Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2005-12-10 05:24
Random Man writes "On the recent anniversary of the killing of 14 fellow students (the dead were female) by a deranged person named Marc Lepine in Montreal, (he also wounded men, who are not honoured at all), all government flags in Canada flew at half mast to honour victims of violence against women. Of course, that same courtesy has only recently been extended to the 100,000 men who died in the world wars, Korea and peacekeeping missions on our "Rememberance Day" on November 11th, when only the flag over the parliament buildings was lowered in honour of the men who died defending our freedom, and then only in response to harsh public criticism of the incredible disrespect Canada's so-called Heritage Department was showing veterans and those killed in action.
It's nice to know where one stands on a quantitative basis. Some details here and here and the FINALLY revised flag-lowering policy that covers Rememberance Day here.
Still, we're now 0.014% as valuable as women. At least it's an improvement from a millionth of that a few years back"
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Submitted by Thomas on Fri, 2005-12-09 10:41
This editorial in USA Today lays it on the line. There's no excess of comments about how we also need to attend to girls. It focusses on the plight of boys. Damn! And it mentions the promise of single sex schools — one of the blessings of my life (Fairfield College Preparatory School in Fairfield, Connecticut).
I'm into financial investment, in part because I want to retire someday, but fertility rate collapse is going to flail society's pot, crank up the heat, and dump in a gallon of Tobasco. At least I know not to invest in feminism. The rate at which it's being debunked today is surprising even me.
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2005-12-09 03:35
Tirryb writes " reports here that a mother chopped her own 20 month old son's leg off with an axe. Although she's been charged with attempted murder and other minor charges, she's getting help of course (diagnosis rather than punishment). Quote: "...court heard police had shown her great compassion since the attack... The court was told the mother would be taken to the Thomas Embling secure hospital rather than be kept in prison while on remand."
And, the father is now having to fight for custody with her parents... Where is the justice in this world..."
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2005-12-09 03:31
Anonymous User writes "Please check this film out and tell all -- a must-see for everyone. Thank you for your time GOD BLESS."
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2005-12-09 03:28
bandersnatch writes "From The Independent, Baroness Hale of Richmond will point to the "disproportionate increase" in the numbers of women and teenage girls in custody and call for judges to consider alternative community sentences for female offenders. Delivering the Longford Lecture, sponsored by The Independent, Lady Hale, the only female law lord, will denounce "some very unequal treatment" faced by women and girls who appear before the courts. "A male-ordered world has applied to them its perceptions of the appropriate treatment for male offenders," she will say. More and more in recent years, women and girls have been punished in the same way as men and boys. There seems to be less and less understanding of the ways in which their lives are very different from men's." -- Sorry, ladies -- can't have it both ways! You made your bed, now go lie in it."
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2005-12-08 06:51
Anonymous User writes "Article here:
Such talk gets gender warriors on the other side loading their muskets.
"When girls were thought to be hurting in schools, the approach was to change the schools," said boys advocate Manthey. "When it's boys who are in trouble, people say, `Change the boy.'"
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2005-12-08 06:47
Submitted by Thomas on Wed, 2005-12-07 21:04
There've been a few articles recently about males falling farther behind females in school. Michael Gurian is often cited as an expert on the subject, but he seems to have little understanding of why males are failing. Here's an article in the National Review Online by Kate O'Beirne, who lays the blame where it belongs -- on the feminist take over of the academy.
Until the root cause of the crisis is recognized and eliminated, attempts to address the problem will amount to nothing more than cosmetics that make the powers-that-be feel good about themselves.
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Submitted by Thomas on Wed, 2005-12-07 19:46
The Courier-Mail carries this article on how "COURTS across the US are cracking down on women, especially teachers, who have sex with underage boys." Word is getting out that women are not the persecuted saints that feminists claim they are. I've often seen it stated that when adult women and boys have sex, the boys want it. Well... that is the nature of statutory rape -- an adult with a willing child or adolescent who, according to the law, can't give informed consent. This is the first time that I've seen it unequivocally pointed out that in cases of statutory rape of girls by men, the girl also wants it, though, according to law, she is too young to give informed consent.
The article also points out "...the courts are reluctant to punish women as harshly as men convicted of similar crimes. Whereas male abusers of girls routinely receive sentences of 15 to 20 years, women often avoid jail." The fact is sickening, but at least the word is getting out. It's incredible that these people still imagine that they're oppressed.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2005-12-07 08:59
Well I didn't think this was possible-- a female sexual harrasser, and a sort of queen harasser at that! Wait, it must be a conspiracy to get rid of her... yeah, that's it. I mean, women can't sexually harass anyone, can they? It's just not possible... or is it?
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2005-12-07 07:29
RandomMan writes "Finally, a bit of justice. It appears that a woman has received a relatively harsh prison sentence for perjury for falsely accusing her ex of rape to "get back at him". Story here. Of course another woman had to come forward to get the man out of 8 months of wrongful detention, but progress is progress."
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2005-12-07 00:36
MANN admins received a note from a reader who corresponded with Nokia customer service over a TV ad they are airing that features a Nokia user gloating merrily over how she uses her phone to exorcise ex-boyfriends from her life. Needless to say, the same kind of ad is unlikely ever to appear with the sexes revesed. So far Nokia hasn't acknowledged the capitalization off of misandry that this ad represents. In fact, it appears as if this ad or a tale very much like it is prominenetly featured on Nokia's website, here, as "Jill's story"-- have a look.
Alas this is just one of many instances of ads made by companies that seek to make appeals to misandry (either directly or indirectly) in an effort to sell products and services. And, I know many of us here who visit MANN are sick to death of it. So I encourage MANN readers to write pointed, respectful, but honest faxes and emails ( regarding Nokia's attempt to capitalize off of anti-male sentiment in society. Also mentioning how you feel about purchasing their products and services will assuredly help - big corporations think with their wallets since profit seems to be all they are concerned with. Their contact page is found here.
Click "Read more..." for the reader's letter, response, and counter-response. And, stay tuned for updates!
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2005-12-05 10:18
Dittohd writes "
This is very interesting because the people whose statistical findings were twisted in a PBS program called "Breaking the Silence," detail how their research was totally twisted. The progress of the Glenn Sacks campaign against the "Breaking the Silence" PBS showing can be found on his website). "Breaking the Silence" gave the impression that only men abuse children and all men who try to get custody of their children in divorce proceedings are child abusers.
In this article, the research organization gives their actual research findings which everyone here should find heartening."
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2005-12-05 10:15
Tumescent writes "According to this story boys and men are losing the battle. This has been part of the feminists' plan-- to discourage and discriminate against boys and men in education to the point that they simply drop out. Then blame is placed on the boys themselves."
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2005-12-05 10:08
This past Tuesday the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB)
Ombudsman released a 3-page report that slammed Breaking the Silence.
The CPB report highlighted RADAR's November 14 letter to chairman Fred
Upton, which called on the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications to
investigate the documentary's widespread bias. The RADAR letter was
co-signed by more than a dozen organizations representing families and
Click "Read more..." for more.
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