Acquitted Teacher Still Not Rehired

Anonymous User writes "Acquitted teacher may lose job

'Fronczak was charged with one count of capital sex battery and one count of lewd and lascivious molestation. It took the jury less than an hour to acquit him, but more than nine months later he still doesn't have his job back.'"

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Responses to Feminist Dismissal of Boy Crisis Printed in Wash Post

Marc A. writes "Last week, feminists Caryl Rivers and Rosalind Chait Barnett had printed an op ed in the Washington Post dismissing the boy crisis in education because it only affects minority and low income boys.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Take Action: CA Bill Threatens NCPs, Children

From a Glenn Sacks action alert... passing it along, of particular interest to CA residents:

A new bill has been introduced into the California Senate
which will make it more difficult for children of divorce
to retain the loving bonds they share with both parents.
The bill's backers made a sweeping, last minute amendment
to the bill in order to slip it through before opponents
had a chance to organize.

I want all of you to write the Judiciary
Committee members in opposition to SB 1482 by clicking


Click "Read more..." for more.

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Feminist Falsehoods about Boys' Education Crisis

QuickNick writes "The recent racist, misandristic op-ed in the Washington Post, "The Myth of the Boy Crisis," deserved to be condemned as the usual moral and intellectual rot on display in the mainstream media today. But just in case you have any doubt, the main point of the article is false. White women in 2001 received 31% more bachelor degrees than men (56% of all degrees). Including bachelor and associate degrees, white women received 35% more degrees than men. These statistics are from p. 9, Tables 1-A and 1-B of this report (.pdf file). Did you really expect the truth from a feminist journalism professor and a senior scientist at the Women's Studies Research Center at Brandeis University? The important point is that men's social justice activists should stand up for ALL MEN. Women receive 39% more college degrees than do ALL MEN. Don't let feminists pretend that black men aren't men."

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Ex-manager acquitted in sexual assault on busboy

Anonymous User writes "This article has less to do with women then it does with the biased nature of our justice system against men. All signs pointed to a brutal rape of one man by another, and yet the alleged attacker was aquitted. Simply put a female in the victim's place and tell me if this guy would have been aquitted..."

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RADAR Alert: This Week, We FLOOD Capitol Hill with Calls and Faxes

The past four weeks RADAR has released a series of Special Reports
that document how the Violence Against Women Act violates persons’
civil rights on a massive scale:

Restraining orders: According to the FBI, over one million
restraining orders are issued each year. Half of these restraining
orders do not include even an allegation of violence. These
orders are widely used as a legal ploy during a divorce proceeding.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Women's Studies Professor and Students Vandalize Campus

Little Lion writes "Interim Director of Women Studies and English Professor Dr. Sally Jacobsen of Northern Kentucky University is alleged this April 12th to have invited her students to join her in the destruction of an anti-abortion display of nearly 400 crosses on the NKU campus. Professor Jacobsen was quoted as justifying her civil disobedience, which she characterized to the NKU administration as an exercise of free speech, on the grounds that "any violence perpetrated against that silly display was minor compared to how I felt when I saw it." A report on the incident in The Northerner Online is available here."

Ed. note: Would like a link for the quote attributed to Prof. Jacobsen; seems to me to be the most telling summary of the "modern" principle: "Your rights end where her feelings begin".

Ed. note II: Thanks to the original poster for providing the link requested in my note above. It is here.

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Real Fathers for Justice scale Westminster Abbey

Craig writes "Unfortunately the protest has happened without me even hearing about it on the radio as it took place. I'd be willing to bet it wasn't mentioned on TV either. Protesters have scaled Westminster Abbey claiming fathers are being "crucified" by the courts over access to their children.

First part: stm

Second part: stm"

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Quarter of Men in US with Vasectomies not following up with Effectiveness Test

Read about it here. Short version: If you get a vasectomy, make sure you check to see it worked!

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Sexist Celebration in British Medical Journal re Life Expectancies

Anonymous User writes "Check out this editorial in the British Medical Journal Life expectancy: women now on top everywhere and how the authors gloat over women now living longer all over the world. Also see the rebuttals people wrote in in the Rapid Responses."

Ed. note: Since the BMJ is a subscription service, I have copied the entire article (for educational purposes only, mind you) in the extended section, so click "Read More..." to see the entire thing.

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Coffeeville Teacher accused of student 'sex' and murder plot

Anonymous User writes "There appears to be no end to the recent parade of female teachers having sex with male students. This one is especially disturbing. Coffeeville High School teacher Sharon Linton Rutherford is awaiting trial on charges of: Solicitation of murder, first-degree rape, 2 counts of enticing a child to enter a vehicle or room, sexual abuse second degree. That's right folks she not only had sex with TWO underage boys but she tried to get one of them TO MURDER HER HUSBAND.

This is just sick. We need to start keeping records of all these female freaks and shove them in the face of naysayers all the time or we run the risk of having only men being branded as sexual predators. And we all know what that feels like..."

Ed. note: I placed the word "sex" in single-quotes in the title line because once again, statutory rape when done to boys by a woman is referred to as "sex" in the press.

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Ellen G at it again!

Ahh, Ellen, what would we do without you? In her latest column, our Ellen makes criticizing our current president a full-scale assault on manliness in nearly any of its potent forms. Does she really think the world's problems would go away if every position of any authority were filled exclusively by women? You know, I really think she does.

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The Media and the Boys' Education Crisis

Roy writes "The boy crisis in poor school performance is fast becoming a hot button issue in the mass media. It's creating much "buzz." And it promises to illuminate the sexist, hateful, misandrist true nature of feminism. Already feminist journalists are mobilizing to define the boy crisis as non-existent or trivial. The reason this issue has massive potential for the men’s and father’s movement is because mothers love their sons. Moms will mobilize if they are convinced that harm is being done to their boys in feminized classrooms. See an excellent article – Survey Finds Young Boys Failing in Schools Across the US. Quote from an all-boys school Headmaster: ' can't ask a boy to fake it. You have to redirect his passion, and they are going to be passionate and they should be passionate.'"

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Catherine MacKinnon: "Are Women Human?"

AngryMan writes "A UK Guardian journalist interviews Catherine MacKinnon about her new book Are Women Human?.

MacKinnon thinks that a woman's act of giving consent to sex is not relevant, because sexual inequality os so all-pervasive that she does not have the power to give consent in a meaningful way. Therefore, all heterosexual sex is rape "in a certain structural sense". In other words, women, like children, are not capable of making their own decisions."

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NOW Launches Counterattack Against FaFNY, Sackson Horde

Following is part of Glenn Sacks' April 12, 2006 newsletter. It calls for action on the NYS Shared Parenting Bill, so I though it was too important not to post, even though many MANN regulars get his newsletter.

In response
to over 7,000 calls and letters to the New York
Assembly Committee on Children & Families in
support of A330, the

New York Shared Parenting Bill
, the New
York State Chapter of the National Organization
for Women and

Stop Family Violence

have launched a counterattack.
To see NOW's Call to Action, click

. To read the

Stop Family Violence

Call to Action,


Click "Read more..." for the rest.

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