Actor assulted by celebrity wife

AngryMan writes "The British TV star Ross Kemp has been assaulted by his wife. She is Rebekka Wade, the editor of the top national newspaper The Sun. He suffered a cut mouth, but declined medical treatment. Wade was arrested and released without charge. Story here"

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Angry Ex Glues Man's Penis, Testicles, and Buttocks

Evil White Male Oppressor writes "The Article is titled: "Civil Suit Goes To Court: A Scorned Lover, Glue And A Naked Man" (oh how cute!) and goes on to say Gail O'Toole was convicted of simple assault and sentenced to six months probation for acts she committed against her ex-lover.


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Kathleen Parker: Feminism's Devolution From Hoaxers to Whores

cmdr iceman writes "Perhaps the sand is beginning to shift beneath the feminist's feet "just a little" as we see here in this article as the conservative columnist Kathleen Parker lambastes moderern feminism for the bill of social dysfunctional goods it has foisted upon us all. Excerpt:

"Men haven't turned away from smart, successful women because they're smart and successful. More likely they've turned away because the feminist movement that encouraged women to be smart and successful also encouraged them to be hostile and demeaning to men.""

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Teacher charged with having sex with student

Anonymous User writes "Teacher charged with having sex with student. Excerpt:

Teacher charged with having sex with student

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Tampa police have arrested former Wharton High School math teacher and girls basketball coach Jaymee Lane Wallace for allegedly having a sexual relationship with one of her students.

Wallace, 28, is charged with one count of lewd or lascivious battery, a third-degree felony. She was arrested Monday and released on $7,500 bond."

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NEUROTICA cartoon once again shows elder abuse as

mens_issues writes "Several months ago, the NEUROTICA cartoon strip (by Big Al, the Gal) showed the "protagonist," Petunia, punching her grandfather "Gramps" in the face. Once again she has assaulted him in this manner. As if punching a 100-year-old man in the face is "funny." The strip was actually printed on October 10, but I just came across it now.

The email address of the cartoonist is:


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US Divorce and Suicides

Anonymous User writes "Misandrope finds statistics that show a man in the US commits suicide as a result of divorce every 35 minutes. The same data show that suicide rates among women are not affected by divorce."

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RADAR Alert: Congress Stalls on VAWA Approval - You Can Still Make a Difference

The Senate and the House have each passed bills to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, but Congress has not yet formed a conference committee to reconcile the bills. Although the House version of the bill contains a statement that the bill is gender-neutral, the bill is still seriously flawed.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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New SC Nominee Good for Men's Rights?

Misandrope writes "Is it possible that Supreme Court Nominee Samuel Alito will cast a favorable eye towards Men's Rights? I believe that this is possible. See my post here.


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Domestic Violence in a non-domestic environment?

CJ writes "The 'domestic violence' pork barrel keeps expanding. Last week the Boston Globe reported on the creation of domestic violence shelters for animals (pets), now the Globe reports that “domestic violence” activism will take place at the workplace as violence is highly prevalent now at work too(?). Oddly enough this alleged unreported violence will still be called 'domestic' violence despite the fact that it did not occur in a domestic environment. Clearly the totalitarian "DV industry" is looking to spread its might into the workplace so that men will be further incriminated and will also suffer career disadvantage in the workplace now too. Yet another way to spend the forthcoming VAWA grant money...expand the definition of "violence" and the expand the definition of 'domestic.'"

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More News Coverage of Class Action DV Suit in CA

Anonymous user writes: Article here. Excerpt:

Man joins lawsuit against shelters

By Brittany Retherford

October 29, 2005

A Grass Valley man is claiming he was turned away because of his gender when he sought help from the county's Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalition, said the man's attorney Friday.

The man, Patrick Neff, is part of a class action lawsuit filed Friday along with three other men and one woman against the State of California and two state-funded domestic violence agencies, including Grass Valley's Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalition and Women Escaping a Violent Environment in Sacramento, said Neff's attorney, Marc Angelucci.

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Not a Chance in Hell?

Dittohd writes "Here's a story detailing a proposed change in England's law doing away with a man's obligation to keep a woman supported to the level to which she has become accustomed after a divorce. There are a couple of other common sense "believe it or not" changes too that you'll find hard to believe. Anyone here think this will get passed... even considering that of the 646 members of parliament, only 127 are women?"

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DV Litmus Test

frank h writes "It seems that there is now a litmus test to identify men who are potential batterers, as studied by Florida Atlantic University and described here. There was no mention of such a test for women. What's interesting is that I found this (via WND) in a Scottish newspaper, not an American one."

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Mike Adams to Sue UNC-Wilmington?

This looks great to me. I hope Professor Adams follows through on what he promises here. It might help to rectify some of the anti-male sexism at UNC-Wilmington.

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Bully-girls just want to be loved

Anonymous User writes "Here's a story on a study of girls who bully - as usual, excuses such "Those behaviours are to protect themselves" are used to justify the verbal, mental and physical abuse that the girls dished out..."

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RADAR Alert: PBS Stonewalls Protesters

On October 20 PBS released Breaking the Silence (BTS), a "documentary" that portrays fathers seeking joint custody as batterers and makes false claims about domestic violence.

In response to last week's RADAR Alert, fatherhood advocates flooded local PBS affiliates with e-mails, phone calls, and letters.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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