RADAR Alert: Mark Your Calendar, Hold the Date: June 26!

Monday, June 26, 2006. That's the day that 40 organizations around
the country will launch an unprecedented effort to educate candidates
how the Violence Against Women Act tramples on people's civil rights
and destroys families.

The campaign theme is "Truth and Consequences: 2006 Elections." The
purpose of the campaign is to educate candidates involved in the 2006
elections about the truth of domestic violence, and the consequences of VAWA on families and children.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Woman jailed for infecting lover with HIV

AngryMan writes "A London woman has been jailed for 32 months for deliberately infecting her male partner with HIV. Somehow, I think a man would have got longer."

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F4J-UK Makes the News Again - in Style!

Huzzah to F4J for their latest attempt to draw attention to the plight of fathers. Great work, lads!!

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"The Weaker Sex"

RandomMan writes "Despite the insulting title - consider what would happen to a male columnist using that phrase to describe women - this piece by a female medical columnist is very refreshing, especially on Father's Day. It's a pleasant departure from the NY Times old habit of running a 'women's health' pull-out section on Fathers Day, as they have in the past.

An astonishing note from the article: the author claims that studying diseases that affect both genders in men only was 'sexist', and she describes the current focus on women first and women only in healthcare as something along the lines of 'atonement', but this is the first time I've heard a female opine that only studying diseases that affect women while neglecting men entirely is 'sexist' as well.

If this continues, men might actually start to matter one day. I'm not holding my breath, but it's refreshing, nonetheless."

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BBC: Study shows Women Approve of Female-on-Male Violence

Anonymous User writes "The BBC reports here that Professor Murray Strauss' latest research in Europe shows that a large percentage of women believe that it is acceptable for them to hit their male partners. He says 'The bottom line is that we need make the same "big deal" about violence by women as we do about men who behave violently.'

This study is due to be published in the European Journal of Criminology. It is unfortunate then that this journal's editor found the results 'surprising' and that 'the number of women who admit to assaulting men is interesting as it's well known that men are more violent than woman.'"

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'Focus on the Family' Diminishes Dads

mens_issues writes "Just in time for Father's Day, Focus on the Family (with James
Dobson) has aired a two-part series about the importance of involved fathers. Unfortunately, the two-part series takes the view that it is fathers who are abdicating their responsibility to their families, while mothers are taken for granted."

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Polk guilty of killing therapist husband

bull writes "Woman acted as her own attorney during four-month trial

Interestingly enough, even though she came across as delusional, she was allowed to represent herself and ultimately found guilty. If she appeals, and gets backing from a feminist organization, will the verict probably be overturned?"

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United Equal Parenting Conference - London - Saturday, June 17

Raymond Cuttill writes "Come and help plan the way forward at the United Equal Parenting Conference – The Way Forward, this Saturday, June 17th 10:00 AM at the Central Hall Westminster, London (opposite Westminster Abbey and close to Parliament).

Hear from authors Barry Worrall (“Without Authority”) and Neil Lyndon (“No More Sex War”), hear from Philip A. Else, Equal Parenting Alliance and Mike Kelly, Real Fathers For Justice (hopefully with video of the protest at Tony Blair’s house on Friday) and others."

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Double standard for sex offenders discussed in MSM

Anonymous User writes "Finally some progress in seeing that women do get off easier than men do in the courts."

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More Details on Recent Circumcision Court Fight

Recently reported here on MANN, this made it to cnn.com. While it has a few more details of the case and represents broader exposure, it doesn't discuss the case against circumcision and of course, just has to throw religion into the mix as well.

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Mother made cash demand after alleged sex abuse of daughters

AngryMan writes "A businessman is on trial accused of abusing two girls more than 25 years ago. It is alleged that the mother did not report the supposed abuse to the police but instead tried to blackmail him for £100,000 per girl. He refused and chose to got court instead - sounds like he believes himself to be innocent. It will be interesting to see how this one turns out. If he is acquitted maybe we will see the mother on trial for blackmail."

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Rape rumour sparked attack, teen boy set on fire

bandersnatch writes "From Nine MSN, A teenager was doused with kerosene and set alight in a "vigilante" attack sparked by false rumours he was a rapist, a Melbourne court was told. Prosecutor Gavin Silbert told the County Court there was an unsubstantiated rumour circulating amongst a group of teens who congregated at Greensborough Plaza that 19-year-old James Merrett had raped a girl and cheated on his girlfriend. The girlfriend then made it known she wanted retribution, telling one man: "He's gotta be bashed. He cheated on me." -- Wow, she sounds like our superhero ex-girlfriend."

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Misandry alive and well in Hollywood: "My Super ex-Girlfriend"

bandersnatch writes "One of the trailers playing on all the latest films is for a movie called My Super Ex-Girlfriend."

Click "read more..." for more.

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Elder Abuse & Men's Rights Issues

Anonymous User writes "Today (15th June), the First Elder Abuse Awareness Day is being observed. I think this is related to men's rights because it clearly shows that DV is NOT a gender issue. Here (.pdf file) is a World Health Organization fact sheet (prepared in 2002) which clearly states 'elder men are at risk of abuse in about the same proportion as elder women'."

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F4J is now in the USA: Rally for Equal Parenting - Sat. June 17, 2006

F4J is now in the USA!

Rally for Equal Parenting

Saturday June 17th, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

Ohio Statehouse, downtown Columbus (Map here)

Plan to attend!

Click "Read more..." for more.

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