India : State Women's Commission To Help Men

Anonymous User writes "Maharashtra State Women's Commission decides to help men who are victims of harassment or false accusations by women. I live in this state, and so very pleased with this development! This is also a state where the feminist lobby has been very powerful, so looks like men's activism is beginning to make an impact. Story here."

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Domestic Violence vs Men in the News

bulldogo.1 writes "This and this may be evidence that the message is finally getting through; women are violent too. Hopefully, judges, family courts and governments will take their heads out of the sand and realise that they are wrecking children's and fathers lives by believing that only men are violent.
Notice, however, that when women are finally identified as capable of violence, authorities start talking of mental health etc. Before it was simply; men are violent. Also, the Florida woman says it happens because 'you just get pushed and pushed', which means, it's men's fault. And as for men 'are becoming victims', there have always been male victims of domestic violence. But, it's a start.

-- Bulldogo."

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New Zealand: Men's Rights Activist Turned Down as Lawyer

EvilPundit writes "An outspoken men's activist and critic of New Zealand's legal system has been told he is not a fit and proper person to be a lawyer.

But Peter Zohrab, acting president of New Zealand Equality Education Foundation, says he will not let matters rest there. "I just intend to keep at it and see how long it takes," he said of his quest to become a lawyer."

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Cohabitation and Support

Misandrope writes "In several cases that came up on appeal this fall and winter, New Jersey has shown that they are taking cohabitation more seriously. In one case, a woman was actually ordered to pay back alimony recieved when it was found that she was already cohabiting at the point where she signed her divorce agreement."

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Teacher Bounds, Gags Students

bull writes "Montreal school teacher tapes student in his chair, then, gags him and two other students as punishment.

click here

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RADAR ALERT: V-Day Hypocrisy at Roger Williams University

For the last decade there has been a concerted effort to convert
Valentines Day from a celebration of loving relationships between men
and women into a day reserved for vilification of males as perpetrators
of "rape, battery, incest, female genital mutilation and sexual
slavery." (

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BBC: Teasing 'fuels unhealthy dieting' - Impact Greater on Boys

This story covers how especialy harmful teasing is to boys in terms of how they perceive their weight and how they react to it. Note however that the article still panders to feminist "sensibilities" in its reporting. Excerpt:

The researchers suggest that teasing may have a greater impact on boys because they are not used to facing a negative reaction to their weight.

Girls, in comparison, are constantly bombarded with a variety of media messages and images hammering home the need to stay slim.

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Warning Urged for ADHD Drugs

The Washington Post, on the same day it all but places the blame for the increase in cigarette, alcohol, and drug usage by girls on boys and men, also reports that an FDA Panel is urging the use of very serious notices with ADHD drugs "because of reports that they may have caused sudden deaths or serious complications." It makes some reference to how 10% of 10-year-old American boys have been placed on these drugs (you read that right: TEN PERCENT) but doesn't spend a lot of time suggesting that it's the fault of girls that they "need" it.

You can be pretty darn sure though if 10% of America's 10-year-old girls were on ADHD drugs, just as with their other article, the Post would be blaming males for it.

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NOW's Prez Sounds Alarm Over "Extremist Fathers' Rights Groups"

Roy writes "In her
February 8th newsletter, NOW's Prez Kim Gandy approaches her usual near-hysteria over program funding cuts proposed for the FY 2006 federal budget, while shrieking especially loud about funding fathers' rights groups and pro-marriage initiatives:

'This legislation includes up to $50 million annually to fund questionable fatherhood programs ... NOW suspects that some of those monies will end up with extremist "fathers' rights" groups. The authorized total would be $150 million annually for both fatherhood and marriage promotion initiatives; all states will be mandated under this bill to establish marriage promotion programs and to meet numerical performance objectives. NOW regards marriage promotion efforts targeting low-income women as potentially coercive, discriminatory and an invasion of privacy.'"

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First-Grade Boy Suspended for Sexual Harassment

Roy writes "A first grader was suspended for three days after school officials said he sexually harassed a girl in his class by allegedly putting two fingers inside the girl's waistband while she sat on the floor in front of him. The boy's mother said she "screamed" about last week's suspension, and added her son doesn't know what sexual harassment is. "He doesn't know those things," she told The Enterprise of Brockton, MA. "He's only 6 years old." Proving that for the feminists who dominate K-12 education nowadays, it's never too soon to identify a predatory-patriarch-in-training!"

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Wash Post Points to Boys/Men for Girls' Rise in Substance Abuse

Seems the girls themselves can't be blamed for it. Read it here. Excerpt:

"It's really sad the girls are winning," said Warren Seigel, chairman of pediatrics at Brooklyn's Coney Island Hospital. "This isn't the game they should be winning at."



There is no single reason why girls are smoking, drinking and taking pills more than ever. Academics, therapists, teachers and teenagers themselves report that today's young women live in an increasingly stressful environment; many are worried about their appearance, eager to date older boys or recovering from physical or sexual abuse. Unlike young men, who often use illegal substances for an adrenalin rush, teenage girls use alcohol or drugs as an escape."

Only toward the end is parental behavior mentioned as a contributing factor. No one would want to imply "maternal permissiveness" though in any way, given that such isn't P.C., despite the facts that single-parent households are now 28% of all households with children, that 84% of these households are headed by women (ie, are single-mother households), and that the number of single-parent households continues to grow. [You may want to browse more stats and facts on this topic here].

There's so many ways this article ignores relevant facts and tries to shift/conjure blame, it's hard to just get through a single sentence of it without wanting to eat glass!

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Sheriff's Deputies Suspended from Work for Infidelity

klp writes "Deputies in Pinellas County, Florida can now be suspended for cheating on their own spouses or doing another person's spouse.

Query: How will the complaints be handled? Will this give a new retaliation vehicle to criminals? Or vengeful ex's?"

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"Draft created patriots, respect"

Kelly Rice writes
""Draft created patriots, respect"

Whether they wanted it or not.

Ed. note: Reverse all gender references in this article and see if it would still be the least bit palatable.

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Sweden: More men complain of sex discrimination

al_nbd writes "Story here. Excerpt:

"The number of Swedish men who believe they have been discriminated on the basis of their gender has increased dramatically, according to the equality ombudsman's office, Jämo.

On July 1st last year an amendment was made to the law against discrimination, specifically banning gender discrimination. This has led to a rapid rise in the number of incidents reported by men, who were previously under-represented.

Of 56 cases reported under the new amendment, 45 concerned complaints made by men. Added to a series of complaints under the previous legislation, Jämo is now handling a total of 82 incidents reported by men in 2005, compared to just 23 the year before."

Will the complaints of those men be handled with the same attidude as women's ones? I think discrimination against men will be justified by law soon."

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Man wrongly convicted now owes $38,000 in back child support

Dittohd writes "If this isn't the ultimate in chutzpuh! The guy is sent to prison unjustly for 13 years, child support continues to accrue plus interest and penalties, and they blame it on him as though it would have been possible to have the child support suspended. Neither women nor the government are ever at fault, no matter what!"

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