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Where Are the Boys?

Tumescent writes "According to this story boys and men are losing the battle. This has been part of the feminists' plan-- to discourage and discriminate against boys and men in education to the point that they simply drop out. Then blame is placed on the boys themselves."

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RADAR Alert: BTS Producers "Plainly Got it Wrong"

This past Tuesday the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB)
Ombudsman released a 3-page report that slammed Breaking the Silence.

The CPB report highlighted RADAR's November 14 letter to chairman Fred
Upton, which called on the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications to
investigate the documentary's widespread bias. The RADAR letter was
co-signed by more than a dozen organizations representing families and

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Interesting Twist in a Rape Trial

Tumescent writes "Here is an interesting story about an unusual ruling in a rape case in Oregon where the tables were turned. The males in the case were on trial and were acquitted and the woman was then charged and convicted of filing a false police report. This is the second time this has occurred in Oregon recently and it may be show a trend in acknowledging that false rape accusations occur and should be dealt with."

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Backhanded Extortion?

Just when you thought that the world couldn't get any loopier, this comes along.

Across much of the world, especially the developed world, women have gotten their wish to legally abort. Now that abortion is contributing to a catastrophic collapse of fertility rates, and resultant population aging and population collapse -- in Russia there are now more abortions than births and the country is losing nearly a million people a year, MPs in Italy are on the verge of paying women not to abort. (This isn't the first case of paying women to have children, but it's the first time I've seen it called what it often is -- paying women not to abort their children.)

As far as I know, it was zenpriest, who coined the term "prostimum". Interesting word.

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Sexual Discrimination Lawsuit

William Joseph Lake writes "I currently have a $75,000,000.00 sex discrimination suit against the family court of my district. First District Circuit Court of Florida. States may have a 11th amendment immunity against law suits but it doesn't cover actions by individuals that deprive a group or class of their fundamental constitutional rights. Unlike the class action suit waged by the Indiana group that took a scatter gun approach we are targeting one really bad judge that has a proven record of favoring women. The same thing can be done in any state under USC 42-1883 discrimination under color of law. This is a list of of writings we are using. Some of them are from Australia and England but they use American data and research it also shows that Fathers all over the world are fighting for their children. I also have this on CD and will mail it to you if you wish. If you have any relevant information that we don't have please let me know. Thank you William J Lake, 3056 Safronia Shores Rd Navarre Florida 32566,"

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Birth Control and the Law of Unintended Consequences

I've gotta say, this creeps me out. If you've got a weak stomach, you might not want to read it.

This article takes a look at the feminization of the hornyhead turbot (no, I didn't make up that name), a fish off the coast of southern California. It seems that estrogen, both natural and artificial (from birth control), is entering males of this species through the food chain and causing them to develop female characteristics. Some of the males have actually grown small eggs in their testes.

The hornyhead turbot isn't consumed by humans. Scientists are now looking at seafood species, including the pacific sand dab -- one of my favorite fish when I was a poor grad student, to see if they contain concentrations of estrogen, which might pose a danger to humans.

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Wife 1.0

Dittohd writes "I know. I know. This is off the subject. But this website's posters need a good laugh once in a while."

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More falses accusations

zerostress writes "This time, it is six men that had their lives broken and spent years in preventive detention following false accusations by a woman. Another good article on this affair can be found here.

In total, 13 of the initial 17 persons originally accused have been innocented."

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Fast, At Home HIV Test Might Be Available Soon

A rapid, over-the-counter HIV test may be available soon. Some details can be read here.

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Female Murderer/Rapist Released After Twelve Years in Jail

A willing accomplice and participant, she is released after 12 years in prison while her husband rightly stays behind bars. Had she been a he, she would still be there as well.


Months after prosecutors made the plea bargain, however, Bernardo's attorneys handed over homemade videotapes by the couple that indicated Homolka was a willing participant, drawing the ire of Canadians.

When she was released in July, a Superior Court judge in Montreal imposed several restrictions, which her lawyers argued violated the plea bargain agreement.

"The possibility that Ms. (Homolka) might reoffend one day cannot be completely eliminated," Brunton wrote. "However, her development over the last 12 years demonstrates, on a balance of probabilities, that this is unlikely to occur. She does not represent a real and imminent danger."

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UK: More Overt Anti-Male (White in particular) Discrimination

Candidates for an unidentified UK police force were quite explicitly turned away because of their race and sex. The police force in question is being held to account, but one must ask why they feel they can behave this way with such impunity?

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