Excellent Column on Men and Society in Wall Street Journal

garypc writes "There was an excellent column in support of men's rights on the editorial page of the 12/17/05 Wall Street Journal:

You've Got Male!


December 17, 2005; Page A10

Male resentment of the self-righteous and automatic public support for women's interests and issues has been increasingly on the boil for some time. Civic celebrations of antipathy to men such as the Violence Against Women Act are finally generating specific and pointed responses by men fatigued, if still baffled, by the knee-jerk assumption that they suffer irredeemably from what I call Male Original Sin."

Click "Read more..." for the rest.

Ed note: The article is given entirely here because the WSJ on-line requires registration and commitment to a 2-week trial subscription, which would effectively block most of our readers from seeing it.

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MSN, Men, Women, and Chores

This was a pleasant surprise-- and funny, too. Excerpt:

I watched in utter disbelief. She laid them all out flat on the bed, and began giving me a little tutorial on the proper method of folding towels, which involved some form of terry-cloth origami. Instead of folding in successive halves, she wanted one-third of the towel to be folded in from either side. I thought this was ridiculous, but nowhere near as ridiculous as the idea of unfolding already-folded towels -- and thereby sending a signal to your newlywed husband that it is more important that a chore be done a certain way than it is for him to actually do it.

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MANN Reader Likens Misandry to Racism


By George Rolph

If I said, "I hate black people!" How would you react?

Stop and think very carefully about that sentence. Does it make any sense to you at all? Can it ever be justified? Can it ever be anything other than just a sign of my own mental illness?

Is there a single instance, circumstance or situation in anyone's life, in which it is possible to lump together a whole race of people and say, "I hate them all." What if I was witness to the gang rape and murder of my wife, children and mother by a whole village full of black men? Would that be enough reason to hate the whole race?

Click "Read more..." for the rest.

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More Men Cleared of False Rape Convictions

Fidelbogen writes "Verrrrrrry interesting case! Several men exonerated from
bogus rape raps due to old DNA samples inserted in their
files and rediscovered years later.

Is it my imagination, or are such stories on an accelerating growth
curve? Well it's bound to reach critical mass, and THEN.......
mass realization in the mass media and
in the mass consciousness."

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New MANN Server and New Wiki Address

Some major changes will be underway at Mensactivism.org in coming months. I've finally decided to buy a dedicated server and have it hosted at a professional internet co-location site. You can see pictures of the old and new server as well as some more background info here. I have just completed migrating the Mensactivism.org Wiki to the new server. As a result, the URL (web address) of the site has changed. It no longer has "3333" in the address and can now be found at http://wiki.mensactivism.org. Enjoy!

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High School Female on Male "Domestic" Violence High

Dittohd writes "Surprise! Surprise! In Florida, high school males are reporting more physical violence against them by their girlfriends than the girls are reporting against them by their boyfriends. Notice that in the statistic, they changed "girlfriends" to "significant others.""

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Men Are Chellenged to Speak About Feminism

Liberty Unh writes "
In the misandrist article Let's hear from the boys on feminism, Sushi Das challenges us to speak about feminism:

Men need to discuss whether their behaviour and demands need reform. Their cowardly opting out of discussions that relate to feminism is apparent in their silence... Where are men's voices? I challenge men to speak out. Show you understand these issues are important to everybody, not just women. Let's hear what you've got to say.

Let's send letters (letters @ theage.com.au) to The Age editor showing that we indeed have an opinion on gender issues."

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The Feminist Agenda (NZ)

Boy was no Victim, but Girl was

Off-linked from the CNN home page (as of this posting), are two stories:

Man faces 50 years for sex with bride, 14


Wife: Child groom is 'no victim': Pregnant woman says she prefers older men

Need I say more?

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Male Suicide: From the Westchester Psychiatrist

The following is an article written by Edward M. Stephens, M.D., Chair, Committee on Men's Issues, The Psychiatric Society of Westchester (a district branch of The American Psychiatric Association [APA]) and President, NCFM, Greater New York Chapter (NCFM, GNY). The article, published in The Westchester Psychiatrist,, was also published in The Male Voice, e-newsletter of NCFM, GNY.

The piece has great value in and of itself, but it's also good to see that this information is being brought forth by The Psychiatric Society of Westchester’s Committee on Men’s Issues, founded by Dr. Stephens and the first-ever such committee (men's issues) within a district branch of the APA.

To view the article, click "Read More"

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BiscuitQueen Takes the Helm

Posters here may be familiar with BiscuitQueen, aka JenK, a highly intelligent and delightful woman, who is becoming an increasing force in the men's rights movement. She has recently taken over as editor of The Male Voice, e-newsletter of the National Coalition of Free Men, Greater New York chapter.

I won't reprint the entire publication (her first as editor), though I'll separately post an article contained therein by Edward M. Stephens, M.D., President of NCFM, GNY and Chair, Committee on Men's Issues, The Psychiatric Society of Westchester (NY), a district branch of The American Psychiatric Association.

The newsletter contains several additional items, including a fine interview with Tom Ellis, groundbreaking author of "The Rantings of a Single Male: Losing Patience with Feminism, Political Correctness... and Basically Everything."

I have to say, BQ/JenK has done a superb job with her first NCFM newsletter. It's a blessing to have her as a player in our civil rights movement.

Members of NCFM can subscribe to the newsletter at http://www.themalevoice.org/

Thanks, BQ, for all your great work!

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RADAR Alert: It's Time for the Inspector General to Investigate What Went Wrong at PBS

On December 2nd, the Public Broadcasting Service Ombudsman Michael
Getler issued his report on Breaking the Silence: Children's Stories
Getler criticized the program, saying:

  • "there was no recognition of opposing views on this program."
  • "I thought this particular program had almost no balance, and
    went too far, turning it, at least in my mind, into more of an
    advocacy, or point-of-view, presentation."
  • "the totality of the presentation came across as quite tilted"

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Insight from TV-land

Though this article has a rather stupid title and is about television (which means little to me), I found that it contains a few good insights.

As a result of thousands of interviews with young men, to determine what they want in television, Spike TV "found that men responded not only to brave and extremely competent leads but to a menagerie of characters with strikingly antisocial tendencies".

Also, the director of the Center for the Study of Popular Television at Syracuse University, Robert Thompson, states that the enemy of the contemporary male is "the legal, cultural and social infrastructure of the nation itself."

Ya think?

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Indian Feminist Defends Court-martialed Woman

Anonymous User writes "A woman flying officer in the Indian Air Force - Anjali Gupta was court-martialed and dismissed from service for fudging travel bills and indiscipline. After the court-martial procedeeings began, Anjali accused her male seniors of sexual harassment. She claimed she was victimised for standing up to their behaviour. After a long drawn enquiry, charges against her were proved, charges of sexual harassment were dismissed. Now a feminist lawyer comes forward to defend Anjali saying she was punished because she dared to enter a male bastion!"

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Blame Men for Global Warming

Fidelbogen writes "Men, so they say, are larger contributors to global greenhouse gassing. Personally, I think that trying to quantify something like this (with its myriad intangibles and ambiguities) is like measuring a gaseous substance with a rubber band. BUT...... notice the call to "integrate gender sensitivity into all mechanisms, policies and measures, and tools and guidelines within the climate debate."
This is the kind of stuff that makes feminism profoundly sinister... link here."

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