The Domestic Abuse Helpline Needs Your Support

mens_issues writes "The Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women recently sent out a newsletter highlighting the need for services for male victims of domestic abuse. Of note, the shelter for abused men managed to get a roof in the nick of time before last winter, but still needs renovations before it can open.

Donations can be sent to:

Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women

P.O. Box 252

Harmony, Maine (ME) 04942

Or donate through PayPal at:


Please click on Read More/Post Comments to see the newsletter."

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10 Girls Brawl at Columbus, Ohio High Scool

Anonymous writes:

A high school brawl leads to arrests at East High school, and the participants aren't who you'd think they would be.

Media still doesn't get that women are violent too.

Thomas writing now. At least the media is starting to catch on, in part due to the efforts of those good people who are reading this right now.

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UK: Child Support Agency Still a Disaster

AngryMan writes "This week Tony Blair stated in Parliament that the Child Support Agency isn't doing its job. Other reports concur. The UK government admits that one third of Child Support assessments are wrong. Here is what the BBC feminists have to say on the matter."

Click "Read more..." for more.

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"Save the Males" on New Zealand TV

The television show described here may be viewable only on NZ TV, and late at night on a Wednesday at that, but it's still good to see that it's airing. It seems to cover many of the concerns of men's rights activists everywhere. If you're in NZ and can see it, please do so and give us feedback. (Please record it and view it later, if you have to.)

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Problems with Assisted Reproduction Technique

Most readers here might not be concerned with this, but it's worth reading to become more informed about problems with technologically assisted reproduction techniques.

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Out-of-This-World Sex

This is an interesting presentation of the sexual concerns of astronauts on long missions. It's a theoretical matter today, but in the future a number of people may be personally involved with the issue.

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Stud Farm in Nevada

I guess I'll just say, "Make of this what you will."

Well, okay, I won't stop quite there.

People often say that sex crazed women are acting like men. No. They're not. They're acting like women, who no longer face societal condemnation for sexual license and who no longer have to worry about unwanted pregnancy.

I'm not at all certain that, in and of itself, that is a bad thing. And it may indicate why efforts to get women to keep their pants on more often, in order to bring men in line as far as committing to marriage, might be a very steep, uphill battle.

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Too close to home

Debra Lafave is one of the female teachers who've become famous lately for being charged with statuatory rape of one of her students. After hearing about the charges, Lisa York, a mother of two, filed for a restraining order to keep Debra away from her children. Her request was denied. Story here

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"Family Court" Judge send man to jail for sighing

SJones writes "A New York "Family Court" judge is in the news for sending a man to jail because he sighed and because the judge didn't like the way his eyes looked. The judge was admonished not for his prejudice in sending a man to jail for what amounts to breathing and standing silently, but simply for failing to follow protocal. Apparently the judge was supposed to warn the man before sending him to jail for essentially no reason at all. The story is here"

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Sage Mens Circle in Yakima, WA Marks 10-Year Anniversary

sagemenscircle writes "Sage Men's Circle will be 10 years old on January 3, 2006. We are a small men's support group for men 25 and older. No other criteria apply and we have no political, social or economic agenda. Just men's support."

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Sugar and Spice and Everything Deadly....

Evil White Male Oppressor writes "I wonder if these situations will become so commonplace that we stereotype all women as violent thugs, just like we do to men now..."

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Colorado's "Cool Mom" Gets 30 Years

Finally, some justice! Read it here.


GOLDEN, Colo. - A woman who authorities said had sex with high school boys during alcohol- and drug-fueled parties has been sentenced to 30 years in prison, officials said.

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New website: "Breaking the Science"

mbr writes "I've finally done it! For ages I've wanted to gather articles I've written all together in one place. I've now created a website called Breaking the Science. Check it out at

Most of the articles currently on the website are related to domestic violence. I hope eventually to include articles that will broaden the focus beyond that to the entire subject of how too much research in the soft sciences is driven by the researchers' agenda rather than objectivity."

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Are Men Necessary?

My Sweetiepie, Maureen Dowd (don't tell my other Sweetiepie, Hillary Clinton), is getting more press for her new book, "Are Men Necessary?"

It's interesting for me to read about this sort of professional blathering from English speaking women, because I no longer have an emotional response to it. Except for the few who are men's rights activists, these folks have become pretty much irrelevant to me. Not an irritation. Not a joke.


Click "Read More" if you think you can tolerate the rest of my own blathering.

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15 yo girl holds down 12 yo boy while pit bull rapes him and gets less than 2 years probation

Masculiste writes " See the story here... i_Mark/2005/11/04/1291748.html

...with an additionally commentary here... 11/08/pf-1297471.html

This is as sick an example of Judicial bias in favor of females as you'll EVER see."

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