Woman sniper kills husband - but found not guilty

Tirryb writes "News.com.au reports here that a woman dresses in camoflage gear, lies in wait in a snipers 'nest', and shoots her husband dead - but of course she's found not guilty of either manslaughter or murder...

The reason of course is that she was abused mercilessly during her marriage. Even if her version of the marriage is completely true she could have left or had him arrested, but instead chose to put a bullet through his heart and end his life. Not guilty. Go figure."
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Woman's Gang Rape Story is Bogus

Anonymous User writes "Yet another one... at Disney World no less. Imagine my shock when I saw it was yet another false rape accusation..."

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Students Suspended for Viewing Postings

Without condoning what the boy reportedly did, is it fair what happened in this case, particularly to the 20 other students? Would the school have taken these steps if a girl had done the same thing, only with a boy as the target of hostility?

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Jim Izard - R.I.P.

I don't know if his actions were related to what went on between him and Indiana University, but what happened is mentioned in this news item. Rest in peace, Mr. Izard.

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37-YO female rapist blames four-YO boy for "seduction"

SacredNaCl writes "Apparently, blaming the "man" extends all of the way to the tender age of 4, as in the case of this 37 year old, accused of having sex with a 4 year old boy. In her statement she said: "Sources tell us in what amounts to a bizarre confession that the suspect is actually accusing the four-year-old boy of seducing her. But police are not buying that explanation as they investigate several instances of rape and sexual abuse inside the day care center over a six-week period."

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N.O.W. "Discovers" that Females Can and Do Sexually Harass Males

Roy writes "Citing a new research study by the American Association of University Women, N.O.W. admits that female students sexually harass males:

"Male and female students are nearly equally likely to be sexually harassed on campus... Female students are more likely to be the target of sexual jokes, comments, gestures, or looks. Male students are more likely to be called gay or a homophobic name."
The definition of sexual harassment is so broad and subjective as to make most inter-gender communication suspect -- "Sexual harassment is unwanted and unwelcome behavior which interferes with your life...
Such as, a person made sexual comments, jokes, gestures, or looks..."

Full AAUW report here (.pdf file)."

Ed. note: This is somewhat 'old news' in that the AAUW report has been out since 2005. However that N.O.W. is "announcing" it at this time is a recent event. Read the N.O.W. release carefully; it downplays heavily the harassment men suffer and up-plays heavily the harrassment of women. Of course the very definition of harrassment, as pointed out by Roy, is not too close to the average legal or dictionary defintions. By their defintion, sexual harassment is pretty much anything you don't like that someone says or does in your presence. I suppose I could say then that just about everyone I ever met has sexually harassed me in some form or another-- that's it, gonna call a lawyer right now and sue everyone!

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Tennis Champ Bjorn Borg Selling Trophies -- after Two Divorces

Remember Bjorn Borg? Well, he has to sell his trophies to cover his bankruptcy/two divorces. Story here.

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15 years for man who took bite out of girlfriend

Sick Boi writes "Found this article on MSN today. (I try not to read this biased Feminazi-friendly junk but I could not resist.) Funny how a woman can repeatedly stab her partner and gets a slap on the hand, but when the shoe is on the other foot... Prison here HE comes. They do not talk about what sparked the fight. Maybe she just did not spend enough on flowers for him on Valentines Day? Maybe she is like my wife and felt she has no need to even acknowledge him at all on Valentines Day? Who knows?"

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Suspended sentence for abusing teacher, but outcry ensues

Tirryb writes "News.com.au reports here that a female teacher who had sex with a 15 year old male student (sex, not rape of course) has gotten a suspended sentence.

Nothing new there, but the outcry is definitely something new - and includes the State premier. Things are beginning to change!"

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CNN Money Covers Farrell's Arguments

Nice to see this in a major media channel.

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Woman awarded $100k for raising 'an unwanted child'

Tirryb writes "News.com.au reports that a woman who had a failed abortion has been awarded over one hundred thousand dollars to cover the cost of raising her 'unwanted child' (for physical/psychological trauma, too).

Whereas fathers who have no say in the abortion and end up with an unwanted child are forced to PAY UP for 18 years. That seems fair..."

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Article on "The Return of Patriarchy"

Acksiom writes "Are secular leftists non-breeding themselves into a minority, compared to their more religious and conservative fellow-citizens? Phillip Longman, in an article in Foreign Policy magazine, considers the demographics involved, and some historical parallels, and thinks it likely."

Ed. note: Not only is such an article surprising to see in publication, but what is also surpising is in which magazine it is being published!

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"Virtual Visitation" More Common

Comments on this story, folks? From the article:

The idea has its critics, though, who fear judges might use the option of virtual visitation as justification for ordering fewer real visits with children or letting one parent move away with the children.

“Real parents need real time. Real kids need real time,” said David L. Levy, director of the Children’s Rights Council.

“It can be a wonderful accessory, but the danger is that it will be used as a substitute for real visitation.”

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Cocaine Brought To Class By Second-Grade Girl- No Charges Filed

Anonymous User writes "Yep you guessed it...no mention of any charges against her or suspension. Oh by the way, do ya remember the six-year old boy suspended for sexual harassment...thought so...

Story here."

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Australian dads to pay less, mums to pay more

Tirryb writes "News.com.au reports here that proposed changes to the child support laws in Australia (due to come into play in 2008) will mean fathers will pay less in some cases, whilst mothers become more responsible.

In particular, fathers who spend one day a week with their children will have their child support payments reduced, and more of a mothers income will be taken into account when calculating child support payments (currently it's set pretty high).

But, I wonder how long before this has the opposite effect? Won't mothers now be incentivised to stop fathers from seeing their kids once a week, so they can claim more..?"

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