FindLaw Commentator Defends Status Quo on Male Repro Rights

Joanna Grossman, a FindLaw commentator and legal professor, defends the status quo re the lack of parental rights for men here. Needless to say, the arguments she uses as well as the ones she cites that the Supreme Court has used to deny men equal protection are laughable but alas, all too common. Mysteriously, the message board link at the bottom of the article leads to a page-not-found type of error. I submitted a note telling them it was broken; we'll see if they fix it!

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Domestic Violence allegations and illegal searches

Return of the King writes "The Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday (Mar. 22, 2006) that police without a warrant cannot search a home when one resident says to come in but another tells them to go away, and the court's new leader complained that the ruling could hamper investigations of domestic abuse. Yet, This case has no bearing on the capacity of the police to protect domestic victims," Souter wrote. "No question has been raised, or reasonably could be, about the authority of the police to enter a dwelling to protect a resident from domestic violence; so long as they have good reason to believe such a threat exists." In other words, the police will enter your home on assumption of threat which is already assumed, anyway."

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Falsely Accused Man MAY Get Compensated

Luek writes "Here is yet another man cleared of rape after spending many years in the Gulag.

What makes this story of interest is that the state of Texas "MAY" pay him up to $250,000 for the time he spent in prison for a crime he didn't commit. $250K / 18 years = $13,888 for each year incarcerated. Gee, how magnanimous of the state! It is common for judges award that much for a years worth of child support for one child!

A new twist to these now common false rape convictions is that the current DA actually apologized to him. However, this same DA said nothing about implementing failsafe procedures that would prevent such judicial outrages from occurring in the future."

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Are American Men Slackers?

Latest Charges in LaFave Case Dropped

For our LaFave watchers, read it here. The stated motivation for the dropping of this set of charges is that they don't want to put the boy through the process of testifying for his own sake, and such would be required since the judge has rejected the proposed plea bargain. Thoughts?

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MRAs: Take a Lesson from NOW’s Herstory Action Plan

Roy writes "N.O.W. has published an excellent menu of activist suggestions for promoting Women’s Herstory Month. These ideas could be easily adapted by MRA’s to raise awareness of men’s rights. Among the creative ideas -

*MAP IT OUT* Create a timeline of the women's movement on your campus or of women's contributions in your local community... Be sure to use bright colors and pictures! *TEACH IT* Many schools' history programs do not give a full portrayal of women's herstory. Organize a Women's Herstory 101, and talk about the importance of teaching women's herstory in our schools. If your university does not have a women's studies department, consider petitioning the administration to establish one. *SLAM IT OUT* Organize a women's herstory poetry slam.

(WTF, no bake sale of vagina-shaped confectionaries?)"

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WP Columnist: Bush is too, "manly"

Anonymous User writes "As usual the media attempts portray all things male as deeply flawed and probably evil. The latest attack on manhood is directed at the President. A laundry list of complaints about Bush is offered in this article suggesting if that he were just more female none of these terrible events, all conserative victories by the way, could have been avoided. Is anyone else tired of being attacked simply beacuse you're man? It's time to stop the hate. Email this troll and let her know how you really feel:"

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"Donor 401" Sperm selling like hotcakes

Anonymous user writes""Donor 401" has fathered eleven babies... now the are trying to find out who this mysterious donor is. There's a waiting list for his sperm! I don't blame this guy (blonde haired, blue eyed, athletic, 6'1) for trying to conceal his identity. If you think one child support is bad... try eleven and counting."

Ed. note: Posted not to belabor the topic, but as an interesting follow-on to yesterday's post on the topic of artificial insemination. All I can say is, the world just gets weirder and weirder. Is this some sort of strange kind of polygamy-at-a-distance thing? If I had any reason to believe this story was fiction, perhaps I would, but don't.

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NYTimes: Wanted: A Few Good Sperm

The NYTimes seems to be on this issue fairly regularly. It's a long read but worth the review. My own take is that a lot of things are contributing to the phenomenon, not just the vastly-reduced status of men in our society or even just the perceived importance of fathers in the lives of children, though obviously these are major factors. Anyway, read it here.

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Black Men Doing Worse Than Ever....

Emanslave writes "According to this New York Times article, young black boys in America today are doing worse than ever, thanks in part to unemployment, poverty, incarceration, and abuse! It makes you wonder, when will it be time for black men like me as well as others liberate ourselves from this? Please read!"

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RADAR Alert: VAWA Violates Civil Rights, Destroys Families, Harms Children

This week, RADAR has released a ground-breaking report, "VAWA:
Threat to Families, Children, Men, and Women," (
that concludes that VAWA, although well intentioned, imposes a
one-size-fits-all policy on American families. By treating families
experiencing minor non-violent disagreements as if one party had
attacked the other with a gun, families are ripped apart, the innocent
are penalized, and children pay the price.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Unwed fathers fight for adoption rights

Anonymous User writes "The article here found in the NYTimes online describes the plight unwed fathers go through when fighting for babies that are placed for adoption by mothers."

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RADAR Alert: VAWA Spring Campaign

The VAWA Spring Campaign kicks off on Monday, March 20.

Twenty-two organizations around the country will be working together to educate the public and elected officials about the truth of the Violence Against Women Act.

To get in on the action, go to and sign up to receive the E-lerts.


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The He Hormone

Return of the King writes "An article about testosterone as it relates to all of society enlightens many issues relevant to the rights of men. After a feminist century, we are in need of a new understanding of masculinity. The concepts of manliness, of gentlemanly behavior, of chivalry have been debunked by a ferocious post-feminist culture. Indications of masculine cultural displacement are everywhere today, in a world in which the power of testosterone is ignored or attacked, with the result that it re-emerges in cruder, weaker and less social forms. Our main task in the gender wars of the new century may not be how to bring women fully into our society, but how to keep men from seceding from it, how to reroute testosterone for constructive ends, rather than ignore it for political point-making."

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Time Magazine on Choice for Men

The online edition of Time Magazine has this to say regarding choice for men. Each day, it seems, men's issues are taken more seriously by parts of the mainstream media.

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