Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2006-05-09 23:49
Not content to make HIV out to be largely the fault of men (gay ones in particular), some in the media seem to need to paint it as a "black" disease and in particular, a "black woman's disease". A "mere" gynocentric observation when talking about sub-Saharan Africa, HIV infection rates in African women have come to be a staple of discussions about Africa's health. But in this article, they're talking about America!
Even, it seems, in the case of devastating pandemics, the media cannot resist the urge to gender and/or ethnicify pretty much anything. Right from the get-go, the article starts with:
Battling a Black Epidemic
At home: AIDS now threatens tens of thousands of African-Americans, many of them women, in big cities and small towns alike. A community in peril tries to save itself.
Nowhere in this article does the author seem to suggest that maybe, just maybe, anyone who engages in known high-risk behavior for HIV transmission ought to be taking a wee bit more responsibility for their own actions-- regardless of their sex or ethnicity. Precautionary measures are well-known and widely available in America, yet some folks, even when they know their likelihood of contracting HIV is high, just seem to think the law of probability doesn't apply to them.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2006-05-09 21:08
RandomMan writes "Naturally, 'women's groups' are screaming for blood, because some man 'got away' with heterosexual sex, which is always rape, apparently. The fact that he was found not guilty by a court which allows evidence of the alleged victim's conduct into evidence just doesn't seem to matter. The fact that he was foolish enough to have unprotected sex with an HIV-positive partner was stupid, but not criminal."
Click "Read more..." for more.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2006-05-09 21:06
AngryMan writes "The British press is full of reports of the first British servicewoman to die in Iraq apparently as a result of enemy action. The only other female casualty, Military Police officer Denise Rose, apparently killed herself at an army base in Basra in 2004. The last time the British Army lost a woman to the enemy was 22 years ago.
Corporal Heather Kerrigan, 20, was killed by an IRA landmine in 1984. Women's contributions to the British military are still insignificant compared to men's, but you would never know it from the media. The papers are full of glowing praise for the latest casualty, pictures and biographies everywhere. No mention of the fact that men die all the time. This is the gender-neutral military: all men can have the obligation for combat, a few privileged women can have the right to choose combat, and their contribution is grossly exaggerated. Doesn't sound very equal to me."
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2006-05-09 21:02
bull writes "Carey Roberts' weekly column is interesting reading; he typically disarms feminist myths and claims using facts and credible citation. Facts, you know; the things that radical feminists typically distort, invent, or exaggerate!
Click here."
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2006-05-09 20:58
I suppose you could call this an educational piece, but the object lesson is quite clear and readily made to anyone who says "How could a mother do such a thing?" when faced with a mother-abandons-baby story in the news. Just send them this link and say, "Happens all the time!"
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2006-05-08 23:59
RandomMan writes "More of the usual "men bad, women good" here. No mention of the fact that women in dating relationships are equally likely to be violent, just the usual misandry and fear-mongering."
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2006-05-08 23:57
Misandrope writes "We know that suicide is a serious problem for men in the US, that the vast majority of men committing suicide are divorced, that women experience no similar uptick in suicide after a divorce, and that if divorced men were removed from the equation, suicide rates for men and women would be the same. But what about foreign men? What are their suicide rates like, and can we link that to divorce? Today I pulled together some clues from here and there for the status of Cuban men."
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2006-05-08 23:54
AngryMan writes "Former Deputy President of South Africa Jacob Zuma has been cleared of rape. In his verdict, the judge said the accuser had a history of making rape claims that turned out to be false. We need to know who this woman is. She is a danger to the public. Expose her name and start a false accusers' register now!"
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2006-05-07 22:16
Anonymous User writes "Here we go again, another female recanting a gang rape charge. This girl lied to Illinois police claiming she was raped by a group of seven teenage boys last month in an apartment complex laundry room.
Of course, the police are not even bothering to charge her with filing a false report. She gets "counseling" while the boys will get a permantly damaged reputation. The sad part is that we still do not know the accuser's name. When are we going to start punishing females for heinous actions like these?"
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2006-05-06 21:31
Anonymous User writes "This woman stabbed her husband's ex-lover 17 times and is acquitted of attempted murder but found guilty of grevious bodily harm.
How can you stab someone 17 times and not intend to kill them?"
Ed. note: Some may ask how this relates to men's rights issues as such. This is an example of how a person's femaleness is taken into consideration implicity and without true relevance to the matter at hand-- had this been a man killing another man under similar circumstances, can anyone doubt that he would be found guilty of murder and sentenced commensurately with the ferocity of the crime? The problem here is that the sex of the perp has obviously been taken into account when viewing the question of her level of accountability for her actions, and she has in essence been largely let off the hook simply because she is a woman.
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2006-05-05 22:53
AngryMan writes "UK: The Member of Parliament Peter Law, has died of a brain tumour at 58. A life-long Labour Party supporter, he was the MP for Blaenau Gwent, Labour's safest seat in Wales. However, in the May 2005 election, the Blair government decided to impose all-women shortlists for election candidates, a blatant feminist-inspired attempt at election rigging. Law decided to stand as an independent against the official Labour candidate, Maggie Jones, even though he had been diagnosed with a brain tumour. Rumours are surfacing that the Blair government tried to bribe him with a peerage (a seat in the unelected upper house) if he agreed not to oppose them. He refused, fought the election, and won by a landslide, delivering a slap in the face to the feminists and to Blair. What happened to Maggie Jones? As one of Tony's cronies, she was given a peerage. His illness finally caught up with him. His widow is considering standing next time to continue his work in upholding democracy. RIP Peter Law, a politician with integrity. We need more like him."
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2006-05-05 22:52
bulldogo.1 writes "While it's great this is finally being acknowledged, the response is hardly encouraging. A quarter of a century to stamp out male suicide? 25 years? Imagine if this was about female suicide.
On top of that it'll be hard actually dealing with the problem, as its causes (parental alienation, toxic feminist social engineering, female driven divorce etc.) aren't politically correct enough to be made public.
Also, newspapers don't report lone male car accidents etc., with no other evident cause, as suicide so the actual number is definately way higher."
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2006-05-05 07:10
As if the whole dollar-to-78-cents myth weren't bad enough, check this out. Guess dads are only worth what they can make at work then?
Comments can be posted here.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2006-05-04 22:33
This article is something of a follow-up to other posts under "Men's Health" on the same or a related theme. It suggests that the likeliest reason for the recent drop in teen pregnancies is not the effects of abstinence or education programs, but instead from the steady and significant decline in human sperm count over the past 100 years, which doesn't seem to be slowing down. Even worse, since the causes are likely to be environmental and irreversible for the near future, we may not be able to stop this phenomenon in time to keep it from becoming a serious threat to our species.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2006-05-04 22:31
Didn't know if posting this under 'Humor' or 'Men's Health' was most appropriate, but in the end, I picked 'Humor' simply because it is so funny. Enjoy!
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