China Paternity Fraud - Ex-Wife Pays!

Dittohd writes "Looks like China has the right idea. $3100 is not all that much but I suppose it's worth a bit more to them assuming their cost of living is lower over there. I wonder how much it would be if we equalized theirs and our two countries' costs of living."

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Dove's "Campaign for Real Beauty" Ignores Boys

This made it to the legendary spate of Superbowl advertisements yesterday during Superbowl XL. While most of the advertising, if not all of it, was otherwise touting consumer products such as beer, cars, and skin care lotion (with the usual dose of men getting beat on, made out to look like fools or whatever, etc.), the makers of Dove cleansers managed to tout their latest save-the-girls P/R campaign and to solicit donations for it. [I read that Superbowl ad time this year was $33,000/second - it strikes me they could have used that money instead for their own cause rather than using it to try to get TV viewers to fork over the cash!]

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Cathy Young: "The Lost Boys"

Return of the King writes "Link here. Excerpt:

IN THE EARLY 1990s, talk about girls as an endangered species was everywhere. There were studies purporting to show that patriarchy-damaged girls suffered a disastrous drop in self-esteem in adolescence. The American Association of University Women published a report titled ''How Schools Shortchange Girls," which landed on the front pages of many newspapers. Educators and legislators alike rushed to tackle the problem of gender bias that was allegedly keeping girls from reaching their full potential -- despite the fact that, by then, girls were already graduating from America's colleges in higher numbers than boys.'

What will be done for the boys?"

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Wake for an Indian Warrior

Clancy writes "Nothing to do with Men's Rights but everything to do with men. I cried ... Link here."

Ed. note: This is a must-see, guys. Take the time to go through the photos.

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"Commitment-phobia" = Sanity?

Martian Bachelor writes "In the light of Betty F.'s recent death, and all the subsequent reports about how much women's lives have changed, I thought this was a bit of a reality check...

From "Divorce settlements: B.A.C.K.L.A.S.H."

'The lawyer responsible for one of Britain's most influential divorce settlements has told The Independent on Sunday she 'would not blame men' for deciding not to marry if a divorce settlement before the House of Lords is not overturned.'"

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WA Residents Asked to Protest "The Vagina Monologues"

From e-mailed announcement, posted with permission:

GREAT NEWS!! There is a nationally organized protest against both (1) the play "Vagina Monologues" and against (2) the anti-male hate groups that are promoting it nationwide.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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TV Interview with Kate O'Beirne

C-Span2 BookTV had an interview this evening with Kate O'Beirne, author of "Women Who Make the World Worse." It will be replayed tomorrow at 6 and 9 PM. (Apparently that's Eastern Standard Time.) She did a fine job.

For more info see this page.

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Betty Friedan has Died

Betty Friedan has reportedly died at the age of 85.

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Man Forced to Marry - Four Times?

Dittohd writes "Is this more funny than sad or more sad than funny? I don't know whether to feel sorry for the guy or to laugh. And I thought men were king in Arab countries. If women are victims and men are victims, who's in charge? If the mother can force this guy to marry against his will twice, just like the father, how victimized are Arab women, really?"

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Grieving Dads

Anonymous User writes "This may be interesting to fathers who have lost babies and felt ignored as if a fathers' grief is a much lesser emotion than that of the mother."

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OH Supreme Court Upholds Paternity Testing

Marc A. writes:"The article confirms that about 30% of DNA tests are turning out negative. A link to the document from the American Association of Blood banks confirming this figure is here (.pdf file).


Click "Read more..." for excerpt.

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Andrea Yates leaves Jail for Treatment

Anonymous User writes "Well, there she goes. Yet another horrendous female murderer gets "treatment" instead of jail time. This is especially poignant for me since when I was falsely accused of rape last year and arrested and incarcerated for four days, my bail was set at $200,000 as well. Let's do the math: False Rape Allegation = $200,000 bail, A woman murdering five children = $200,000 bail. Yep, sounds about right."

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Too Many Men Is Bad, Too Many Women is Good

RandomMan writes "This is unbelievable. At the University of Utah, they're going to start programs to attract more women, including day care and women-only scholarships because according to the article, the university "bucks the trend" and actually has the audacity to have more males than females attending undergraduate programs, whereas the national trend is the reverse, with men outnumbered by women almost everywhere.

Their hypocrisy is unbelieveable. In effect, the article is saying: "women don't outnumber men, so something must be done to correct this situation". There is absolutely no interest in "equality", Title IX or correcting the overwhelming discrimination against men in the educational system. Where are the programs to correct the national over-representation of women on college and university campuses?

Let's hope they teach both irony and Orwell in freshman English Lit: 'All people are created equal, but some are more equal than others.'"

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Two 14-year-old girls held over murder of a disabled cabbie

Tirryb writes "Another story of female violence - reports here
on two 14 year old girls, arrested for the beating and murder of a disabled taxi driver. The poor guy had only been back at work for a week, after being robbed at gunpoint twice in the past...

They are also being held over other robberies. I wonder how long it will be before a man somewhere is blamed for their behaviour, poor things."

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U.S. abortion policy violates men’s rights

Here's an editorial on choice for men. It was actually published in the newspaper of a US university, the University of Northern Iowa.

The fembots and femboys must be going crazy with the way things are developing these days.

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