The United Equal Parenting Conference – The Way Forward

Raymond Cuttill writes "The United Equal Parenting Conference – The Way Forward ( is proud to announce a conference that includes Neil Lyndon, vilified in the 1990s for his book “No More Sex War: The Failures of Feminism”, Barry Worrall, author of “Without Authority” that details his story at the hands of the family courts and The Equal Parenting Alliance, a new UK political party. London, Saturday June 17th, 2006, the day before Father's Day."

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Burgeoning Prison Population...Mostly Males

Luek writes "America's mania for locking up a sizable chunk of its population has never been more popular according to this article. Now 1 out of every 136 US residents are behind bars and they are mostly men. We can also surmise that an equally large number are on probation or parole so the ratio of 1 in 136 is understating the crisis.

The article focuses on drugs and sentencing guidelines as the reasons for the increase. However, nothing is said about false rape accusations, trumped up domestic violence charges, barbaric child support enforcement policies or other feminist political agenda driven laws causing the increase in the male prison population."

Ed. note: Yes, and notice who they pick for a picture of an inmate for the article: a woman. On the heels of this piece of news, look for a push to get women released from prison into "alternative sentencing" programs all across the country while the men languish behind bars.

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Girls' Lacrosse the Line, Strippers & the Pope

Roy writes "Members of the women's lacrosse team at Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., are seen in sexually suggestive poses with a male stripper in just a thong and socks on the website" In this naïve essay, the authoress promotes the chauvinistic notion that girls behaving badly should still be revered and respected, and quotes the Pope in support of her argument. Funny stuff!"

Ed. note: The essay author you will note quickly brings up the Duke case but rushes to draw distinctions based largely on the fact that the LAX players are on the other end of (thus-far unsubstantiated or corroborated) rape allegations.

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Alternative Sentencing Urged for Women in High-Incarceration States

bull writes "Oklahoma, Mississippi and the Mountain states have set the pace in increasing the imprisonment of women, while several Northeastern states are curtailing the practice, according to a new report detailing sharp regional differences in the handling of female offenders. Rest of the story
. A telling excerpt:

'Ann Jacobs, executive director of the Women's Prison Association, said states with high rates of women behind bars should look closely at alternative sentencing, particularly mandatory treatment as an option for drug offenders.'"

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F4J Is Back

RandomMan writes "F4J re-launched itself (after the smear campaign that tried to shut it down), with a high profile protest on a live lottery broadcast. Details here."

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Erin Pizzy interview discussed on journalist's blog

Marc A. writes "NCFM-LA convinced this journalist to go interview Erin Pizzey, which he just got through doing. Apparently he got several hours of footage of her. That should be very valuable to our cause in the future. The journalist talks about the interview in his blog at

I wish him luck getting the story publicized."

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UK: Teenage girls are 'out of control'

Anonymous User writes "Clearly these poor girls are victims of the white male patriarchy. We need to help them. Notice one of the solutions is to make school more interesting for these poor girls. Yes, gear school to be even more feminized. Also, its ironic that the headline isn't 'Boys better Behaved than Girls'. Story here. Excerpt:

'In a disturbing confirmation of the spread of the 'ladette' culture, it found violence, aggression and self-destructive behaviour has spread alarmingly among girls over the past 20 years.'"

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Elderly women target homeless men in fraud scheme

While on the Contra Coasta Times re the second most previous submission, I found this story as well. To think, these "old ladies" are probably grandmothers.

Helen Golay, 75, and Olga Rutterschmidt, 72, were arrested Thursday after they allegedly collected more than $2 million in benefits from policies issued on the lives of two homeless men killed in hit-and-run crashes in 1999 and 2005, authorities said.

Police believe the women may have committed the fatal accidents themselves, and were befriending other men to set up more insurance policies.

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"Jack The Ripper" was more likely "Jill the Ripper"

RandomMan writes "Sounds like 'Jack' the Ripper may actually have been a 'Jill', according to recent DNA testing. Correlates with other evidence, too, as it turns out. Story here. Can't wait to hear who the feminists in the media blame for this one!"

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Please Respond to Feminist 95% DV Myth in Contra Coasta Times

Marc A. writes "This Contra Costa Times editorial on dating violence spews the feminist myth that, “In male-female relationships, 95 percent of the victims are the girls.” No current credible data supports that. I wrote the opinion editors and the letters editor about this, showing the data and asking them to provide their sources. If you have a moment, please do so also.

The letters editor is at

The opinion editors are at,,,"

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Parker on Duke Case, Rush to Judgment of White Males

Well she has redeemed herself to some degree in my eyes. :) I saw this in my local paper and thought, wow, how did THIS get past the editors? I also found it several other places, including here on the Orlando Sentinel. It ends with:

White males -- descendant as they are of the imperialistic, colonizing, native-raping patriarchy -- are the new culturally approved targets of the lynch mob.

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McCartney May Lose $390 Million in Divorce

dschmidt writes "Analysts believe former Beatle Paul McCartney may lose 1/4 of his 1.56 billion dollars to his soon to be ex-wife in his allegedly upcoming divorce.

If that happens, ex-wife Heather Mills stands to gain roughly $1.9 million for every week of a 4-year marriage!!

Even sadder, Mills offered to sign a pre-nup, and McCartney refused! Wish he had that little piece of paper now!"

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Woman gets ASBO after terror campaign

AngryMan writes "A 57 year old woman has been convicted of waging a hate campaign against her neighbours for more than a year. The court has given her an Anti-Social Behaviour Order, a kind of injunction which means she is banned from doing certain things. What would a man have got in the same circumstances? Almost certainly jail time. This woman is a psychopath who has apparently shown no concern about her actions."

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Woman Pulls Off Husband's Genitals, MAY Face Charges

RandomMan writes "A women 'pulled off' her husband's genitals when she discovered he was cheating on her. Story here. It's a sad story, but it wasn't treated as 'humorous' and the article pointedly mentions the fact that 'authorities said she could have faced attempted murder'. Why doesn't she still face attempted murder charges, since her violent actions could easily have resulted in the man's death? I was under the impression that the victim did not need to actually die for his or her assailant to be guilty of 'attempted' murder. I feel terribly sorry for the man involved, and wish him a full and speedy recovery, but I'm pleased that the media and the police didn't make their usual attempt to laugh this attempted murder off as has been the norm in recent years. It's nice to see that mutilating and attempting to kill one's intimate partner is finally starting to matter to police, even if the attacker is a woman."

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Fine article on DV vs. men

The UCLA Daily Bruin has printed this article on male victims of domestic violence. I'm not surprised that Marc Angelucci of NCFM-LA presents important facts, but it's very refreshing to see the same done by Tina Oakland, director for the UCLA Center for Women & Men, and UCLA Clothesline Project executive co-chair, Alexis Flyer.

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