Feminism Masquerading as Men's Studies

A Men's Studies curriculum will soon be established at Nottingham Trent University in the UK. The program will offer degrees.

The course convener, Jim Wild, states, "...we need to apply what we have learned from feminists about men's abuse within the family, and apply it to day-to-day work."

The article goes on to state, "Wild is keen to emphasise the high levels of physical, emotional and sexual violence men inflict on women, children and one another. Students will explore why some men are abusive and how the structures that maintain this behaviour can be challenged. 'I want the course to contribute to ways in which statutory and voluntary agencies can assist men to break out of these patterns of behaviour and, as a consequence, protect women and children from such abuse.'"

The article makes no mention of violence by women against anyone.

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Richard Doyle's new book -- "Save the Males"

Kyle Knutson writes "Save the Males

by Richard Doyle of Forest Lake, Minnesota

Available at http://www.lulu.com/content/279780

Prices: $6.95 Download, $16.45 Print


"Save the Males" presents a common sense approach to gender issues.
The 236 page book is divided into three parts. In the first part,
author Richard Doyle examines differential treatment in four areas -
criminal justice, family law, employment and image - finding that
men, as a class, are shortchanged nearly everywhere. Part II
concerns itself with the search for causes and culprits. Among the
culprits he finds legislators, judges, attorneys, politicians,
feminists, the media and even men themselves. Part III, "Reality,
Sensibility, Liberation," explores ideas for solutions to the
problems identified in the first two parts.

The book is intended to restore men and traditional families to their
formerly respected status by defeating the widespread discrimination
against men throughout society. Warning: this book is incorrect
politically. It has `attitude. A philosophic street-fighter, Doyle
takes on highly sensitive issues such as feminism, homosexuality and
SNAGS (sensitive new age guys)."

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Brit Divorce Law Kills Marriage For Good

Roy writes "Story here. Excerpt:

'ALL couples were advised last night to sign prenuptial agreements before getting married after a landmark ruling that gives wives much bigger divorce settlements... In the most important judgment on divorce for more than 20 years the law lords ruled that women who sacrifice careers to bring up children and look after the home should be compensated and may claim a share of their husband's future income.'"

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More Feminist Spin at the BBC News

AngryMan writes "This story describes the seizure by police of a £4.4m haul of the drug GHB in Lothian, Scotland. The story states that the drug "In small doses...can have a relaxing effect, lowering inhibitions and making the user feel talkative and elated." The story seems to imply that the purpose of the drug is for rape, that only rapists would buy it, and that rape is some kind of lucrative industry. We could equally say that GHB is a robbery drug, or that alcohol is a rape drug. This story has nothing to do with rape. Thanks once again, BBC feminists."

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Published Letter on Sexual Mutilation Victim

Boy Genteel writes "Letter found here (it's the second one on the page). Excerpt:

'Let's turn this around: If a man had ripped his wife's breasts off with his bare hands, would your writer have turned out a similar story? If a man mutilated his wife's vagina, would there be a double entendre on the cover?'"

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Reader's Digest Prints Anti-male Story

mens_issues writes "The Reader's Digest printed a demeaning and insulting anti-male
story in its "Life in These United States.""

Click "Read more..." for more.

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15-YO Girl Makes False Accusation of Rape To Avoid Cab Fare

RandomMan writes "A 15 year-old girl decided that given the climate of racism and misandry in western society, it would be easier to destroy an innocent cab driver's life than to pay the fare. Of course, the girl's clearly criminal acts of fraud and filing a false police report have not yet resulted in charges against her. Story here. From the article:

'None of the girl’s allegations — that Otunba-Payne offered to waive the fare in exchange for a sex act and then tried to rape her in the back seat of his Metro Taxi cab before she managed to escape — turned out to be true, police said. The case is still under investigation, Moscato said, and the girl could be arrested herself for making a false report.'

How nice. An innocent cab driver is arrested without the slightest bit of evidence in order to further this girl's attempted fraud, but when there is clear evidence of wrong-doing and criminal behavior on the part of said girl, no charges are filed."

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South Asian Women's Forum: Men are More Likely Than Women to Be Victims in Dating Violence

Marc A. writes: "Link here. Excerpt:

'A 32-nation study by University partners that about a third of dating partners had been violent, and most incidents of partner violence involve violence by both the man and woman, according to Murray Straus from the University of New Hampshire. The second largest category was couples where the female partner was the only one to carry about physical attacks, not the male partner.

Straus’ new research also found that dominance by the female partner is even more closely related to violence by women than is male dominance. These results call into question the widely held belief that partner violence is primarily a male crime and that when women are violent it is self defense.'"

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The Revolution is Revolting

Anonymous User writes "A NY Times article from Sunday covered the 'revolution' of women entering male dominated fields/jobs.

On making men "understand the female perspective":

"'I sent one of my managers out to buy a pair of size 12 high-heeled pumps at Payless,' recalls Mary Sipes, the vehicle line director for full-size sport utility vehicles at General Motors. Then she had male engineers, dressed in skirts, heels and press-on fingernails, use the cars they designed."

Hat tip to Broadsheet for noticing the story."

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Feminist Distortion about Pensions

AngryMan writes "This article in the London Independent tells us what a hard time women have regarding state pension entitlement. It is the usual distorted feminist whining, "Boo Hoo. It's not fair". It does mention in passing "To qualify for the full pension, women need to work for 39 years (men, 44 years)", but strangely, this doesn't seem to be a problem for the sisterhood. Combine it with the fact that men die before women, and you can see who is really being discriminated against! Men work longer, pay more taxes, and then claim less back in pension because they die sooner. Women work less, pay less tax, and then get more back in pension becuase they live longer, yet it is women who are being treated unfairly. Unbelievable."

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Cancer in Boys and Floridated Water

Dave in CA writes "Floride causing an increase of bone cancer in boys?? Check out this report. Excerpt:

'(WASHINGTON, April 5) — Boys who drink water with levels of fluoride considered safe by federal guidelines are five times more likely to have a rare bone cancer than boys who drink unfluoridated water, according to a study by Harvard University scientists published in a peer-reviewed journal.

The study, led by Dr. Elise Bassin and published online today in Cancer Causes and Control, the official journal of the Harvard Center for Cancer Prevention, found a strong link between fluoridated drinking water and osteocarcoma, a rare and often fatal bone cancer, in boys. The study confirms studies by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the New Jersey health department that also found increased rates of bone cancer in boys who drank fluoridated tap water.'"

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First-Year-as-Coed-College Report Sounds Vaguely Familiar...

This is very much like the sort of thing written about whites-only colleges accepting black students back in the '50s and '60s. Here's an exercise: Replace all references to men/male/etc. with the corresponding reference to black ethnicity (black/African-American/etc.), and replace all women/female/etc. references with the corresponding reference to white ethnicity (white/Caucasian/etc.), and marvel at the result.

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RADAR Alert: Contra Costa Times' Claim is Wildly Different Than CDC

On May 17th, the Contra Costa Times published their
editorial entitled “Teen Dating Violence”,
in which they repeat the long-debunked claim that 95% of domestic
violence victims in male-female relationships are female.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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The Power of False Accusations

AngryMan writes "If you ever doubt that false accusations can do serious damage, then read this story. Race-riots took place last year in the UK's second largest city, Birmingham, following rumours that a local West Indian girl had been raped by a gang of Asian men. There is no eidence the rape ever happened, but the ensuing public disorder left one man dead, and at least 30 people taken to hospital."

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The United Equal Parenting Conference – The Way Forward

Raymond Cuttill writes "The United Equal Parenting Conference – The Way Forward (http://www.unitedconference.com/) is proud to announce a conference that includes Neil Lyndon, vilified in the 1990s for his book “No More Sex War: The Failures of Feminism”, Barry Worrall, author of “Without Authority” that details his story at the hands of the family courts and The Equal Parenting Alliance, a new UK political party. London, Saturday June 17th, 2006, the day before Father's Day."

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