Tennis Champ Bjorn Borg Selling Trophies -- after Two Divorces

Remember Bjorn Borg? Well, he has to sell his trophies to cover his bankruptcy/two divorces. Story here.

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15 years for man who took bite out of girlfriend

Sick Boi writes "Found this article on MSN today. (I try not to read this biased Feminazi-friendly junk but I could not resist.) Funny how a woman can repeatedly stab her partner and gets a slap on the hand, but when the shoe is on the other foot... Prison here HE comes. They do not talk about what sparked the fight. Maybe she just did not spend enough on flowers for him on Valentines Day? Maybe she is like my wife and felt she has no need to even acknowledge him at all on Valentines Day? Who knows?"

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Suspended sentence for abusing teacher, but outcry ensues

Tirryb writes " reports here that a female teacher who had sex with a 15 year old male student (sex, not rape of course) has gotten a suspended sentence.

Nothing new there, but the outcry is definitely something new - and includes the State premier. Things are beginning to change!"

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CNN Money Covers Farrell's Arguments

Nice to see this in a major media channel.

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Woman awarded $100k for raising 'an unwanted child'

Tirryb writes " reports that a woman who had a failed abortion has been awarded over one hundred thousand dollars to cover the cost of raising her 'unwanted child' (for physical/psychological trauma, too).

Whereas fathers who have no say in the abortion and end up with an unwanted child are forced to PAY UP for 18 years. That seems fair..."

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Article on "The Return of Patriarchy"

Acksiom writes "Are secular leftists non-breeding themselves into a minority, compared to their more religious and conservative fellow-citizens? Phillip Longman, in an article in Foreign Policy magazine, considers the demographics involved, and some historical parallels, and thinks it likely."

Ed. note: Not only is such an article surprising to see in publication, but what is also surpising is in which magazine it is being published!

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"Virtual Visitation" More Common

Comments on this story, folks? From the article:

The idea has its critics, though, who fear judges might use the option of virtual visitation as justification for ordering fewer real visits with children or letting one parent move away with the children.

“Real parents need real time. Real kids need real time,” said David L. Levy, director of the Children’s Rights Council.

“It can be a wonderful accessory, but the danger is that it will be used as a substitute for real visitation.”

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Cocaine Brought To Class By Second-Grade Girl- No Charges Filed

Anonymous User writes "Yep you guessed mention of any charges against her or suspension. Oh by the way, do ya remember the six-year old boy suspended for sexual harassment...thought so...

Story here."

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Australian dads to pay less, mums to pay more

Tirryb writes " reports here that proposed changes to the child support laws in Australia (due to come into play in 2008) will mean fathers will pay less in some cases, whilst mothers become more responsible.

In particular, fathers who spend one day a week with their children will have their child support payments reduced, and more of a mothers income will be taken into account when calculating child support payments (currently it's set pretty high).

But, I wonder how long before this has the opposite effect? Won't mothers now be incentivised to stop fathers from seeing their kids once a week, so they can claim more..?"

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4th-Wave Feminists Just Wanna Stay Home, Make Babies

Roy writes "A new survey of teenaged girls linked off AngryHarry's web site finds that they want traditional homemaker/mommie futures and hubbies that will work to provide them with that privileged lifestyle:
"According to a survey of 5,000-plus teenage girls, their main ambition is to complete university then return to the homestead - whether their partners like it or not.
More than nine out of 10 of the girls believe it should be up to their husbands to provide for them, with 97 per cent disagreeing with the statement 'It doesn't matter who is the main earner, as long as we are happy.'" Feminists call this preference for heterosexual domesticity "false consciousness."

MRA's might label it "predatory gold-digging?" Link

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No Jail Time for Woman Who Stabs Husband Over Flowers

RandomMan writes "This past Valentine's Day, a woman stabbed her husband for not spending enough on flowers on Valentine's Day. At least we know the Vagina Monologues are having their desired effect on "V-Day": domestic violence is still "something men do to women". Perhaps Eve might consider adding a line or two to her play, something to the effect of "stabbing your husband over insufficient gifts is OK: it was a good stabbing". No jail time for the attacker. As usual, reverse the genders and see if this still works."

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Sydney AM Herald: "Why men won't commit"

Anonymous User writes "The usual article on why are men being afraid to commit? Of course the author paints men as "messy, greedy, sports-loving, junk-food-scoffing and womanizing". Women on the other hand are the long-suffering victims trying to "understand the antics of the opposite sex." The author goes on to lay the blame for the downward spiral of marriage at the feet of men.

Nothing too surprising there - but what is surprising is the backlash to the article from men in the commments section! It looks like a hella of a lot of men arent putting up with this crap any longer!

C'mon guys let show the author what we think!"

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UK: More lies about the 'pay gap'

AngryMan writes "In 2004 the Blair government commissioned a report into the gender 'pay gap'. It is published today, and surprise, surprise, it repeats the usual feminist myths. "Women earn 17% less than men", "There is widespread discrimination within the system", blah blah blah. The feminist account usually takes no account of men's and women's different priorities and life-choices, or the fact that men have greater cultural and psychological incentives to chase money, or the fact that women have other socially-acceptable ways of getting money apart from working for it. Instead, it describes everything in hopelessly simplistic terms of an evil conspiracy against women. Whenever feminism does take account of women's choices, it claims that these choices are invalid, and the result of cultural brain-washing. "It is because of structural problems; because of young girls' choices in schools and the fact that our careers education system completely fails to make them realise that the choices they make will determine what they earn". If women are happy with the choices they make, then what's the problem?
I'd also like to hear an answer to this one: If women are cheaper to employ than men, then why do employers ever hire men at all?"

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Fox News Legal Analyst Supports Libelous Anti-Male Website

Anonymous User writes "On 2/26/06, I was shocked to see Fox News legal analyst Lis Wiehl so enthusiastically embrace the "" website.

The site makes it free and easy for women to publish libel about a man with no consequence to themselves.

Wiehl laughed as she state that all the men identified were probably "guilty as charged" -- i.e. cheaters, had venereal diseases, etc. We must correct this..."

Ed. note: Would like to see on-line available confirmation of this report. If anyone can post, please do so.

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Low Bail for Female Teacher

Anonymous User writes "Here is the follow-up to the teacher that had sex with her 11 year-old student. Her bail set at $100,000. The boy she raped is terrified and traumatized. Her bail set at $100,000. My bail set at $200,000 for a false rape allegation by a consenting female adult."

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