Men's Hour United Conference, June 2006, London

Raymond Cuttill writes "Following the disbanding of Fathers 4 Justice, it was unclear which way to go and how to get there. A conference was conceived by Thames Valley Equal Parenting and the Men’s Hour. The "Men's Hour United Conference - The Way Forward" is in London on June 17th, 2006, the day before Father's Day.

It is to discuss the way forward for children's rights, equal parenting, men's and fathers issues, including mutual support, media campaigning, political lobbying, protest, marches and non-violent direct action."

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ADHD drugs linked to heart attacks, etc.

Tirryb writes " reports here that ADHD drugs have caused serious health problems in children as young as 3. Of course it's 'children' and not 'boys', I wonder what the percentage of prescription boy to girl is..?


Documents obtained by The Australian reveal that almost 400 serious adverse reactions have been reported to the Therapeutic Goods Administration, some involving children as young as three.

Cases include the sudden death of a seven-year-old, and a five-year-old who suffered a stroke after taking Ritalin. Children also experienced heart palpitations and shortness of breath after taking Dexamphetamine.

Others taking Ritalin or Dexamphetamine - the two most commonly used ADHD drugs - experienced hair loss, muscle spasms, severe abdominal pain, tremors, insomnia, severe weight loss, depression and paranoia.

Almost 60 of the adverse-reaction reports dating back to 1980, obtained under Freedom of Information laws, involved children under the age of 10."

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Wendy McElroy Tracks Legal Redefining of Dads

Roy writes "Wendy McElroy writes an objective piece about several current cases in the legal system that affect fathers' rights, mostly related to child custody in divorce and reproductive choices or lack thereof. One of the most important cases comes up this week – "On March 28, the New York State Assembly's Children & Families Committee is scheduled to hear Bill A330 on shared parenting. The bill seeks to establish "the presumption in matrimonial proceedings for awarding shared parenting of minor children in the absence of an allegation that shared parenting would be detrimental to the best interests of the child." (It’s interesting that the bill’s language requires merely an "allegation" to derail presumption of shared parenting. Women’s divorce lawyers will be found negligent if they do not tell their client to make a false accusation of domestic violence against the soon-to-be-ex-husband. This in no way advances fathers' legal standing, unless a test of proof is required for allegations.)"

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Boy Murdered for Refusal to Comply with Gender Dysphoria

Ragtime writes "I'm really not sure what I can add to this bit of horror. -- Four-year-old Jandre Botha disobeyed an order to call his mother's lesbian lover "Daddy''. So the lover, Engeline de Nysschen (33), viciously assaulted Jandre while demanding that he must call her "Daddy". Jandre died from his injuries, which trauma expert Professor Mohammed Dada said were similar to those of a person who had fallen from a double-storey building. -- Appalling story here."

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Couple Directs Young Daughter to Beat Neighbor Boy for No Apparent Reason

This is so sick and is fodder for so much thought and commentary on so many levels, I am at a loss for where to begin. Suffice it to say, I can only imagine the scars both kids will carry around, how it may affect them and their relations with others as they grow up, and marvel at the kind of dementedness of perspective the so-called "adults" have evinced.

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Female NY state senator charged with assaulting staffer

Return of the King writes
State Sen. Ada Smith was accused in a criminal summons Thursday of throwing hot coffee into the eyes of a former staffer. Smith, a Queens Democrat, faces a misdemeanor charge of third-degree assault, according to court records."

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"Perfect Mother and Wife" Cops to Murder-One

The only good news about this story is that is seems to be all over the news today. I wonder what sort of Chicago-like "He had it comin'" excuses will get made though?

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Ex-Teacher sues over noisy chair

Anonymous user writes "A UK teacher is suing her school for sexism over a noisy chair. Just... wow. I can't even tell you what I think of this. Switch the genders on this one is all I can say."

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Life for wife who killed husband

AngryMan writes "A former prostitute who murdered her elderly husband after finding he was not wealthy has been jailed for life. She was violent towards him during the 2-year marriage, and eventually killed him with a kitchen knife. She will serve at least 12 years. Story here."

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Even in State Repression, Chivalry Reigns

Seems Belarusian police think women are not as responsible for law-breaking than men. While at once anyone not being hauled off for the "crime" of objecting peacably to election results is a good thing, it isn't good that only some people seem to be worthy of this indulgence over others for no other reason than the content of their pants. Article here. It closes with:

According to an opposition presidential candidate who arrived at the square, all the women were allowed to leave.

So, I guess it's not so bad then, right? Wrong.

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Female Teacher Sentenced

Anonymous User writes "She has sex with four students under 16 and gets '4 to 20 years.'

Teacher tries to use the same defense that Debra Lefave used too. Interesting quote: "Debra LaFave, a Florida teacher facing similar charges avoided prison this week. What was different?"

Uhm, she was a pretty blonde..."

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DADS UNITED to Hold March in London - June 2006

DADS UNITED DEMO - Friday 16th June

Every day loving dads and grandparents are being
shown the red card in family courts throughout the UK. Children pay the penalty
for a misguided  and corrupt system. If you believe parenting is a game of
two halves then join the red card dads for the annual Fathers Day demo through
Central London on Friday 16th June 2006.

Click "Read more..." for details.

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'Wondermum' article in British newspaper - father is nominee

Craig writes "From 'The Sun' on Tuesday 21st about 'wondermums'. Six mothers from across the UK and Ireland have been nominated as wondermums-except one of the mothers is actually a single father of two nominated by his kids. Read about and vote for the nominees here.

It's nice to see positive recognition for fathers for a change, especially single fathers. I voted for the father and I hope others will do the same."

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MSN on Men's Health

Surprising, in a positive way, this article from MSN.

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Kathleen Parker: "Deleting Dad"

John Doe writes "Kathleen Parker reviews some recent NY Times articles on the decline of fatherhood. Excerpts:

' are necessary, if not to certain women, then certainly to children, who, despite the creative inventions of many modern mothers, seem to love their daddies.

A society in which women are alone, men are lonely, and children don't have fathers is nothing to celebrate. And a future world filled with fatherless children - bereft of half their identity and robbed of a father's love, discipline and authority - won't likely be a pleasant place to live.'

Column here."

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