Female Ohio SC Justice Scolded for DUI

Hmmm, this is the kind of story I ponder about because the question is, is she being let off light (with a mere reprimand, when any "ordinary person" would lose a professional license, get jailed, etc.) because she is female, or a senior citizen, or a state supreme court justice, or because she is cop-friendly, or any combination/all of these? That is, is this a gender/class/sandbox thing or a combination thereof? What do YOU think?

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CNN wants to Hear from Male DV Victims

mens_issues writes "CNN wants to hear from male victims of domestic violence. If you were a victim within the last three years, this is your chance to present the other side of the domestic violence issue.

This information is from a newsletter sent out by Chuck Corry of the Equal Justice Foundation."

Click on Read More/Post Comments to see the original newsletter with his announcement.

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Wall Street Journal Prints Supportive Letters Re Men's Commission

Marc A. writes "Today the Wall Street Journal printed two supportive letters responding to Professor Lionel Tiger's op ed on neglected issues affecting men and on the findings of the New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men."

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Restraining Order vs. Letterman Quashed

Good news for David Letterman... problem is, it never should have been issued in the first place. Story here.

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USA Today: Female Tsunami Survivors are Biggest Victims

mens_issues writes "One year after the horrific Indian Ocean tsunami, it appears that most of the survivors are still living in tents or other rudimentary conditions. Unfortunately, USA Today just had to put in something unsubstantiated about women survivors being particularly vulnerable to abuse (from the “beastly male” tsunami survivors, one is led to assume).

It's sad that a tragedy like this has to be reported on through the distorted lens of gender-feminist groups.

A link to this article is here."

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"Cool Mom" in Crash

She just can't seem to control herself, can she? Story here.

GOLDEN, Colo. - A woman who authorities said had sex with high school boys so she could be a “cool mom” was injured while riding in an SUV that veered off an interstate a day before she was to be sentenced. The driver was a 14-year-old girl.



Johnson and three other passengers — her 14-year-old daughter, 11-year-old son and a 12-year-old boy — were hospitalized with serious injuries, authorities said. Only the driver was wearing a seat belt and escaped serious injury, authorities said.

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"Moms in prison"

Not much mention here of "dads in prison" or any chance they have (or don't) to see their kids today.

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Ex-coach had sexual relations with player, indictment alleges

Anonymous User writes "Story here.
Both female. I wonder if there will be any real punishment? Excerpt:

'NEWARK, Ohio — A Licking County grand jury yesterday indicted a former assistant softball coach at Newark High School on three counts each of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor and sexual battery.

Jessica Spain, 26, of Newark, was arrested Dec. 16 by Newark police after they investigated a relationship between Spain and a player on the high-school team. Some staff members and a police officer assigned to the school observed Spain and the 16-year-old girl kissing in a car in a school parking lot on Dec. 14, authorities said.'"

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Wife, Her BF, and Daughter's BF Held in Slaying of Reservist

Anonymous User writes "The enemy was his own wife. Story here.


'RALEIGH, N.C. --Home for Christmas after nearly a year in the Middle East, Navy Reservist Paul Berkley was making up for lost time with his family.

He arrived Wednesday, in time to hear his 18-year-old son, Zeke, sing the national anthem with his high school chorus. On Friday, he and 16-year-old daughter Becky ate pizza, watched movies and danced.

By Sunday, the 46-year-old sailor was dead, shot once in the head during a walk in the park with his wife, Monique. She now stands charged with his slaying, along with two men -- her alleged teenage lover and her stepdaughter Becky's boyfriend.'"

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Virginia Men Cleared of Rape with DNA Testing

If you haven't seem the Innocence Project web site yet, please take a look. The number of men who have been railroaded into jail on flimsy evidence for the crime of rape is truly heartbreaking, and DNA testing that exonerates them is showing "The System's" routinized knee-jerk anti-male bigotry for what it is. Most recent news of DNA testing-based exonerations is here. Excerpt:

He wasn't always that resolute. He remembers saying over and over to himself the night he was convicted: "I am innocent. I am not a rapist." It was a refrain he would repeat in the coming years in handwritten letters to judges and lawyers and advocates for those wrongly imprisoned.

Thurman said he trusted the criminal justice system; he said he believed it wouldn't fail him. But in the end, it did, he said, and his only choice was to carry out his sentence in silence.

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Homeless Boys Line African City Streets

"Young and Homeless Fill Africa's City Streets" - no mention though of UNICEF, or any other organizational outrage, over the fact that the vast majority of these are boys. That's because, quite predictably, no one seems to care nearly as much as they would if these kids were predominently girls. And people wonder why Africa is plagued by problems with violent, angry young men. Excerpt:

They are part of an unprecedented and growing phenomenon of homeless youths in Africa's exploding urban centers, according to studies by UNICEF and Save the Children. There is no reliable estimate of their total number, but studies indicate it could be as high as 1 million.



Now, nearly every major African city has its own name for them. In Khartoum, they are called "the children of the market." In Nairobi, they are known as "glue boys," because they sniff glue out of old bottles, holding the rims to their lips as if they were whispering into the neck. In Kinshasa, the capital of Congo, they are called "the desperate children" -- barefoot boys who shine shoes, banging a stick with a bottle cap to attract customers.

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HIV positive woman faces life in prison for raping boy

Anonymous User writes:

Police Say HIV-Positive Woman Raped Boy

AVOCA, Ark. -- Authorities said a 13-year-old Arkansas boy was exposed to HIV when he was allegedly raped by a 42-year-old woman in his own home.

Deputies thought they were headed to a domestic disturbance call at the teen's home near Avoca, Ark., at about 2 a.m. Monday.

When they arrived they found two men arguing with a woman named Donna Sue Mars. However, during subsequent interviews, police said one of the men said Mars had sex with his 13-year-old son, Fort Smith, Ark., television station KHBS reported."

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Letterman finds out how easy it is to get restraining order

bandersnatch writes "From CNN, Lawyers for David Letterman want a judge to quash a restraining order granted to a Santa Fe woman who contends the CBS late-night host used code words to show he wanted to marry her and train her as his co-host. A state judge granted a temporary restraining order to Colleen Nestler, who alleged in a request filed last Thursday that Letterman has forced her to go bankrupt and caused her "mental cruelty" and "sleep deprivation" since May 1994. Nestler requested that Letterman, who tapes his show in New York, stay at least 3 yards away and not "think of me, and release me from his mental harassment and hammering." Lawyers for Letterman, in a motion filed Tuesday, contend the order is without merit and asked state District Judge Daniel Sanchez to quash it. That's right, folks. A woman was able to get a restraining order against David Letterman based on that in her mind he is using code words to show he wanted to marry her and train her as his co-host. And the feminists have the nerve to cry about how "hard" it is to file a restraining order."

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"Cheaper by the Dozen" Another Cliche Dumb-Daddy Movie

CJ writes "Finally, a movie columnist (one from the Globe too!) stands up for men/fathers:

"I have to say Tom Baker is one idiot patriarch too many. We're saddled with the cliche dumb daddy in ads, TV sitcoms, comic strips, but a neutered (numerous crotch injuries) Steve Martin is the last straw. I therefore announce the founding of a new anti-defamation organization, Fathers United against Dopey Dads -- or F.U.D.D. -- and call for volunteers and greater media awareness of this slanderous stereotype. A dad is a terrible thing to waste A dad is a terrible thing to waste, and 'Cheaper by the Dozen 2' is one vast, cheery wasteland."

Let's offer support to the writer of this article."

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Indian Policewomen Assault Couples for Dating

Just when you don't think it can't get any weirder, just read this.


Two policewomen have been suspended in the northern Indian city of Meerut for slapping and punching couples who were dating in a public park.

Police were carrying out "Operation Romeo", which they said was to target the sexual harassment of women.

Anti-police protests erupted after TV pictures showed officers punching and pulling the hair of young women.

So let's see, this is an assault not just on the right to associate and freedom to assemble (which is guaranteed under Indian law) but also an assault on romantic relations between the sexes. Note that the ostensible reason for the "program" that placed these policewomen in the park was targetted specifically at stopping men from... dating women? Note there is implied in the name of the operation itself ("Operation Romeo") that the female of the couple is not presumed to be an active part in what... making out or something? And just how is making out in a park "sexual harassment" anyway? Anyone who needs explicit evidence that male sexuality itself is being directly persecuted need only look at this story.

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