Homeless Men Ignored While "Bag Lady Syndrome" Makes News

I saw this and wanted to scream. The media ignores the relatively much larger numbers of homeless/shelterless men as compared to homeless/shelterless women, all while running "stories" like this one?? Yes, believe it.

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No Jail Time for Female Statutory-Raping Citrus County Teacher

Anonymous User writes "No jail time for Citrus County, FL teacher. Excerpt:

'Howard said Lilley received the reduced sentence because the girl's father didn't want to press charges. The vocational teacher and softball coach was arrested Nov. 1 after the girl told deputies about their three-month relationship that began in September. Lilley said it was consensual.'"

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Corporal punishment/double standard/mocking tone

Anonymous User writes "The usual frivolous take on a disgusting double standard. Excerpt:

'Singapore‘s drug laws, which include the death penalty for possession of certain amounts of drugs, provide for different punishments for males and females.

While male offenders can be punished with up to 15 strokes of the rattan cane for drug-related offences, female offenders are exempt from caning.'"

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Men Get Jail, Women and Children Get Housing

bulldogo.1 writes "Most Australians are appalled with the way the conservative Federal government treats political asylum seekers here. They are routinely rounded up and immediately placed in detention centres (jails), where they are held for years. In the past some have been freed, but only if they are women or children. The latest chapter in this sorry story again has humane Australians up in arms. But no-one, now or in the past, comments on the gender discrimination of it all."

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News Article Describing Men as Lacking Empathy

Dan writes "This was a study to determine gender differences in seeing pain in other people. It is slanted to say that men like to see others suffer.
The last paragraph of the article does say that the study might be flawed because the men felt threatened."

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Sacks Article on Abuse of Restraining Orders

Marc A. writes "Glenn Sacks just had an article printed in the Alburquerque Tribune re the David Letterman example of the abuse of restraining orders."

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Netscape.com Rivals MSN for Guerrila Anti-Male Spin

I guess the Netscape folks want to compete with MSN so they maintain their "news" portal in much the same vein as MSN. You need only visit their main page to see articles and stories the likes of these: No. 1 Reason Women are Unfaithful (complete with racy strip-tease-like picture) and Man Said to Fake Death, Keep Child Support (complete with inside-the-prison picture).

Summary: Cheating women get sexualized while desperate men get demonized.

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F4J Disbands After Blair Planned Kidnap Story

AngryMan writes "The UK fathers' rights group Fathers 4 Justice has decided to suspend its activities following newspaper reports that fringe elements were plotting to kidnap Tony Blair's son Leo as a publicity stunt. Story here."

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"Just Another 12 Dead Men"

Feature submission addressing the deaths of the 12 miners in West Virginia, and how they are part of a flood of largely unrecognized male victims of workplace accidents/violence.

Click "Read more..." to read this outstanding essay.

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CBS/Tom Selleck promote more sexual violence vs. men

SJones writes "Sunday night, January 15, CBS ran a Tom Selleck movie, Jesse Stone: Night Passage in which the so-called hero, Sheriff Jesse Stone, goes to his very first call as sheriff to a domestic dispute. At the house he finds Stephen Baldwin playing the lesbian-feminst stereotype of a divorced man. Baldwin says obnoxious things, but has no weapons and does not make any threatening motions towards anyone. Tom Selleck then kicks Baldwin in the groin."

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Court overturns conviction of woman who killed ex-boyfriend

Anonymous User writes "Story here.


'The high court ruled in a 45-page decision that Cary did not receive a fair trial because instructions about self-defense were not given to the jury. The Supreme Court said Circuit Judge Charles D. Griffith Jr., who presided over the trial, erred in keeping that information from the jury.'

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I Want My 'Lifetime' Back! Fems Mount Attack on Dish Networks

Roy writes "There's an intriguing media battle going on right now as feminists are mounting a P.R. assault on satellite network DISH TV for pulling the plug on the womyn-centric "Lifetime" channel. Claiming that DISH TV, a private company, has no right to "deprive women of their favorite entertainment...." Lifetime's CEO writes -- "DISH has no right to decide for women that they should not have all of the viewing options for which they have paid — especially their favorite networks. The only disservice to women in this dispute is keeping Lifetime off the air." Another Evil Patriarchal plot to make women unhappy?"

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NH Bill Aims to Improve Visitation Enforcement

Kathleen Parker wrote an excellent editorial about an effort underway in New Hampshire to put some teeth into child visitation orders. Rep. David Bickford is sponsoring the bill, HB 1585, whose idea was originally proposed by psychologist Dr. Stevan Gressitt of Maine. The bill would refer violators of child visitation orders to the state's Department of Health and Human Services to prompt an investigation for child abuse or neglect. New Hampshire's head of DHHS supports the legislation. This bill could help reduce the number of Parental Alienation Syndrome cases in the state, and is definitely a piece of legislation to keep an eye on.

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Mona Charen: Enemy of Feminism But No Friend of Men

Anonymous User writes "Columnist Mona Charen writes about Kate O'Beirne's new book "Women Who Make the World Worse".

To use a quote by Charen:
"Against the better judgment of generals and admirals, women have been given more and more access to combat, to the point where scores of women have been killed and wounded in Iraq."

SCORES of women have been killed and wounded in Iraq!! Is that REALLY worse than the THOUSANDS of MEN killed and wounded in Iraq?

Apparently, it's not just the feminists that are anti-male. Even the anti-feminists like Charen and O'Beirne are anti-male!"

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Support Groups in or Near Orlando, Florida?

We've been contacted by someone who is going through an intense divorce, and is looking for other men's groups or male-friendly support resources in or near the Orlando, Florida area. Does anyone know of anything around there? Please post anything in the comments section here if you can. It would also be of help to post any internet resources such as e-mail lists or forums that might be useful to someone in the midst of this kind of crisis. Thank you for your help!

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