RADAR Turns the Tide on Domestic Violence

RADAR – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a network of men and women working to assure the domestic violence (DV) issue is addressed in a balanced manner. RADAR was established in early 2005 in response to a series of inflammatory articles that appeared in the Washington Post.

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Retrial For Andrea Yates

Anonymous User writes "Story here":

"'It's a good day,' Parnham said. 'The whole issue of mental health, specifically women's mental health, has been championed in this decision.'

Parnham said a new trial is a mixed blessing, because Yates will have to relive the horror of her children's deaths, but added, 'She needs to be found not guilty by reason of insanity.'"

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Mother Attacks Son with Axe

Anonymous User writes "Here is another example of how women are diagonosed instead of demonised when they do something heinous. A mother attackers her baby son with an axe and she 'would undergo a psychiatric assessment.'"

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Unfair expectations lead to divorce

Anonymous User writes "This article in the Times On-Line celeberates soaring indian divorce as result of womens liberation, while bharati counters it in similar vein saying unfair expecation caused by militant feminism leads to soaring divorce.

What do you people say?"

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BBC: Becoming a father 'civilises' men

More anti-male junk science propagation from the BBC here. Excerpt:

A UK expert said the fall was nature's way of ensuring men behaved in a 'civilised' and non-aggressive way around newborn offspring.


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No more jail for Edmonton woman who concealed birth

federico writes "Do you think that letting a baby die is murder? Infanticide?! Think again! Obviusly is not if you're a woman, specifically the mother.

Incredibly, Justice Terrance Clackson said, "While this is about loss of life, this is not about murder," and also noted that Anderwald's crimes involved deception but not violence. The article contiues stating that "After [passing out] she woke up, she put the baby in a garbage bag beside her bed, had a bath and watched TV" and "Co-workers said she was happy [the day after]". Of course the tearjerker line follows as the deception manual prescribe: "I wish I could change the past and bring Angela back," she said, using the name she gave the child."

Click "Read more..." for more.

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NH Commission on the Status of Men Releases Report

The New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men (CSM) has
released its first biennial report to the public. The 44-page report is the result of two years of research and testimony in the areas of men's health, fatherhood issues, domestic violence, family law, child custody, and education. You can download the report from the publications section of the CSM web site.

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Follow-up on super-glue woman

Dittohd writes "Verdict - $46,200. I'm sure it's not what a man would have been stuck with had the roles been reversed but it's a lot better than nothing. Not surprisingly, the jury foreman said the verdict was not a slam-dunk, even with a mostly male jury. Also, the woman tried to get out of any blame by blaming the man. Gee, what a surprise!"

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Frisky cheerleaders not charged for public lewdness

Read this. Now ask yourself, "Why aren't they being charged with lewd conduct as well?" Two men sure would have been.

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Abercrombie and Fitch fold over "girl-cott".

Thundercloud. writes "Well I just saw on YAHOO news that Abercrombie and Fitch have folded, because of the boycott led by some irate girls and women.
They caved just like that. I was surprised to see A and F try to use the old "But it's meant to be humorous" excuse. They usually only try that on guys who complain of sexism. Well maybe these gals know how we guys feel, now."

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Prostate Cancer Drug "too expensive"

Anonymous User writes "So men in Scotland can't get the best drug for treatment of prostate cancer because it is too expensive and not 'cost-effective'.

Imagine a drug for the treatment of breast cancer not being made available to women for the same reasons.

Story here.

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RADAR Alert: "Breaking the Silence" = Junk Journalism

The program Breaking the Silence has been widely criticized for bias and inaccuracy in depicting a world in which the only abusive parents are fathers. The program amounts to a libel that dads who seek child custody are wife-beaters.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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MSN Article on Depression Among Successful Men

MSN surprised me with this. There's some of the usual anti-male stereotyping and so on, but there is an air of sympathy here that is unusual for MSN when it comes to men. Excerpt:

The very qualities that propel them to success can arise from an extremely dark place in the psyche. The tendency to build their identity on achievement makes a downturn unbearable. The modern American corporation is structured to give CEOs wealth and power but also crushing isolation. What's more, there's something in the nature of success that makes being at the top dramatically different psychological terrain from getting there. And the American dream that wealth transmutes success into happiness always ends in bitter disappointment. "You're the same you, just in posher surroundings," says psychotherapist Terence Real, head of the Real Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and author of I Don't Want To Talk About It: Overcoming the Secret Legacy of Male Depression.

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NYTimes Re-Runs Dowd's Latest

Well, it's unavailable to the general public (NYT print subscribers can see it on-line though if they sign up for the extra service), but our very own Maureen Dowd's recent woe-is-me piece appears in the Nov. 6, 2005 New York Times Magazine. So if you can, have a look; it includes a pic of our gal sitting on a bar stool, in black stockings and heels no less -- waiting for someone to buy her a drink, I guess.

My how the people change as the years go by... what would the Maureen of 20 years ago say of herself today?

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Fox News Laughs at Male Victims of Domestic Violence

Ray writes "

I just sent the email (below) to Fox News (Fox & Friends) regarding coverage of the news story about a man who had his "private parts super glued by an intimate female partner." Civil Suit Goes To Court: A Scorned Lover, Glue And A Naked Man "

Click "Read more..." for more.
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