Former Female Nazi Guard: She was "manipulated"

The Washington Post, which normally and rightly condemns people who commit the most heinous of crimes, again balks when the perp is female. Their latest offense against common sense is here.


All she wants is to set the record straight, Margarete says, for others to see her for the manipulated young woman she believed herself to be, not one of the criminal "blond beasts" that female SS are seen as. Her family learned her secret first -- and they believe her. When her daughter, Monika, was 16, Margarete recounted her life story. "At the time, I was enraged," Monika told one of Jacobeit's researchers in 2004. "But when I learned it wasn't voluntary -- that she'd been sent there -- well, what kind of chance did she have? What could she have done?"

Well, she could have refused, for one thing, accepting execution like any number of male draftees who refused to go along with the Nazi "program", or she could have worked within the system to undermine it in some way. But instead, like so many others of both sexes, she just went along.

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Lesbian Teacher Pedophile Will Not Be Charged

Roy writes "A lesbian teacher who had sexual relations with a 17 year-old female student will not be charged with criminal sexual conduct, after her anonymous victim declined to press charges. She's been suspended without pay from her teaching job, pending a school board review. A local lesbian minister says it's a shame that when the schools need excellent teachers, this predator is being kept out of the classrooms. Note that if this case were about a male perpetrator, the state's "no drop" policies would guarantee his prosecution.

Link here."

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Female teacher accused of sex with 11 YO boy

mens_issues writes "From (Denver):

"LAURENS, S.C. (AP) -- It's the latest case of a female schoolteacher accused of having sex with a young boy.

Authorities in Laurens, South Carolina, have arrested a 36-year-old elementary school teacher on charges that she'd had sex with one of her eleven-year-old students."

The whole sordid story is here.


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New Book from APA on Men and Therapy

The American Psychological Assn. (APA) has published this book, In the Room With Men: A Casebook of Therapeutic Change. says it isn't available yet but it looks like it may be available directly from APA's web site.

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BBC: "Temp work 'harms women's health'"

The BBC strikes again! Read it here.

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Update on Andrea Yates

klp writes "It seems that Andrea Yates may have been more culpable than her lawyers implied.

It seems she advised one of her cellies to fake mental illness to get of easy for her crimes. Article here."

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Shared Parenting Bills - New York

Dittohd writes "We're slowly making progress, little by little. Next in shared parenting cases, we need to do away with alimony and child support completely."

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Woman accused of plotting to kill rich husband

AngryMan writes "UK: A 37 year old woman is being tried for soliciting to kill her 60 year old millionaire husband. She had a string of affairs, persuaded her husband to change his will in her favour, and allegedly asked one of her boyfriends to kill him. The trial continues. Story here."

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Columbia: Touch a woman's behind, get 4 years

AngryMan writes "A man in Columbia has been sentenced to four years in jail for touching a woman's ass in the street. Get this: 'When he was arrested, she was given the option of slapping him, letting him go, or filing a complaint.' Story here."

Ed. note: The exercise here is, once again, switch the sexes. Would a woman who grabbed a man's behind like this have gotten the same treatment?

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Tucker Carlson/NHCSM Video Available for Download

There is now a digital video available of the Tucker Carlson interview with Commissioner Michael Geanoulis of the NH Commission on the Status of Men. The video is very low resolution/low quality, but still gives you an idea of how the interview went. You can download the 7.1 MB MPEG here.

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Wendy McElroy Says No Victim Class Status for Men

Roy writes "Wendy McElroy argues that the men’s movement is making a blunder by seeking to identify men as a new "victim class." She says rather than seeking inclusion for services under VAWA, MRAs should be advocating for the repeal of bad laws. "Only time will tell whether the men's movement will become a politics of rage as the feminist movement did in the mid-70s ... Only time will tell whether men will become the next group to use government force to seek restitution, not for wronged individuals (which is just) but for an entire class of people." Interesting iFeminist variation on Chivalry... only women deserve status/power as an organized social group ... but a man must go it alone?"

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Harvard's Summers Announces Resignation

Read it here. It's also covered in the Washington Post here, for those who care to deal with a log-in.

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Domestic Violence Suit against CA

MR writes "Domestic violence, to quote Dear Abby, is a human problem, not a
gender problem. But in California, it's defined as abuse against women.

Now, a father, daughter, and three other men are suing the state, so that shelters and services will help men too.

NBC4's Robert Kovacik has their story here *

*There is a short commercial preceding the video."

Ed. note: Windows Media Player and IE browser required to view video. Also, for those with slower connections and stream-sensitive O/Ss, be aware that the page opens right to in-line video.

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WorldNet Daily Cites NH Commission in Article on Bias vs. Men

Anonymous User writes Herein a study cited, documenting the fact that affirmative action has gone beyond the pale and is actually killing men. Men are literally dieing because so little attention is being paid to men's needs."

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NH Men's Commission Member to Appear on Tucker Carlson Show

NH Commission on the Status of Men Commissioner Michael Geanoulis will appear Tuesday night (2/21/06) on MSNBC's Tucker Carlson show to discuss some of the Commission's findings. This will be the first national TV converage the Commission has received.

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