Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2006-08-07 02:12
If you have followed the first five Alerts, you have already requested a meeting with your Congressman. (If you haven't done this yet, it's not too late to request your meeting - but time is running out!!)
As soon as you hold your meeting, please report the results of your meeting to RADAR. Please answer these 5 questions:
- Name of Congressman (or Senator) and state
- Date of your meeting
- Did the staffer or Congressman appear to be supportive of your request to call for civil rights hearings on VAWA abuse?
- Were there any particular sub-issues (false accusation, male victims, mandatory arrest, etc.) that particularly attracted the staffer's interest?
- Other comments
Please send your information to RADAR at We will compile this information and provide feedback shortly after the November 7 election.
Date of RADAR Release: August 7, 2006
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Submitted by bull on Sun, 2006-08-06 16:15
“A young woman assaulted an Anchorage police officer Saturday morning in Mountain View after the officer approached her for a routine questioning on the street, police said.”
Notice her bail is only $10,000 even though she had an outstanding warrant for violating her probation from a previous assault charge. If a guy, with a history of assault, attacked a police officer what would his bond be set at?
Artcle Here
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2006-08-06 03:28
I just learned about this fellow. Not making any judgments one way or another re political parties, it is simply very significant that someone has as a major part of his would-be platform such things as mandates for a presumption of joint custody and accountability for how C/S payments are spent. This would not have even appeared on a potential gubenatorial candidate's web site five years ago; now we see it on a possible contender for a major party nomination for president placing it on his campaign's home page. It's progress!
- introducing an EQUAL PHYSICAL CUSTODY ACT that would mandate states to enact a rebuttal presumption of joint physical custody in divorce;
- introducing the CHILD SUPPORT FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ACT, which would mandate child support recipients to file reports supported by documentation that child support payments were used for the child’s direct benefit.
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Submitted by Paragon on Sat, 2006-08-05 16:25
This story shows a true bias and a definite problem in the Canadian legal system. Giving a 4th trial to this monsterous killer allows the victim's family to endure nearly a decade thus far, and probably more, than a decade of torture when it's all said and done.
Kelly Ellard will get a 4th trial in the beating death of Reena Virk. It took two trials to get her found guilty and now she's getting a 4th trial almost a decade after the fact.
To give come perspective, her at-the-time boyfriend was an accomplice (though Ellard was the planner, instigator, and primary attacker in the beating) and he only got one trial, was found guilty, and has already finished his sentance. After this long, why on Earth should she get another trial?
Suman Virk, Reena's mother, called the situation "ridiculous."
"I don't know where this judge gets off thinking that Kelly Ellard is entitled to this," she said. "There's been three trials. She's been found guilty.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2006-08-05 16:17
I will render the entire story, brief as it is and noticably scant in details, since the registration and login is tedious.
Published : Friday-August 04, 2006
Woman attacked teen, police say
NASHUA, N.H. (AP) - A woman has been charged with sexually assaulting a teenage boy and filing a false police report saying she had been raped.
Police say Robin Mowery of Nashua, 35, was arrested Wednesday night on seven sexual assault charges.
Investigators say she had sexual contact with the boy in April and May and, when confronted about it, reported he had raped her at knifepoint.
Police began investigating after they came into contact with the boy through an unrelated investigation.
They said Mowery later retracted the rape report.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2006-08-05 15:50
Saw this story today and it made me feel good. Glad to see someone living his convictions even if it means foresaking running water! Of course, now that his story is published, will he get a moment's peace? His observations about finding a mate will likely get some laughs from the audeience as well.
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Submitted by Demonspawn on Fri, 2006-08-04 14:50
In this story we can see the plight of a man not allowed to seek any parental rights of his son that he had begun to raise. Why? The mother no longer wants him around, and since the child was conceived before her divorce from a previous marriage, her former husband is the one who has to take responsibility.
Shocking excerpt from a member of the Supreme Court of Michigan: "As a practical matter, defendant's former husband will almost certainly never provide financial support for defendant's son."
That's right, folks! This man is attempting to sue for rights to SEE his son, and the courts are complaining about who is going to pay for the child. Can the courts make it more obvious that they see men as nothing more than walking wallets?
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Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 2006-08-04 03:15
This story in NineMSN today has a lot to be encouraged about, The Police are clearly throwing the book at her. The story uses the term "sexual assault" not "seduced" or "slept with". At last decent journalism from NineMSN!
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Submitted by Paul Catton on Thu, 2006-08-03 09:44
The NZ Fathers Coalition were out again on Sunday 30th July 2006 protesting against the carnage created by the Family Court process outside the homes of the the most notorious Lawyers who assist this devastation with alacrity.
We were then subject to assault.
A referral to Anger Management?
Kind Regards
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Submitted by bull on Thu, 2006-08-03 04:12
If you are falsely accused of domestic violence, and don’t have the financial resources to fight back, you are screwed! This is probably not news to those MRAs that have been there.
Or as Carey Roberts puts it, ““But few men have the financial where-with-all of a former NFL player, sitting judge, or media personality. So when they are accused of domestic violence, men often find themselves dragged into a legal machinery that eventually leaves them penniless, disillusioned, and broken.”
Carey's Article Here
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2006-08-03 02:05
Suppose she'll see any jail time for this little caper? Probably not. Excerpt:
"SEATTLE -- A King County Jail guard accused of having sex with two juvenile inmates pleaded not guilty to four charges of custodial sexual misconduct at her arraignment Tuesday, KIRO 7 Eyewitness News reported.
Lydia Korolak, 34, is accused of having inappropriate sexual relations with two boys half her age that were under her guard at the King County Juvenile Detention Center in 2001 and 2002."
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2006-08-03 02:00
Some of you will remember hearing about this story some months back. Goes to show you that anyone at any age regardless of their sex can murder with impunity-- and almost get away with it. Speaking of which, I wonder what she'll say was her motivation for doing this to her husband? Three guesses.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 2006-08-02 16:39
As of today (Aug 2, 2006), exactly 2650 of 3143 (84.3%) potential Yahoo groups for each and every USA county are online and running, including total saturation in 43 States, one more State completed by tomorrow morning, one other State within a few days, and working on people now to setup the remaining five States. Graphic here.
All 3000+ county classactions are tentatively scheduled for nationwide simultaneous court filings during "Constitution Week" (Sept 17-23), assuming a couple of remaining manpower factors are leveraged into proper place by that time.
Plaintiffs are THREE "Classes": (1) noncustodials; (2) young adult children of custody; (3) any taxpayer -- YES, each and every one of the 230+ million American taxpayers are eligible Plaintiffs in these lawsuits against family court injustices. Details on eligibility, and which county is appropriate, for each plaintiff, are available here.
Defendants in each suit are the county itself, and that county's family court judges/masters/commissioners.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 2006-08-02 14:51
A mother accused of cutting off part of her son's tongue with hot scissors avoided a 5-year prison sentence and was sentenced to 10 years' probation.
Davis heated a pair of scissors on a stove in August 2004 and held it to her 6-year-old son's neck before cutting off a piece of his tongue as punishment for talking back, authorities said. Her estranged husband, Toby Davis reported the injuries to police and she was arrested.
The most telling: In the meantime, Richardson said Samantha Davis was relieved by the sentence. "She was hoping for straight probation but at least it isn't the five years in prison the state wanted," he said.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 2006-08-02 11:16
I don't think any introduction is needed for this story, other than soon the streets of the UK will be plagued with psycho women! I am even more strongly thinking about moving to South America. The UK is really becoming a joke.
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