New Yahoo! Group: The Patriarchy

mens_issues writes "Our friend Thomas (Tom) Fullery has created a satirical new Yahoo group called The Patriarchy. Its web address is:"

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Drunk mother suffocates baby - no jail

Anonymous User writes "This mother got drunk and suffocated her baby by falling asleep on the child. She gets three years 'community rehabilitation'. If you get drunk and kill someone in an car accident you go to jail - but get drunk and kill your own baby and somehow that is different.

Now imagine how many years in prison a man would have got for a similar offence. "

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Senate Puts Off Vote on Controversial VAWA

Despite enormous pressure by VAWA advocates, the Senate failed to vote on the Violence Against Women Act yesterday. We believe the reason for the delay is that bill contains a number of contentious issues. The Senate has now adjourned, and will come back into session this coming Wednesday.

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VAWA background

Anonymous User writes "In light of the recent Cornyn/Kyl amendment to VAWA, the following article is disconcerting. Maybe a simple archive on VAWA background materials might be started/added on one of the MRA sites ( has a good start). Here is the URL."

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Feminists protest Roberts / Great discussion ensues!

ArtflDgr writes "A friend (whose name I will not divulge) was a bit perturbed at a kind of protest of Roberts on abortion grounds and ended up getting into a large discusion on abortion and such in relation to men's rights. You have to page down to get to some great stuff!

The page can be found here.

I think that many people here would love to see someone take so many of them on, and actually not get censored, attacked too much, and actually have a back and forth.


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False Rape Accusations: India

Anonymous User writes "Here are two recent stories.

In one case, the man was lucky enough to be discharged at investigation stage (the story does not mention that but that's what happened later).

In another case, the man committed suicide a day before being cleared by the court."

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Some Uplifting Thoughts

Anonymous User writes "MIsForMalevolent posts some uplifting thoughts and suggestions for those of us who feel depressed or crushed by the current status of men, and our own personal situations."

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Target Selling Misandric Carlton Cards Collectible

mens_issues writes "While at a local Target I noticed that there was a packet of Carlton Cards collectible magnets in the greeting card rack. One was titled "Men - you can't live with 'em." Here is what was on these magnets..."

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"Gender Bending" and Anti-Fertility Chemicals

Baniadam writes "Story here.

"Gender-bending chemicals are to be exempted from tough new Europe-wide safety controls despite increasing concern that they are causing bizarre sex changes in children and wildlife, leaked documents reveal.


Research published in May showed that boys born to mothers exposed to phthalates, used to make plastics more pliable, had smaller penises and other signs of genital feminisation..."

In the EU we have some laws. In the North America I believe it is (even) more lax. I think (not in EU) phthalates are still being used in stuff like cling-film and food wrappings etc. This is particularly important for every man (person) who has a young boy or even more so if with a pregnant wife."

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False Multi-Rape Allegations in UK

Anonymous User writes "Multiple false rape allegations in the same area, 8 week police investigation, fear and hysteria and a poster campaign. All unnecessary - police are taking action against 2 females and calling off the hunt for a gang of "predatory men". Read it here."

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Math, Engineering Interest Dearth

This is another take on the reduction of men (and Americans in general) in the sciences and mathematics fields. It is also very well-written, funny, and makes some very good points.

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Dare We Hope that VAWA may be Defeated?

Warble writes "Here comes the nationwide roundup of men. We all know that VAWA is loaded with language that will create massive new federally funded family prosecutions centers, and that those centers are designed to collect data on all men. That data will of course be entered into a permanent National database. No charges or arrest will be required. All that is required is for a police officer or some mandated reporter to file paperwork on the hated male. Now we have news of an amendment that would permit compulsory collection male DNA without charges or an arrest. Still think we should ask for equal treatment as RADAR suggest? NOT! This bill is to be opposed outright. This is no poison pill. It is the actual agenda of our Congress in relation to VAWA and the coming round-up men."

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Fathers-4-Justice, UK is back in the news

qronick writes "Guy Harrison of Fathers 4 Justice, the same guy as pelted Tony Blair with purple powder last year, climbed up on the Houses of Parliament today for his daughter's seventh birthday.

I love how the powers that be gloss over the real issue by prattling on about "security breaches" -- it's classic psychological denail. Half a minute's thought and we might a) realize that the security forces in a "free" country cannot stop anyone who is truly determined and b) wonder why a father can't see his daughter on her 7th birthday. So, yeah, why not...?"

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Falsely-accused Man Denied Right to Sue

Anonymous User writes "M is for Malevolent reports on a case from the Rapid City Journal where a young man's life was worth far less than the testimony of a few young girls who needed an excuse for truancy. The alibis of the young man from his job and those who were with him that day didn't matter, and neither did the evidence. What mattered was that he was male, and the girls picked his picture out of a police book of photos. He spent 86 days in jail, was severely beaten by other prisoners, lost his job, his home, and his car. Just for being a man."

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Lynndie England Goes Down

The five men on Lynndie England's jury didn't buy her defense that love made her sexually torment male prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

So goes the continuing saga of the modern, American pinup girl. (We used to have the likes of Rita Hayworth. Sigh.)

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