Volvo Convicted of Gender Discrimination

bandersnatch writes "From AutoBlog -- "Volvo’s Sweden division has been convicted by the Sweden Labor Court of gender discrimination and ordered to pay the equivalent of $5,200 to a woman who was denied a job at a plant because she was too short to work on an assembly line. How their legal department missed that one, we have no clue. Evidently the gap between denying someone a job for being too short to denying someone a job because she’s a woman was bridged by calling it ”indirect gender discrimination.” According to the plant’s hiring policy, employees must be between 5'5" and 6'5" to work on the assembly line, and the court ruled that since this excluded more women than men, it was gender discrimination." Remember Volvo is the company that created the world's first concept female car. Poor Volvo -- they had to learn the hard way, give the feminists an inch and they will take a mile."

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Amnesty finally responds, but still ignores the truth of DV

On August 17, RADAR sent a five-page letter (.pdf file) to Amnesty International – USA about its Stop Violence Against Women Campaign, complaining that the campaign violates the basic human and civil rights of men.

When Amnesty didn’t bother to respond, RADAR put out an Alert on September 19, requesting people to contact AI. The folks at AI obviously got an earful, because three days later – that’s warp speed for an organization like Amnesty – AI head Bill Schulz answered. His letter is shown below.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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"Spiked Drink" -- or Not

Tirryb writes "This study by the Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in Perth, Australia
has shown that drink spiking is not as common as was at first thought.

Women apparently often report to hospital claiming that their drinks have been spiked, "the scenario of an offender slipping a sedative into another person's drink, presumably to stupefy them in order to take advantage of them". Most of the study participants were women under the age of 25...

But what the study found was that in the vast majority of cases, they had either taken recreational drugs themselves or had not realised how drunk they were - no spiking ocurred...!

Sounds like this is another scaremongering uncovered to me..."

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Pfc. England Blames Boyfriend for Prison Abuse

Kyo writes "Private First Class Lynndie England, accused of torturing Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib, is attempting to shift the blame to her boyfriend by claiming that her acts were all in an effort to please him! Story at Yahoo."

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Amber Frey: Perpetrator of Paternity Fraud

Anonymous User writes Story here:

"Frey's attorney, Gloria Allred, said Wednesday that her client never intended to deceive [Anthony] Flores.

"Amber, in good faith, always believed that Mr. Flores was her child's father," Allred said."

NEWS FLASH, Ms. Allred: It is impossible to name the wrong man as the father in good faith."

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Boy Genteel Published on DV

Boy Genteel writes "I responded to a column on domestic abuse that ran a little more than a week ago, and my response was published yesterday (Sept. 20)"

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Major Bridge Blocked by Fathers-4-Justice Quebec

zerostress writes "A major bridge was blocked for 12 hours in Montreal by a FJ4 activist last Monday. It created monstrous traffic jams in the city and generated much controversy in the media.

F4J Québec new coordinator Andy Srougy climbed the Jacques-Cartier Bridge today. He and F4J Québec want an immediate Royal Commission of Inquiry on the Quebec Justice Administration.
Here is a story in the Montreal Gazette that resume pretty much the story."

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MSN Reports Dangerous Jobs - No Mention of Men

Well it's great they did it, an article on the most dangerous jobs. The author conveniently neglects to mention that the vast majority of those in these lines of work are men.

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Sunday PARADE mentions "Paternal Discrepancy"

Anonymous User writes "The Sept. 18 issue of PARADE (found in many Sunday newspapers) mentions that "the average rate of 'paternal discrepancy' (i.e., paternity FRAUD) in the Western world is about 4%". PARADE also states that 'paternal discrepancy' is highest with young mothers, because they are more likely to have multiple sexual partners."

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MRAs in India Face a Backlash

bharati writes "First they laugh at us, then they ignore us and when they cannot Ignore us they fight with us and that is when we win.
Our modest success has provoked our openents into realising that no longer are we ignorable and hence the backlash has started and when there is a backlash we know we are winning."

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Unexpected Essay in Post on Lewd Conduct by Young Women

Wasn't expecting the Post to publish such an essay, especially as it openly declares that young women are as *gasp* responsible for their lewd behavior as young men!

But as much as the author writes a strong, brave essay, I do beg to differ on this matter: young women are entirely responsible for their own behavior, lewd or not, as are young men for their own.

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RADAR ALERT: Amnesty International Spits on the Human Rights of Men

On August 17, RADAR sent a letter of complaint to William F. Schulz, Executive Director of Amnesty International. The five-page letter alleges that Amnesty's "Stop Violence Against Women Campaign" is factually erroneous and promotes the passage of laws such as VAWA that directly violate the human rights of men.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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BBC News: Stereotypes in advertising

Anonymous User writes "BBC News has an article about stereotypes in advertising, many of which portray women as heroes but men as idiots. Writer John Camm, who is interviewed in this article, finds the stereotypes "irritating"."

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A Novelist Wakes Up

Neil Steyskal writes "If you read fiction and have been frustrated by the way feminist stereotypes dominate novels these days, get Robert K. Tannenbaum's new novel, Fury. In the past Tannenbaum wrote several stories about abused women, but someone seems to have educated him about the other side of the story. This new novel revolves around false charges of rape."

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Rape case thrown out - judge criticises prosecution

Anonymous User writes "Finally, a judge refuses to be politically correct and just beleive the woman despite the lack of evidence. The judge also said the prosecutor may have to pay the costs of bringing the matter to court. Story here."

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