Wendy McElroy Says No Victim Class Status for Men

Roy writes "Wendy McElroy argues that the men’s movement is making a blunder by seeking to identify men as a new "victim class." She says rather than seeking inclusion for services under VAWA, MRAs should be advocating for the repeal of bad laws. "Only time will tell whether the men's movement will become a politics of rage as the feminist movement did in the mid-70s ... Only time will tell whether men will become the next group to use government force to seek restitution, not for wronged individuals (which is just) but for an entire class of people." Interesting iFeminist variation on Chivalry... only women deserve status/power as an organized social group ... but a man must go it alone?"

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Harvard's Summers Announces Resignation

Read it here. It's also covered in the Washington Post here, for those who care to deal with a log-in.

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Domestic Violence Suit against CA

MR writes "Domestic violence, to quote Dear Abby, is a human problem, not a
gender problem. But in California, it's defined as abuse against women.

Now, a father, daughter, and three other men are suing the state, so that shelters and services will help men too.

NBC4's Robert Kovacik has their story here *

*There is a short commercial preceding the video."

Ed. note: Windows Media Player and IE browser required to view video. Also, for those with slower connections and stream-sensitive O/Ss, be aware that the page opens right to in-line video.

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WorldNet Daily Cites NH Commission in Article on Bias vs. Men

Anonymous User writes Herein a study cited, documenting the fact that affirmative action has gone beyond the pale and is actually killing men. Men are literally dieing because so little attention is being paid to men's needs."

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NH Men's Commission Member to Appear on Tucker Carlson Show

NH Commission on the Status of Men Commissioner Michael Geanoulis will appear Tuesday night (2/21/06) on MSNBC's Tucker Carlson show to discuss some of the Commission's findings. This will be the first national TV converage the Commission has received.

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Japan: Woman murders two children

AngryMan writes "A woman in Japan has admitted stabbing to death two five-year-olds and tossing their bodies into a rice field. They were classmates of her own child. The motive is unclear. Story here."

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Colorado: Woman, 26, has "affair" with boy, 13

mens_issues writes "Yet another case of an older woman having sex with an underage boy. She got a one year prison sentence. What's the going rate for when the genders are reversed again?

BTW, this happened just miles from where Sylvia Johnson aka the "cool mom" lived.

Story starts with:

"She was 26-years-old, 5 foot 1, 100 pounds, blonde and blue eyed, and in early 2003 the Westminster wife and mother of three initiated a sexual affair with the 13-year-old son of a close friend and eventually gave birth to the 7th grader's baby."


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Circumcision battle goes to court

SpikeRants writes "Oh yeah! An Illinois court is hearing arguments wherein a father is opposing the circumcision of his 8-year-old son, and the mother wants it because of "health reasons."

Note that in the article, "health reasons" is not in quotations, but "unnecessary amputation" is."

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'Paternity Fraud' Headline

Dittohd writes "I realize this is old hat for regulars of this website but paternity fraud being given top headline status (this top billing dated 2/18 won't last more than a day before being replaced with something else) on the internet news site whose editor wrote a sympathy piece crying for Clara Harris' release from jail after she ran over and killed her husband, is definitely news worth noting."

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Violence: it's all men's fault!

alphamale writes "I just about fell off my chair reading this article. This guy must be from another planet! He actually is arguing that there is more sexual violence towards women today than in the past.

He makes no mention of the millions of violent women and lays the blame for all violence squarely at the feet of all men. He even goes so far as to assert that "our consumer dollars contibutes to a system that reinforces sexist beliefs and attitudes." Apparently this guy has never turned on a television or walked through a mall and seen all of the pro-female, anti-male messages that are bombarding both genders on a daily basis. I know pro-athletes aren't always the brightest of the bunch, but this guys needs a serious re-education!"

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"Boyhood Studies" Journal Initiative

Anonymous User writes "Boyhood Studies is a new peer reviewed journal initiative. This website tracks its status: http://www.boyhoodstudies.com/. From their intro:

"[W]e want to situate historical applications of Kenneth Kidd’s "boyology" within their respective cultural contexts, including, for example, nationalism, feminism, the medicolegal apparatus, scholastic institutions, and even the capitalist system itself. With these contexts given their due scrutiny, we argue, scholars can productively begin to map the structures and strictures that inform both boys' lives and those who play leading roles in the lives of boys.""

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False Rape Allegations Worth Less Than Theft

bulldogo.1 writes "You are not going to believe this.
Besides showing how unbelievingly stupid some women can be, this highlights the gender bias in law. If not for a video these men would have spent most of their lives in jail. The most time she can get for endangering all these men is 44 months. And most of that time is for theft of public money."

Ed note: Explicit content warning. Bulldogo's points however are so well-represented in this story that it can't be ignored in the name of "taste". I wonder if "taste" will be the excuse mainstream media uses to avoid covering it any time soon?

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Another Mom Tried For Grievous Assault on Infant

Luek writes "Seems like Texas is setting some type of record for murdering moms who plead (temporary) insanity as their defense.

The trial for Dena Schlosser, 37 a sole custody mom who cut off the arms of her infant daughter starts. Remember Texas is also the home of Andrea Yates who slaughtered her five children by methodically drowning each one in the bathtub. She is now out of prison on a technicality and will be retried. The "fix" is obviously in to get her off on an insanity plea too. Also, Texas recently found murdering mom Deanna Laney not guilty by reason of insanity for fatally beating two of her young sons with rocks and seriously injuring a third.

Someone needs to check the water out there!"

Ed. note: Stories from Texas make the news a lot these days perhaps because our current president is from there. However I don't think it's fair to the state of Texas as a whole to single it out as having more than the average number of problems with abusive mothers/parents in general. Child abuse is a nationwide problem, as is the under-reporting and overall lack of awareness of the rate of abusiveness by mothers of their children. Also, the fact that mothers get off far more often on insanity pleas than dads do when charged with child abuse-related crimes is also a nationwide, of not also a worldwide, problem.

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Resources re Deaths Caused by Ritalin

AngryMan writes "The feminist/psychotherapy led education system is branding many thousands of normal healthy boys as mentally ill, mainly because they do not act like girls, and is turning them into drug addicts. Evidence is mounting that Ritalin is actually causing death from heart failure. Who is it that is dying? Boys of course. Some sources:

The UK Guardian newspaper.

Bereaved US parents tell their story.

Another excellent article, Psychiatrists and Ritalin.

This pathologisation of boys must stop."

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Woman Puts 'Sex Offender' Sign on Wrong House - No Charges Pressed

Dittohd writes "In this case, how do you feel about the guy not pressing charges against this crazy woman? Not only that, even the police let her off with just a warning when they caught her breaking the law."

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