Women Finally Free of Music Dowloading Oppression

Anonymous User writes "When I see stories like this I am always amazed at the subtle and not so subtle way the media has created the modern gynocentric world in which we live. An article about downloading music laced with terms like freedom and choice for women, all while gloating that men download less. Really, what is the point of this media fluff piece? Excerpt:

'Ms Watson Smyth said: "The freedom afforded by new technology means that women are now confidently downloading music at home and broadening their musical horizons in private.'"

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False Paternity - Only a Bad Thing When It Benefits Men

RandomMan writes "In Germany, there is a loophole which allows men to 'falsely' declare paternity (there's a switch), allowing mothers with children to remain in the country and receive social benefits. The man receives some compensation from the woman for committing this fraud.

Unethical and immoral, but it's happening. However, women have been saddling men with false accusations of paternity as a money-making scheme for over a century, but now 'action is being taken', because something about all this lying might somehow benefit a MAN who chooses to lie. It's not that I support lying by anyone, but...double standard, anyone? The fact that this loophole exists because the laws were designed to permit the fraudulent naming of fathers for the profit of women seems to tbe quite lost on the government officials involved."

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MSN Hasn't Lost its Touch

When it comes to mixed-up priorities and pandering to the lowest denominator, MSN can't seem to be beat. Latest examples, all on the very same day on the very same front page:

The world's most eligible billionaires (This one has been around for the past few days; must be real popular)

Sexy, successful... and single?

Mixed messages, priorities, and everything else. Just too damned funny.

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New Senate Immigration Bill

Anonymous User writes "The number of extended family members that U.S. citizens or legal residents can bring into this country would double. More dramatically, the number of workers and their immediate families could increase sevenfold if there are enough U.S. employers looking for cheap foreign labor. Another provision would grant humanitarian visas to any woman or orphaned child anywhere in the world "at risk of harm" because of age or sex. Read it here.


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Third Duke Lacrosse Team Member Indicted

Anonymous User writes "A third member of the Duke Lacrosse Team has been indicted by the Grand Jury. David Evans from Bethsada, Maryland had been charged with first-degree forcible rape, sexual offense and kidnapping. Strangely, there is still no DNA evidence linking ANY of the players to the stripper. Also, if we take the stripper's original story at face value then the Grand Jury still has yet to indict 17 of the remaining players. OOPS! I forgot, she changed her story. It's really only three. But what's the difference, it's an election year."

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Anti-feminist Ilana Mercer

Roy writes "Maybe you've already discovered her excellent writing, but if not, check out Iliana Mercer's web site at http://www.ilanamercer.com/.
An excerpt from worthwhile archives:

'Like a black hole, whose collapse becomes increasingly likely as its center of gravity grows heavier, women—especially feminists—risk vanishing into self-centerdness and self-preoccupation. "New feminism" embodies an oppressive and authoritarian culture of grievance and chronic offense. When it comes to longevity, the propensity for suicide, unemployment, and death or injury on the job, men, in reality, are at a considerable disadvantage...'"

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Eighth-grade girl suspended for sexual assault

Sykolojik writes "Suspended... that's it. And her name is being withheld... if the roles were reversed, the punishment wouldn't just be heavier but the offender's name would be made well known, regardless of age... as a victim/survivor of similar situations I'm too enraged to say much more..."

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Feminist Politics in Scientific Publications

J Turner writes "Unfortunately, it is common to hear the lies of feminist politicians on television and radio and see them written in newspapers and in many magazines. However, it is rare to see them in well-known and respected science magazines because these publications usually have an objective screening process akin to the scientific process itself.

It should be of great concern to all of us when this screening process fails or is disabled. This is a reply to one such article in The New Scientist which states in part: "...when women kill their mates it is usually in response to the man’s controlling violence"

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Woman jailed for beating daughter’s teacher

Is it just me or is there a rash of mothers beating up their kids' teachers these days? Well, at least she drew jail time rather than "counselling". Story here. What adds an odd twist to this case is that the assailant was herself a teacher! Excerpt:

DALLAS - A woman convicted of beating and kicking her daughter’s teacher in front of the girl’s seventh-grade class was sentenced to six months in jail Thursday.

Paulette Baines, 45, was convicted Wednesday of felony assault on a public servant. She also was fined $800 and ordered to pay $14,000 restitution to Mary Oliver.

Baines, a high school teacher, walked into Oliver’s science classroom, grabbed Oliver’s hair and dragged her across the room while punching her in the face and kicking her, Oliver testified.

So much for the "conventional wisdom" about women and violence, but then again, regular readers of MANN already know this. :)

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Petition to Repeal IMBRA

Anonymous User writes "The petition to end IMBRA can be found on this website. So far they have over three thousand signatures. If you click on the "View Signatures" button at the bottom of the webpage you may view the comments of the signers. There are quite a few people who are angry at this new law, and they're not all men. The good news is that according to Wikipedia, 'On Feb 4, 2006, The District Court of Northern Georgia placed a restraining order preventing the enforcement of IMBRA. A trial will be held to determine its Constitutionality'. In the meantime, please sign the petition to repeal IMBRA. No man should have to go through the lengths that IMBRA specifies in order to communicate with a foreign female. By allowing this law to go unchallenged we are agreeing that every American man who intiates a romantic interest in a foreign woman is a criminal. Is this how you want men to be known?"

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UCLA Daily Bruin Columnist Supports Choice4Men

Marc A. writes "This UCLA Daily Bruin columnist did a pretty good piece supporting choice for men. I was impressed to see this at UCLA. It would be good to email and thank her."

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Website to Support Duke Lacrosse Players

Ora Pro Eis writes "I have opened a new website entitled Support Duke Lacrosse / Pray For Colin and Reade. This site is a support and prayer site for the Duke Lacrosse team and specifically for the two boys who are falsely accused of rape. Visitors can add their prayers to our "Prayer Chain", or just log on to the Message Board and post words of support for these young men. This is an excellent way to show support for these young men in the midst of the media's rush to judgment. Please visit the site today and write your words of support and your prayers. The boys very well may read the site, and I'm sure it would mean a great deal to them."

Ed. note: In particular note the presence of a message board at this site.

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Principal did backround checks on girls' prom dates

Anonymous User writes "A Cape Cod area high school principal is under investigation for performing criminal background checks on the male prom dates for a number of female students. While the prom dates of these females students were not actually enrolled at this school this is largely irrelevent. In essence, what we have here is a government official screening male citizens for their romantic suitablity via criminal backround checks. Admittedly, some of the male guests did have minor records but this is not the point. How long until the government requires all males to submit to a criminal backround check in order to initate a romantic relationship with a female citizen? Think it can't happen? Have we forgotten IMBRA?"

Ed. note: IMBRA is also discussed in this Wikipedia entry.

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The Female Discount?

Anonymous User writes "No explanation why - but the three men in this case each get 12 years in prison while the only woman gets four.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/staffor dshire/4762481.stm"

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Domestic abuse role reversal

Marc A. writes "Good article here. Excerpt:

'"It's becoming less taboo for male victims to come forward," she said, "and there certainly is a need to provide similar services to them."

There could be a legal need as well. Herma Hill Kay, a Boalt Hall law professor who specializes in anti-discrimination law, said federal court decisions and state law suggest that excluding male victims from funding may violate the law.

"Equal protection under the law sounds like a cliché," said David Woods, who claims he was denied a restraining order against his wife and mocked by police when he reported being hit. "But wouldn't it be nice for someone who never got it."'"

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