Woman dresses up as man to explore stereotypes

Rand T. writes "Interesting story at the New-York Post:

If you need a name and password to log in, you can use http://www.bugmenot.com/"

Click "Read more..." to read the Post article; bugmenot's userid/passwords are often hit-and-miss. :(

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Bush Signs VAWA - What Did MRA's Learn?

Roy writes "The press reports that on 5 January 2006 President Bush signed VAWA endorsing a 20% increase in the billions of dollars funding this primary legal assault against men. "The act, which expired in September, helps children exposed to violence, trains health care workers on how to support victims of abuse and encourages men to teach youngsters that violence is wrong. The extension includes new provisions on health care, early intervention and outreach to American Indian women." Note there is no mention of "gender-neutrality" in any of the press coverage. Link here."

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RADAR Alert: Ombudsmen Refuse to Let the BTS Controversy Go Away

When PBS executives issued their whitewash of Breaking the Silence four days before Christmas, they figured that all the controversy would die down and things would soon get back to normal. [http://www.pbs.org/aboutpbs/news/20051221_breakingthesilence.html]

Because the very next day, PBS ombudsman Michael Getler
appeared on the PBS MacNeil-Lehrer report. He pointed
out that the documentary did not interview even a single father, and again criticized Breaking the Silence for being
“quite a one-sided presentation.”

Click "Read more..." for more

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Another abusive mother gets a suspended sentence

Anonymous User writes "Convicted of child abuse, the judge suspends the sentence because the child may blame himself if his mother goes to jail!!

What do women have to do to their kids to be punished as a man would be?"

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'Off the Chain' Update

Ron writes "There is a very sick and disturbing film on its way out under the title 'Off the Chain'.

The film is full of male-bashing jokes, critism and even has a scene
about male castration.

Click here to see a trailer for the movie.

If men were to make a movie about female bashing and cutting off tatters, there would be mobs taking over the set stopping the scenes from being shot!

I am asking everyone to begin a boycott of this film immediately"

Ed. note: Seeing the trailer is easier if you download the .mov file itself to your PC and run it from there using the Apple Quicktime Player or some other video player that can handle .mov files.

To download the file, right-click on this link and choose "Save Link As..." and save the file. This movie was reported in Dec. 2005 here on MANN at this entry but there was no trailer available at the time.

Of likely interest also is the response to MRAs' complaints about the movie that the producers of this film currently have on their home page, here. Apparently, they do not much care about the opinions of MRAs regarding the topic of DV against men.

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First 2006 edition of Journal of PAS Newsletter Available

From their e-mail announcement, posted with permission:

Your free copy of the January/February edition of the Journal of Parental Alienation is now available for download at http://www.helpstoppas.org/.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Mine Tragedy - Men as Casualties of Work

The current mine tragedy story points up the fact that men are far-more often victims of industrial accidents than women due to the jobs they do and the way they are perceived as being "less valuable" than women, so more readily sacrificed in the name of profit margins. As this story points out, the last thoughts of some seem only to have been of their families. So next time a feminist tries to tell you that men don't care much for their children as compared to women, etc., send them that link as a reply needing no further elaboration.

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Japan: Divorce Boom on Deck

This article demonstrates the effects that government-induced financial incentives have on people as they evaluate marriage, or staying married, as the case may be. The result is no surprise, really. Excerpt:

With a new law set to come into force in 2007 allowing ex-wives to claim half their husband's pension, domestic media are warning of a possible divorce boom.

The number of Japanese couples parting ways has risen rapidly over the past 20 years to a 2002 peak of 290,000, while divorce among those married more than 20 years has increased even faster.

Now figures are drifting downwards, but many commentators speculate that women -- who initiate the majority of divorces -- are holding out until 2007.

Wait 'til the law is in effect, then take the old man for half, or better -- simple enough, yes?

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Comparing Justice: Men vs Women

Misandrope writes "Statistics can tell interesting stories. Here we learn about relative rates of incarceration for men vs women, and we also learn about a HUGE disparity between sentence lengths for the same types of crimes.

Women murderers are sentenced to term lengths about 17% of what men are sentenced to. In particular, I believe this is because in about 88% of the cases, they are murdering men, their spouses, and ex-spouses.

Yet another chilling piece of evidence demonstrating how very misandrous our legal system is.


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Planet Mensactivism: A New Blog Feedreader

The Men's Activism News Network has a new addition to our family of sites, planet.mensactivism.org. Planet Mensactivism is an aggregator of men's rights-oriented blog postings. We currently only have a handful of blogs subscribed to with it, including Cathy Young's blog, the DesertLight Journal, The Men's Hour, and a few more. Please send your blog recommendations to admin@mensactivism.org so we can increase this list. Also, please be aware that there are still some bugs to shake out of the new site and occasionally you'll see some odd formatting of the entries.

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Salon.com Advice Columnist Excuses F-on-M DV

The only good news about this piece is that the readers' comments are uniformly against the "advice" the columnist serves up to the letter-writer.

Note that to see premium content (though I myself wouldn't call it that), one must either subscribe to salon.com or put up with watching a 4-page ad for something. At least the ad allows fast click-through to get to the content, and given what a blatantly outrageous apology for F-on-M battery the response represents, it's worth the hassle.

Feel free to make ample use of the "Make a comment to the editor." link as well as the "Post a letter about this article" button.

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RADAR Alert: Tell PBS Stations that PBS' Whitewash Doesn't Mean 'Breaking the Silence' is Unbiased

A few days before Christmas, PBS finally issued their statement on
Breaking the Silence: Children's Stories. (See
PBS' statement gives their affiliated stations a green light to
continue airing this biased program.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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NY Times Essay on Divorce Neglects Facts

No mention in this essay regarding how 70% of divorces are initiated by the wife, nor any chance for her ex-husband to discuss his own reasons. Classic stuff, indeed, just bursting forth into the new year!

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WP Covers Men in Commercials

I was surprised, pleasantly, by this piece in the Washington Post. I do get the impression that the author is playing both sides of the fence, however. Still, it's a good thing we're seeing it some discussion of it in mainstream press. Excerpt:

Advertisers make fun of men, in part, because they always have, says ad executive Marian Salzman, who points out that the guys have been the butt of the joke in sitcoms and movies for decades. Men don't seem to mind, she says, and what's more, who else is there to make fun of? Women and members of minority groups have long reacted with hostility to similar portrayals. Says Salzman, "The only people [advertisers] are still allowed to offend these days are straight white men with a full head of hair."

But the "doofus" approach is doomed to fail with young men because it underestimates them, says Salzman, a trend-spotter with the giant ad agency J. Walter Thompson and the co-author of "The Future of Men." "[Men] think with a multiplicity of organs, not just the one below the belt. They want to be respected, admired, entertained, to be part of a community," she says. "They don't want to be patronized like they're a bunch of morons."

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Men's Studies Activism Project Launched

I am collaborating with Dr. Ed Stephens (president of NCFM's Greater New York chapter) to do some research necessary for an effort to get Men's Studies programs established at major 4-year colleges and universities. There is now a wiki page where you can participate in this project, and this is a perfect activism project from the standpoint that you can made a helpful contribution with as little as ten minutes' research on the web. The information we collect will be used to approach these colleges and universities to request that Men's Studies departments be created, to collect paperwork of their responses, and (in all likelihood), have a strong body of documentation that could be used in a future sex discrimination lawsuit. Please take a look at this project and offer some help - there is a lot of work to do, but it will be easy if a good number of people participate to help break up the tasks.

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